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Business Administration: Management Control

The course gives a broad overview of management control systems and their interrelationships with the organisational context in which they function. The objective of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about the ongoing management control of different organisations, problems in the management control systems, and development and implementation of new management control techniques.The course gives a broad overview of management control systems and their interrelationships with the organisational context in which they function. The objective of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about the ongoing management control of different organisations, problems in the management control systems, and development and implementation of new management control techniques.

Business Administration: Entrepreneurship

To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative.   In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful tTo be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative.   In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful t

Business Administration: Innovation Management

Today’s businesses need to continuously develop their ways of organizing and leading, as well as understand how to manage innovation to secure the development and growth of the companies.   The aim of this course is to develop the students’ theoretical knowledge base and practical ability in innovation management. The course objective is also to increase the knowledge of how considering theToday’s businesses need to continuously develop their ways of organizing and leading, as well as understand how to manage innovation to secure the development and growth of the companies.   The aim of this course is to develop the students’ theoretical knowledge base and practical ability in innovation management. The course objective is also to increase the knowledge of how considering the

Skandinavisk och europeisk film: Migration och etnicitet

Folkförflyttningar, migration och flykt har tidvis varit mycket märkbart i Europa, och hur dessa historiska villkor skildrats i film och TV är den ena tyngdpunkten i denna kurs. Den andra tyngdpunkten är hur migrationen påverkat själva filmproduktionen, hur filmarbetare flytt från sina hemländer och hur filmproduktioner rört sig transnationellt. Begrepp som exilfilm och diasporafilm får här stort Migration is and has been, a significant influence on European cultures and societies. This course acknowledges this from two main perspectives. On the one hand, how conditions of migration have been represented in film and television – in different national and historical contexts. On the other hand, how migration has affected film production itself, not least regarding how film workers have move

Business Administration: Re-imagining Money for a Sustainable Future

Föreställ dig att du har möjligheten att återuppfinna vårt ekonomiska system: Var skulle du börja? Hur skulle du bygga det utifrån de nya ekonomiska teknologierna? Hur skulle du arbeta för att göra det mer främjande för rättvisa och jämlika samhällen? Den globala finanskrisen 2008 markerade början på en intensiv diskussion om konsekvenserna av vårt ekonomiska system och organiseringen av våra samhImagine you have the possibility to re-imagine our monetary system: Where would you start? How would you build it on the new monetary technologies? How would you work to make it more conducive to just and equal societies? The global financial crisis of 2008 marked the beginning of an intense discussion on the consequences of our monetary system on the organization of our societies. The concentrati

Företagsekonomi:Varumärken och varumärkesarbete i en dynamisk värld

Brands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writteBrands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writte

Företagsekonomi: Management och organisationsutveckling

This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organization studies are emphasized on the course, which aims to equip students with skills for applyingThis course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organization studies are emphasized on the course, which aims to equip students with skills for applying

Skandinavisk och europeisk film: Festivaler, kritik, samhälle

Kursen behandlar de kulturella sammanhang där de europeiska filmerna framträder.  Filmfestivalerna, som blivit fler och viktigare än någonsin, presenteras, liksom filmkritiken och det övriga offentliga samtalet om rörliga bilder. Kursen innehåller också moment som tar upp filmens relation till samhället. De politiska och ekonomiska villkor som präglat filmhistorien diskuteras. Kursens utformFilm Culture: Festivals, Criticism, Society. European films are screened, promoted and discussed within a broad variety of cultural contexts. In this course, the focus lies on contemporary film culture, particularly foregrounding two topical areas. On the one hand, the growing importance of film festivals. On the other hand, the evolving forms and arenas for criticism and public conversations abo

Skandinavisk och europeisk filmkultur

Denna kurs erbjuder varierade inblickar i en filmkultur som är så betydelsefull för många av oss idag, från historiska skildringar och litterära adaptioner till samtida frågor och kulturella sammanhang. Vi strävar efter att ge dig en omfattande förståelse för filmens och televisionens roll i att skapa och återspegla kulturella identiteter, bland annat genom att utforska institutioner som stödjer The course offers varied insights into a film culture that is so significant to many of us today, from historical depictions and literary adaptations to contemporary issues and cultural contexts. We aim to give you a comprehensive understanding of the role of film and television in creating and reflecting cultural identities, including by exploring institutions that support film production wi

Peace and Conflict Studies: War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third paThe course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third pa

Freds- och konfliktvetenskap: Diplomati, förhandling och medling

The course is only offered as a single subject course to incoming exchange students. The course will introduce and elaborate on diplomatic practice, such as negotiation and mediation. Central issues to be discussed and compared are varieties of diplomacy, newness and decline of diplomacy, cultural differences in international negotiation as well as third parties in international negotiations. PThe course is only offered as a single subject course to incoming exchange students. The course will introduce and elaborate on diplomatic practice, such as negotiation and mediation. Central issues to be discussed and compared are varieties of diplomacy, newness and decline of diplomacy, cultural differences in international negotiation as well as third parties in international negotiations. P

Fysik: Introduktion till universitetsfysik, med optik, våglära och kvantfysik

Kursen syftar till att ge grundläggande kunskaper i optik, våglära och kvantfysik samt deras tillämpningar i forskning och samhälle. Kursen ingår i basblocket för fysik.This course belongs to the first block of physics courses for students of the programme Bachelor of Science in Physics. The course is compulsory for your first-cycle studies in physics, no matter what physics specialisation you have applied for. It is not offered as a free-standing course. The course is given in full in English during spring semesters, and in Swedish during autumn semesters. 

