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This project focuses on understanding creativity and its surroundings, along with the effects it can have on the mind. The goal was to inspire individuals to grow both physically & mentally throughout their creative processes. Research has been done through books, videos, articles, Internet and discussions. As well as an interview at a company about their creative workplace. Other research was

The Right to Urban life

Contemporary urban movements in Sweden emerge and are primary active in so-called million program neighborhoods. Many of these neighborhoods are some of the most deprived and socially vulnerable areas in Sweden. Million program neighborhoods have been objects for external descriptions ever since they were built. Depicted, on the one hand as “the heart" of diversity in Swedish society, and on

Temporary Restrictions on Travel: How the United Kingdom deals with foreign fighters and how it affects the individual's Human Rights

I februari 2015 antog det Brittiska parlamentet the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, i syfte att fylla ut luckor i den tidigare kontra-terror lagstiftningen. De temporära reseförbud som därmed infördes riktas mot det tilltagande problemet med så kallade foreign fighters och består av två delar. Befogenheten att beslagta och kvarhålla pass och andra resedokument ger en gränskontrollerande tIn February 2015 the British Parliament adopted the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 for the purpose of filling gaps in the previous counterterrorism legislations. The temporary restriction on travel measures thus introduced, target the increasing problem with so-called foreign fighters and consist of two elements. The power to seize and retain passports and/or travel documents entrusts a p

An Old Model in a New Time - The growing of the precariat and the decline of the Swedish model. A critical analysis of Lex Laval

I sin teori om prekariatet ger Guy Standing sin syn på den rådande arbetsmarknaden där fler och fler människor lever under osäkra arbetsförhållanden. Enligt honom är det konsekvenserna av en politik som har sett rörlighet på marknaden som svaret på ekonomiska problem. Vid problem har politikerna försvagat de kollektiva organisationerna och försämrat anställningstrygghet med mera för arbetstagarna.In his theory of the precariat Guy Standing gives his view on the current labour market where more and more people has precarious working situations. According to him it is the consequence of a policy that has seen movability on the labour market as the answer to economical problems. At troubled times the politicians have weakened the unions and worsened the employment securities for the workers.

Kartläggning av garantiarbeten - En fallstudie på ett svenskt byggföretag

Syftet med studien är att kartlägga garantiarbeten samt utreda möjliga orsaker till dess uppkomst. Studien ska även visa på vilka lämpliga förbättringsarbeten som kan implementeras för att förebygga uppkomsten av garantiarbeten. Vidare syftar studien dessutom till att belysa garantikostnadernas storlek.

Developing Issues on Withholding Tax on Outgoing Dividends in the European Union

The European Court of Justice has repeatedly held that it is contrary to EU-law to charge withholding tax on cross-border dividend payments when comparable, domestic transactions are not taxed at the corresponding burden. Therefore, the question of withholding taxes compatibility with EU-law has been the topic of extensive legal literature over many years. However it seems that this is a non-stopp

Investigating the non-compliant purchasing behavior at Company X - A case study

The purpose of this study was to identify the reasons behind the employees noncompliant purchasing behavior at Company X. Another aim was to find the solutions to the reasons behind the non-compliant purchasing behavior to change that behavior. This study was carried out by following an abductive approach, where a qualitative case study research was conducted. The chosen case study method was a mu

Controller Design for Multistorey Buildings via Convex Optimisation

Earthquakes, wind and traffic may cause unwanted vibrations in buildings. Vibration control devices are often installed between floors to suppress such disturbances. In the context of buildings, controllers are commonly designed using methods which are subject to a number of limitations: we cannot discuss optimal performance or conclude that no controller exists which satisfies a given set of desi

A Network Camera with a Nose

En nätverkskamera med en näsa Dagens nätverkskameror innehåller i många fall redan idag flera sensorer utöver bildsensorer. De kan ta upp ljud och känna vibrationer bland annat. Utöver detta, kan en gassensor också vara ett komplement? Lågkostnadssensorer för gasmätning är något som börjar att sticka upp på marknaden och öppnar upp för många applikationer. De lägre priserna möjliggör även att de kSome network cameras have already several other sensors besides the image sensor to extend the capabilities of the camera. It is then only natural to think what can be achieved when air sensors are added into the mix. In this master thesis the applications of air sensors coupled together with network cameras have been investigated. Considering the network infrastructure is already in place, having

Evolution of a Neo-Sex Chromosome

Neo-könskromosomer – evolution i realtid Ditt biologiska kön bestäms av din uppsättning könskromosomer. Har du dubbla X-kromosomer är du kvinna och som man har du en X- och en Y-kromosom. Könskromosomernas evolution är speciell och svårstuderad, t ex vet man inte riktigt varför Y är så mycket mindre än X trots att de från början var lika stora. Man vet visserligen att den här nedbrytningsprocesse

