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Se döden i vitögat - traumapatienters erfarenheter av sjuksköterskors omvårdnad En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Varje år skördar fysiskt trauma 4,4 – 5 miljoner dödsfall och i Sverige vårdas närmare 9 000 patienter årligen för fysiskt trauma. Konsekvenser av ett trauma kan vara fysiska och även psykiska beroende på allvarlighetsgraden av händelsen. Under vårdtiden är det vanligt att oro och osäkerhet uppstår hos patienten som kan befinna sig i ett utsatt tillstånd, därmed är det kritiskt att sjuks

A new missense variant in exon 7 of the ABO gene, c.662G>A, in a family with B w phenotype.

1 BACKGROUNDWeak expression of ABO antigens is encountered in the clinical laboratory occasionally, and subgroups of A are more commonly observed in Europeans than subgroups of B. To date, weakly expressing B variant phenotypes have been associated with 38 different alleles according to ISBT ( This number is an underrepresentation since there ha

De katolska traditionalisterna : En ifrågasatt minoritet i den katolska kyrkan

The purpose of my article is to highlight the development and activities of the Catholic traditionalist minority groups and discuss their importance in today’s Catholic Church. The traditionalist movement started as a reaction to the reforms implemented as a result of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which for many conservative minded Catholics appeared as a departure from Catholic faith anThe purpose of my article is to highlight the development and activities of the Catholic traditionalist minority groups and discuss their importance in today’s Catholic Church. The traditionalist movement started as a reaction to the reforms implemented as a result of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which for many conservative-minded Catholics appeared as a departure from Catholic faith an

Input-Output Pseudospectral Bounds for Transient Analysis of Networked and High-Order Systems

Motivated by a need to characterize transient behaviors in large network systems in terms of relevant signal norms and worst-case input scenarios, we propose a novel approach based on existing theory for matrix pseudospectra. We extend pseudospectral theorems, pertaining to matrix exponentials, to an input-output setting, where matrix exponentials are pre- and post-multiplied by input and output m

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As part of aiming towards a non-smoking hospital environment, staff at a Copenhagen university hospital were offered participation in a differentiated smoking cessation programme. This consisted of lectures, group therapy, follow-up visits and individually tailored nicotine replacement therapy free-of-charge for six weeks. Three hundred and seventy-four employees started the programme, with 353 co

The zinc level in alcoholics receiving disulfiram treatment

On the basis of the theory that malnutrition leads to zinc deficiency, 36 severe alcohol addicts were investigated in a large clinic for alcoholism in Copenhagen. The serum zinc levels were registered on commencement/recommencement of treatment with disulphiram and one month later. A total of 16 patients completed the entire investigation. All of the participants in the trial were without clinical

Avian Behavioral and Physiological Responses to Challenging Thermal Environments and Extreme Weather Events

Birds occupy habitats ranging from Antarctic ice shelves and Arctic tundra to low-latitude deserts and lowland rainforests, and so are exposed to the full range of climates present on Earth. Cold, hot, or variable (on a variety of temporal scales) thermal conditions can present significant thermoregulatory challenges to birds, which typically must maintain body temperatures within narrow physiolog

The children of intermarriage during the Age of Mass Migration

This study performs a descriptive analysis of the potential effects of intermarriage on children of the immigrants arrived to the US in the Age of Mass Migration. To do this, we use a novel dataset, the Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel Project from IPUMS, that uses US full-count Census data to link people across censuses. This allows us to estimate the effect of intermarriage on children in a

Förmåga att se och tolka tidiga tecken på autism hos barn i åldern 0-5 år: barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av kunskap kring autismspektrumtillstånd

Bakgrund: Autism är ett tillstånd som yttrar sig genom bland annat svårigheter med det sociala samspelet, kommunikation och att tolka sin omgivning och tecken på autism är ofta tydliga redan under de första levnadsåren. Tidig diagnos och tidiga interventioner kan ge bättre förutsättningar för barnet att möta de svårigheter som diagnosen innebär. I Sverige utgör barnhälsovården första instans som r

Advancing international comparison of pharmaceutical industry funding of patient advocacy: Focus on Denmark

Pharmaceutical industry funding of patient organizations raises ethical challenges related to patient engagement in healthcare due to fears of commercial agendas influencing patient advocacy and creating industry-driven inequalities across patient organizations. We contribute to an international body of knowledge on patient organization–industry relations by analyzing all payments reported by comp


The relative effect of combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharge into receiving waters has increased during the last decades due to improved efficiency at treatment plants. In association with the rapid urbanization in the sixties and early seventies, new areas were connected to old sewer networks with limited capacity, leading to an increase in overflow volumes and, thus to an increase in pollution

In the borderland between song and speech : Vocal expressions in oral cultures

This book focuses on vocal expressions in the borderland between song and speech. It spans across several linguistic and musical milieus in societies where oral transmission of culture dominates. ‘Vocal expression’ is an alternative word for ‘song’ which is free from bias based on cultural and research-related traditions. The borderland between song and speech is a segment of the larger continuum

Tensor-valued diffusion magnetic resonance imaging in a radiotherapy setting

Background and purposeDiagnostic information about cell density variations and microscopic tissue anisotropy can be gained from tensor-valued diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These properties of tissue microstructure have the potential to become novel imaging biomarkers for radiotherapy response. However, tensor-valued diffusion encoding is more demanding than conventional encoding, and

Äcklig mat och (o)tacksamma repatriander : Mat, hygien, och normalitet i svenska flyktingläger 1945

Artikeln undersöker, med blicken fäst på mat och äckel, mötet mellan de överlevande som kom till Sverige från nazistiska koncentrationsläger 1945 och de lägerinstitutioner som tog emot dem. Syftet är att genom utsagor om mat undersöka lägerlivets vardagliga förhandlingar och maktrelationer. De sätt varpå ätande knutits till äckel åskådliggör den villkorade relationen mellan ”värd” och ”gäst” och fWith a focus on food and disgust, this article examines the meeting between survivors who came to Sweden from Nazi concentration camps in 1945 so called “repatriates”, and the camp institutions that received them. The purpose is to examine the everyday negotiations and power relations of camp life through statements about food. The ways in which eating is linked to disgust illustrate the unequal a

The Origins of the Swedish Wage Bargaining Model

This paper revisits the development of the canonical Swedish wage bargaining model, from the 1930s to the 1950s. The question at the core of the debate is: how did Sweden achieve “good” wage bargaining institutions -- good, in the sense of facilitating investment, employment, and controlled inflation? The conventional account focuses on the actions of employers and trade unions in export industry,This paper revisits the development of the canonical Swedish wage bargaining model, from the 1930s to the 1950s. The question at the core of the debate is: how did Sweden achieve “good” wage bargaining institutions -- good, in the sense of facilitating investment, employment, and controlled inflation? The conventional account focuses on the actions of employers and trade unions in export industry,