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Ekonomi och samhälle: Europa och Atlantekonomins framväxt ca 1000-1890

The course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various wThe course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various w

Att lära sig läsa och skriva på ett andraspråk - teori och praktik i samverkan

This course discusses different theoretical models of communicative competence and their application in foreign language acquisition with a focus on reading and writing. The learning and teaching of these two skills are approached from the vantage point of the interrelationship between first and second language acquisition, and the course covers the cognitive and the social dimensions of reading aThis course discusses different theoretical models of communicative competence and their application in foreign language acquisition with a focus on reading and writing. The learning and teaching of these two skills are approached from the vantage point of the interrelationship between first and second language acquisition, and the course covers the cognitive and the social dimensions of reading a

Engelsk litteraturvetenskap

Denna kurs (ENGG30) läses inom kandidatprogrammet i engelska (termin 6). Den utlyses normalt inte som fristående kurs så den kan inte sökas av personer som inte är antagna till kandidatprogrammet.This course (ENGG30) is part of the BA Programme in English Studies (term 6). It is normally not offered as a free-standing course.

Engelska: Lexikal semantik

Beskrivning Detta är en kurs på avancerad nivå som är obligatorisk för den som läser Masterprogrammet i språk och språkvetenskap med inriktningen engelska. Kursen är valbar för studenter på Masterprogrammet i språk och språkvetenskap med annan inriktning. Kursen kan också läsas som fristående kurs på avancerad nivå av den som är färdig med kandidatkursen i engelska (ENGK01 eller motsvarande). KDescription This course is obligatory for students in the master's programme in languages and linguistics specialising in English. It can also be an elective course for other students within the same programme. Students who have finished the BA course in English (ENGK01) can also take this course as a fee-standing course. The course can be an elective course within ENGX64 (English: Linguistic s

Business Administration: Global Strategic Marketing

This course provides an in-depth study of the nature and determinants of the behavior of organizations in relation to their marketing activities in a global environment. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural, social, legal, political and strategic dimensions of the global marketplace. Using the "strategy tripod" -- analyzing strategy from the industThis course provides an in-depth study of the nature and determinants of the behavior of organisations in relation to their marketing activities in a global environment. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural, social, legal, political and strategic dimensions of the global marketplace. Using the 'strategy tripod' – analysing strategy from the industr

Business Administration: Project Management - A Business Perspective

The objective of the course is to give students a deeper knowledge and skills of the area of project management. The course is introduced with a general description of the characteristics of project management. Next, the course focuses on management of the project life cycle. Following a general introduction on project management the following topics are covered: Project dimensions, The life cycleThe objective of the course is to give students a deeper knowledge and skills of the area of project management. The course is introduced with a general description of the characteristics of project management. Next, the course focuses on management of the project life cycle. Following a general introduction on project management the following topics are covered: Project dimensions, The life cycle

Företagsekonomi: Ledarskap och change management

This course aims to train, develop and mentally prepare the students to take active participation as leaders as well as co-workers in various organizations. This will entail the idea that organizations can be managed and studied through different perspectives which offer possibilities for reflection and different understandings of organizational phenomena. Above all, the course seeks to develop aThis course aims to train, develop and mentally prepare the students to take active participation as leaders as well as co-workers in various organizations. This will entail the idea that organizations can be managed and studied through different perspectives which offer possibilities for reflection and different understandings of organizational phenomena.   Above all, the course seeks to de

Business Administration: Global Business Responsibility

The overall goal with the course is to introduce students to concepts and theories regarding the role of business organisations in a global society as well as how this can be handled in relation to other actors in this context. The intention is to engage students with various ethical perspectives and the organisational challenges involved when interplaying with other actors. During the first part The overall goal with the course is to introduce students to concepts and theories regarding the role of business organisations in a global society as well as how this can be handled in relation to other actors in this context. The intention is to engage students with various ethical perspectives and the organisational challenges involved when interplaying with other actors. During the first part

Business Administration: Management Control

The course gives a broad overview of management control systems and their interrelationships with the organisational context in which they function. The objective of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about the ongoing management control of different organisations, problems in the management control systems, and development and implementation of new management control techniques.The course gives a broad overview of management control systems and their interrelationships with the organisational context in which they function. The objective of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about the ongoing management control of different organisations, problems in the management control systems, and development and implementation of new management control techniques.