Fysik: Introduktion till universitetsfysik, med termodynamik, klimat och experimentell metodik

Kursen syftar till att ge grundläggande kunskaper i termodynamik och jordens klimat samt övning i att utföra, tolka och beskriva resultaten av fysikaliska experiment (experimentell metodik).This course belongs to the first block of physics courses for students of the programme Bachelor of Science in Physics. The course is compulsory for your first-cycle studies in physics, no matter what physics specialisation you have applied for. It is not offered as a free-standing course. The course is given in full in English during spring semesters, and in Swedish during autumn semesters. 

Fysik: Introduktion till universitetsfysik, med ellära

Kursens övergripande mål är att ge studenterna en introduktion till universitetsfysiken som en grund för fortsatta studier i fysik. Speciellt ska studenterna tillägna sig kunskaper om grundläggande ellära som ett fundament för övrig fysik.The overall aim of the course is to give students an introduction to university physics as a basis for further studies in physics. In particular, students should acquire knowledge of basic electricity theory as a foundation for other physics.

Fysik: Grundläggande förbränning

Varför bör man studera förbränning? Ett skäl är att det en viktig energikälla i världen då mer än 85 % av all energianvändning har sitt ursprung I förbränning och att energibehovet ökar med 3 % per år. Ett annat skäl är att kunskaper i förbränning är viktiga för framtidens ingenjörer för att kunna effektivisera förbränningsprocesser och utveckla dem så att de ger lägre utsläpp av skadliga föroreniWhy is it useful to study combustion? One motivation is that this source contributes with more than 85% of all the energy supply in the world, and the energy usage increase globally by 3% per year. Another motivation is that knowledge in combustion is important for the modern engineer or scientist to be able to make combustion processes more efficient and to develop them to produce less pollutants

Fonetik: Talperception

I kursen behandlas vad som händer på vägen mellan öra och förståelse när vi lyssnar på tal. Detta innebär en orientering i fysiologiska och neurala processer samt aktuella teoretiska perspektiv. Kursen sträcker sig över ett kunskapsområde som går från identifikation av språkljud till lexikal åtkomst och pragmatisk tolkning av talsignalen. Utöver teoretisk fördjupning kommer det att finnas laboratThe course deals with what takes place between ear and comprehension when we listen to speech. This entails study of physiological and neural processes, and of current theoretical perspectives. The course covers a field stretching from identification of speech sounds to lexical access and pragmatic interpretation of the speech signal. In addition to theoretical specialisation, the course includes

Fysik: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen

Kursens övergripande mål är att studenten självständigt ska genomföra ett vetenskapligt projekt inom ett väldefinierat delområde av fysiken. Den studerande väljer i samråd med handledare och kursansvarig en självständig examensuppgift som omfattar 15 hp. Uppgiften kan vara experimentell eller teoretisk. Uppgiften kan antingen anknyta till aktuella vetenskapliga projekt vid institutionen The overall purpose of the course is that the student independently should conduct a scientific project within a well-definied sub-field of physics. In consultation with the supervisor and examiner the student chooses an independent degree project corresponding to 15 credits. The project can be experimental or theoretical. The project can either be linked to current scientific projects a

Fysik: Praktik

Kursens övergripande mål är att studenten efter avslutad kurs ska ha förvärvat kunskaper och färdigheter som behövs för yrkesverksamhet inom fysikområdet.

Fysik: Modern röntgenfysik - diffraktion och avbildning

Kursen ger en gedigen introduktion till röntgenstrålnings växelverkan med materia och dess tillämpningar, med tonvikt på diffraktion och avbildning.  The course provides a substantial introduction to the interaction of X-rays with matter and its applications, with an emphasis on diffraction and imaging. The course gives a solid understanding of the methods used at synchrotron radiation facilities such as MAX IV. 

Fysik: Magnetiska material

Kursen ger en introduktion till magnetism, magnetiska material, och ett urval av aktuella forskningsområden och tillämpningar. Kursen beskriver även magnetiska mättekniker som är baserade på magnetometri, röntgenstrålning, neutroner samt svepmikroskopi.The course provides an introduction to magnetism, magnetic measurement techniques and selected applications and research topics.