Energy 4 all? Investigating gendered energy justice implications of community-based micro-hydropower cooperatives in Ethiopia

More than 70% of the population in Ethiopia lack access to electricity and thus rely on traditional sources of energy such as biomass that is associated with negative consequences on health and the environment. Decentralized community-based micro-hydropower plants (MHPs) are being utilized as effective means to transition to modern low-carbon energy systems providing access to electricity to commu

Stress and the City - The effects of light- and noise pollution on common bird behaviours

Lever stadsfåglar också stressiga stadsliv? Det är många av oss som tycker stadsliv är stressigt; mycket folk i rörelse, det är bilar och ljud överallt, listan kan göras lång. Det är inte bara vi människor som utsätts för alla dessa intryck, utan även alla de djur som lever i eller nära en urban miljö. Fåglar är en grupp där flera arter lyckats anpassa sig väl till stadsmiljöer, men trots detta s

The Role of Municipality in the Sharing Economy: Governance Approaches in Malmö and Gothenburg

Today, many cities around the world are looking for means to reduce their consumption-originated emissions and in this way improve their sustainability. Consequently, local governments are becoming increasingly interested in the potential of the ‘sharing economy’ (SE). By enabling the consumption of resources and services through sharing as opposed to purchasing goods for ownership, urban sharing

Evaluation of Tomodirect for treatment of thoracic and abdominal cases

Sedan 1970-talet har antalet rapporterade cancerfall dubblerats, dels på grund av förändrade levnadsvanor och dels på grund av bättre screeningmetoder som upptäcker cancern i tidigt skede. Tidig upptäckt av cancern i kombination med utvecklad cancerbehandling har bidragit till att risken för att avlida av cancer har minskat. Cancerbehandling sker huvudsakligen genom operation, strålbehandling elleAim: The tomotherapy system offers two radiation techniques, TomoHelical (TH) and TomoDirect (TD). The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate TD as a treatment alternative mainly by comparing TD treatment plans with 3DCRT plans and comparing TD plans with TH plans, separately, in the thoracic and abdominal regions. An additional aim was to examine if the current patient specific quality control


- En undersökning om hur bostäder av trä kan skapa sociala värden i gränssnittet mellan människan och materialen. Examensarbete av Oscar Björkqvist Lunds Tekniska Högskola 2018 Handledare: Maria Rasmussen Examinator: Johnny Åstrand Detta projekt tar sitt avstamp i en idé om kollektiva rum och platser, som kan stärka relationerna mellan människor i ett grannskap. Människor tenderar att uppehålla si

Motion Event Recognition Using User Feedback

With high associated costs, both in terms of time and economics, false alarms are a ubiquitous problem in camera surveillance. There exists many methods of lowering the rate of false alarms from motion detection, most of which are based around using static rules and filters such as area of interest, cross-line detection and filtering of swaying objects. This thesis explores the possibilities of us

Analyzing Large Datasets with Mathematical Modeling and Frequency Analysis

The aim of this thesis is to analyze large datasets with mathematical modeling and frequency analysis. The models used were polynomials and trigonometric polynomials. These were applied on a sample dataset with 377 data points. Another dataset with approximately 2.6 million data points was also tested with a model of first degree polynomial and trigonometric polynomials with different number of do

Hantering av läkemedelsförpackningar - ett patientperspektiv

Problem: Undersöker hur läkemedelsförpackningar interagerar med patienter i deras vardag och beskriver patienters behov på läkemedelsförpackningar. Syfte: Fördjupa mig i vilka användarbehov det finns på läkemedelsförpackningar ur patientens perspektiv. Och därigenom ökar medvetenheten och förståelsen av patientens behov på läkemedelsförpackningar och därigenom förhoppningsvis leda till förbättradProblem discussion: Examine how pharmaceutical packaging interact with patients in their everyday lives and describe patients’ needs off pharmaceutical packaging. Purpose: Immerse myself in what user needs are on pharmaceutical packaging from the patient's perspective. Thereby increasing awareness and understanding of patient needs in pharmaceutical packaging and thereby hopefully lead to imp

What is value? - A study of the concept of value and its meanings from a corporate perspective

Purpose: The purpose was to gain insight in how companies within the IIRC Pilot Programme describe value and value creation. Methnology: The study was conducted by adopting a qualitative, inductive and interpretative approach. The study was an empirical observation of five companies participating in the IIRC Pilot Programme. Theoretical perspective: A literature review was conducted, where class