Business Administration: Innovation Management

Today’s businesses need to continuously develop their ways of organizing and leading, as well as understand how to manage innovation to secure the development and growth of the companies.   The aim of this course is to develop the students’ theoretical knowledge base and practical ability in innovation management. The course objective is also to increase the knowledge of how considering theToday’s businesses need to continuously develop their ways of organizing and leading, as well as understand how to manage innovation to secure the development and growth of the companies.   The aim of this course is to develop the students’ theoretical knowledge base and practical ability in innovation management. The course objective is also to increase the knowledge of how considering the

Skandinavisk och europeisk film: Migration och etnicitet

Folkförflyttningar, migration och flykt har tidvis varit mycket märkbart i Europa, och hur dessa historiska villkor skildrats i film och TV är den ena tyngdpunkten i denna kurs. Den andra tyngdpunkten är hur migrationen påverkat själva filmproduktionen, hur filmarbetare flytt från sina hemländer och hur filmproduktioner rört sig transnationellt. Begrepp som exilfilm och diasporafilm får här stort Migration is and has been, a significant influence on European cultures and societies. This course acknowledges this from two main perspectives. On the one hand, how conditions of migration have been represented in film and television – in different national and historical contexts. On the other hand, how migration has affected film production itself, not least regarding how film workers have move

Skandinavisk och europeisk filmkultur

Denna kurs erbjuder varierade inblickar i en filmkultur som är så betydelsefull för många av oss idag, från historiska skildringar och litterära adaptioner till samtida frågor och kulturella sammanhang. Vi strävar efter att ge dig en omfattande förståelse för filmens och televisionens roll i att skapa och återspegla kulturella identiteter, bland annat genom att utforska institutioner som stödjer The course offers varied insights into a film culture that is so significant to many of us today, from historical depictions and literary adaptations to contemporary issues and cultural contexts. We aim to give you a comprehensive understanding of the role of film and television in creating and reflecting cultural identities, including by exploring institutions that support film production wi

Freds- och konfliktvetenskap: Diplomati, förhandling och medling

The course is only offered as a single subject course to incoming exchange students. The course will introduce and elaborate on diplomatic practice, such as negotiation and mediation. Central issues to be discussed and compared are varieties of diplomacy, newness and decline of diplomacy, cultural differences in international negotiation as well as third parties in international negotiations. PThe course is only offered as a single subject course to incoming exchange students. The course will introduce and elaborate on diplomatic practice, such as negotiation and mediation. Central issues to be discussed and compared are varieties of diplomacy, newness and decline of diplomacy, cultural differences in international negotiation as well as third parties in international negotiations. P

Economic History: Field Work/Internship and Research Overview

The course aims at giving the students the experience of working in a development context. It also serves as a means of gathering material for the forthcoming bachelor’s thesis. The course is divided into three 15-credit tracks, and the student has to choose one of these. Two tracks give the opportunity to do a field study or an internship within a development organisation, while the third track, The course aims at giving the students the experience of working in a development context. It also serves as a means of gathering material for the forthcoming bachelor’s thesis. The course is divided into three 15-credit tracks, and the student has to choose one of these. Two tracks give the opportunity to do a field study or an internship within a development organisation, while the third track,

Ekonomisk historia: Befolkning och levnadsstandard

The first part of the course is an overview of the population debate over the past 50 years and its intellectual roots. This part includes theories explaining both the influence of population growth on economic, social, and environmental development and vice-versa. Examples are given, showing how the theories have been used to explain the historical development of population and living standards sThe first part of the course is an overview of the population debate over the past 50 years and its intellectual roots. This part includes theories explaining both the influence of population growth on economic, social, and environmental development and vice-versa. Examples are given, showing how the theories have been used to explain the historical development of population and living standards s

Engelska: Fortsättningskurs

Du som har läst motsvarande grundkurs i engelska vid ett annat lärosäte måste också vara helt klar med den för att vara behörig till ENGA22. Om du saknar några poäng eller väntar på resultat från någon delkurs, uppmanar vi dig att ansöka om dispens. Instruktioner kring detta finns på vår hemsida Precis som grundkursen i engelska (ENGA04) bestårIf you have studied English at a university elsewhere, you need to have finished that course to be eligible. If you haven't yet finished it, you may apply for a waiver. Please see the instructions here: This course is a very interesting mix of English proficiency, literature and linguistics. Just like English: Level 1, this course consists of a

Ekonomisk historia: Humankapital i ett historiskt perspektiv

Fokus ligger på humankapitalbildning, brett definierad, och utbildningens roll i ekonomin och politiken med historiska, jämförande och aktuella perspektiv. Ämnen inkluderar teorin om humankapital, utbildningens roll för ekonomisk tillväxt och inkomstfördelning samt för individuella karriärer och familjebildning, och jämlikhet ur olika aspekter. Kursen relaterar till ämnen på både makro- och mikronThe focus is on human capital formation, broadly defined, and the role of education in the economy and policy using historical, comparative, and current perspectives. Topics include the theory of human capital, the role of education in economic growth and income distribution as well as for individual careers and family formation, and equality along different lines. The course relates to both macro