Friend or Foe? Contemporary debates on Islam and Muslim immigrants among Swedish identitarians
Studies debates om Islam and Muslim immigrants among Swedish right-wing radicals: identitarians
Studies debates om Islam and Muslim immigrants among Swedish right-wing radicals: identitarians
A chapter on societal, individual and socioeconomic consequences of long term unemployment and unfinished education among marginalised youth.
This paper presents two systems of temporal logic, \Lambda_{CPT} and \Lambda_{CPT@}, with ceteris paribus modalities. The principal aim is to show how this approach can be useful to give an ockhamist solution to the future contingents problem along the same lines of A. Prior. The interest of this work lies also in the fact that \Lambda_{CPT@} represents an alternative modal account of supervaluati
The combustion and melt dripping of poly(ethylene-co-butyl acrylate) (EBA), EBA blended with polypropylene (EBAePP) and poly (ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) (EMAA), each blended with calcium carbonate and polydimethylsiloxane, were studied. In situ measurement of the temperature gradient in the cone calorimeter were combined with infrared spectroscopy measurements on specimens withdrawn and quenche
Popular Abstract in Swedish Många nya läkemedel har en mycket låg löslighet i vatten vilket medför att det behövs stora mängder vatten (ibland 10 tals liter) för att lösa upp en tillräcklig mängd av läkemedlet. Detta gör det till exempel omöjligt att ge medicinen som en injektion direkt i blodet. En möjlig lösning på detta problem är att lösa upp läkemedlet i en s. k. mikroemulsion istället. En miMicroemulsions are thermodynamically stable, transparent solutions of water, oil and amphiphile(s). It is possible to incorporate large amounts of oil in microemulsions, which makes them interesting for use as a drug delivery vehicle for water insoluble drugs. A prerequisite for pharmaceutical use, however, is a low toxicity of the composition. The aim of this thesis has thus been to characterize
Jewish theology and philosophy. Maimonides.
The Swedish Mongol Mission (SMM) was an ecumenical union active mostly among Mongols in Outer and Inner Mongolia between 1897 and 1945. SMM were to establish five stations at the borders of the Gobi Desert from 1908 to 1944. The stations were Hallong Osso, Goltjaggan, Dojen, Hatt in Sum, situated in Inner Mongolia and Urga (in present Ulan Bator) situated in Outer Mongolia. In 1950 the activities
This LUii report presents empirical results from studies on consumption and over-indebtedness in Swedish young adults in a digital context. The studies have been conducted through in-depth interviews with municipal financial counsellors as well as a quantitative survey with approximately 1,100 respondents in a sample representative of Swedes from 18 to 25 years old. The report includes an extensiv
Recently substantial research has been devoted to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). One of a UAV's most demanding subsystem is vision. The vision subsystem must dynamically combine different algorithms as the UAVs goal and surrounding change. To fully utilize the available hardware, a run time system must be able to vary the quality and the size of regions the algorithms are applied to, as the numb
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During a machining operation the workpiece material at some point has to split up into two separate material flows forming the chip and machined surface respectively. In the boundary zone between these two different flows of material it is possible to distinguish a stagnation point. This stagnation point is closely related to the minimum chip thickness h1min. The size of h1min is of great interest
Popular Abstract in Swedish När främmande fettlösliga ämnen som miljögifter (ex. PCB och dioxin) hamnar inuti kroppen bearbetas de ofta av det så kallade biotransformations-systemet. När inte levern och njurarna direkt kan utsöndra de främmande molekylerna får enzymer ändra de oönskade ämnenas kemiska sammansättning. Detta görs genom att ändra molekylernas kemiska egenskaper så att de blir vattenlIn vertebrates, studies of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) have been of particular interest due to its direct involvement in the toxic effects exerted by several environmental pollutants, such as PCB and dioxin. After binding to the toxic molecule, this receptor initiates transcription of several genes that are part of the biotransformation battery but most notably the cytochrome P450 (CYP) ge
I denna antologi diskuteras med fokus på nordiska förhållanden sambandet mellan kristen religion och konstruktionen av manlighet under perioden 1840 till 1940. En central fråga är hur kristna ideal som exempelvis ödmjukhet, mildhet och självförsakelse, vilka i den borgerliga genusdiskursen kommit att knytas till kvinnokönet, inverkade på konstruktionen av kristen manlighet och vilka uttryck detta