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Crisis in the City: Emergency Urbanism

This paper deals with the question how urban crises – whether political, economic, financial, environmental or social – are defined, constructed, or discursively and materially appropriated by urban elites to serve their agendas of urban reform. Inspired by the work of Klein (2007), Smith (2005) and others, it will be argued that specific ‘emergency’ framings of urban decline, impoverishment, disa

Expected Life-Time Utility and Hedging Demands in a Partially Observable Economy

This paper analyzes the expected life-time utility and the hedging demands in an exchange only, representative agent general equilibrium under incomplete information. We derive an expression for the investor's expected life-time utility, and analyze his hedging demands for intertemporal changes in the stochastic unobservable growth of the endowment process and the changing quality of information r

The Gut Bacterial Flora - Focus on Early Life and Physiological Traits

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fetma, övervikt och allergi är ett problem i många delar av världen och förändringar i tarmens bakterieflora kan vara en av flera orsaker. Människan har tio gånger fler mikroorganismer än mänskliga celler. Flest mikroorganismer finns i tarmen och de brukar gemensamt kallas för tarmfloran. Många bakterier är helt oskadliga och en del är dessutom nödvändiga för att vi tilThe gastrointestinal tract of the foetus is considered sterile but during vaginal birth the neonate comes into contact with bacteria from the maternal vaginal and intestinal microbiota. The main focus of this doctoral thesis was to elucidate the initial bacterial ecosystem in newborns and to relate microbial perturbations to physiological traits. The bacterial flora was mainly studied with molecul

Reverse Link Capacity of Power-Controlled CDMA Systems with Antenna Arrays In a Multipath Fading Environment

In this paper, reverse link capacity of a signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) based power-controlled direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system, with the use of an antenna array and a Rake receiver in a multiple cell environment, is investigated. Both transmit and receive beamforming in the reverse link are considered. Instead of using tedious iterative methods, reverse link use