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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Extension of the parameter range of the power series expressions and asymptotes of the exact solutions to Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with gamma distributions as initial size spectra

In order to obtain a wide set of test cases for numerical methods to solve Smoluchowski's coagulation equation the exact solutions for the constant, sum or product kernel, with gamma distributions as initial size spectra, are generalized by allowing size distributions with a singularity at zero volume. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.

The problematic fossil Jinonicella from the Lower Silurian of Gotland

The minute problematic fossil Jinonicella kolebabai Pokorny 1978 is described from the Lower Silurian (Wenlock, middle Sheinwoodian) of the Nar-I core from southern Gotland. Growth lines indicate that the characteristic tubular snorkel of Jinonicella grew by envelopment of an emargination in the median dorsal aperture and not as a perforation through the dorsal surface of the shell. The direction

Distinguished multiple events of fracture mineralisation related to far-field orogenic effects in Paleoproterozoic crystalline rocks, Simpevarp area, SE Sweden

Detailed investigations of fracture minerals have been carried out in the Simpevarp area, SE Sweden. in order to reveal the low-temperature evolution of the site and to discern different events of deformation, especially in the brittle regime. The study is part of the site characterisation programme for a potential deep-seated repository for spent nuclear fuel. The bedrock in the area is composed

The social life and attitudes of 80 year olds in Iceland and Sweden - A comparison of two city populations

The 80+ Studies are collecting longitudinal data regarding medical, psychological, and sociological aspects of 80-year-old people in Lund, Sweden and Reykjavik, Iceland. Methods and Samples: The research design and instruments were identical at the two cites. The number of participants was 139 and 151 respectively. Results: The Icelandic sample had a lower level of educational attainment, a higher

Relaxed dynamic programming in switching systems

In order to simplify computational methods based on dynamic programming, a relaxed procedure based on upper and lower bounds of the optimal cost was recently introduced. The convergence properties of this procedure are analysed here. In particular, it is shown that the computational effort in finding an approximately optimal control law by relaxed value iteration is related to the polynomial degre

Anderson localization of a weakly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas

We consider the phase coherent transport of a quasi-one-dimensional beam of Bose-Einstein condensed particles through a disordered potential of length L. Among the possible different types of flow we identified [T. Paul, P. Schlagheck, P. Leboeuf, and N. Pavloff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 210602 (2007)], we focus here on the supersonic stationary regime where Anderson localization exists. We generalize

Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein: isolation and characterization from human articular cartilage

Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein was purified in a native form from normal adult human articular cartilage. The key steps in the purification scheme were selective extraction with buffer containing EDTA, wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography, and removal of the related protein thrombospondin by heparin affinity chromatography. Particles of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein viewed by e

Partial splenic embolization as pretreatment for antiviral therapy in hepatitis C virus infection

Antiviral therapy in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is limited by haematological side-effects, especially thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. The pancytopenia associated with liver cirrhosis has multifactorial causes, but hypersplenism seems to be a major contributor, especially regarding thrombocytopenia. The use of PSE as a 'Pretreatment' in order to make more patients with HCV-induced cirrhosis

Autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation in adult ALL: the Swedish Adult ALL Group experience

Adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia ( ALL) have been treated according to national protocols in Sweden since 1986. Stem cell transplantation (SCT) has been recommended in first remission for patients with risk factors for relapse, and for standard risk patients only after relapse. In this retrospective study, the results of autologous and allogeneic SCT in these populations were eval

Do life-saving regulations save lives ?

Life-saving regulations may be counter-productive since they have an indirect mortality effect through the reduction in disposable income. This paper estimates the effect of income on mortality, controlling for the initial health status and a host of personal characteristics. The analysis is based on a random sample of the adult Swedish population of over 40,000 individuals followed up for 10-17 y

Upconversion luminescence of Eu3+ and Mn2+ in ZnS : Mn2+, Eu3+ codoped nanoparticles

Strong upconversion luminescence of both Mn2+ and Eu3+ is observed in ZnS:Mn2+, Eu3+ codoped nanoparticles. Laser power dependencies and spectroscopic data show that the upconversion emission is due to two-photon excitation of each specific dopant ion. The relative differences in two-photon excitation cross section result in different relative intensities for the Eu3+ and Mn2+ upconversion at diff

Self-poisonings with drugs by adolescents in the Lund catchment area

Our objective was to investigate which drugs young people who attempt suicide use in the Lund catchment area-eight municipalities in Skane, southern Sweden. All patients aged up to 18 years admitted to Lund University Hospital after deliberate or probably deliberate self-poisoning from 1 January 1991 until 31 December 1995 were included. Forty-nine (58%) had used a single drug; 20 (24%) had used 3

Cytogenetic polyclonality in hematologic malignancies

The present study was undertaken to ascertain the frequency of cytogenetic polyclonality in various hematologic malignancies and to investigate whether morphologic subgroup, age, gender, or previous genotoxic exposure influences the incidence. Among 2,243 cytogenetically investigated hematologic malignancies, 10 acute myeloid leukemias (AML), 5 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), 2 acute lymphoblasti

Spouses' view during their partners' illness and treatment

Nine spouses of people who had suffered from acute leukemia or highly malignant lymphoma were interviewed about their everyday life experiences throughout their partner's illness and treatment, and concerning their view of the professional care provided. The transcribed texts were subjected to phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis. The spouses felt they were in a situation of overall severe crisis

Childhood malignancy and maternal diabetes or other auto-immune disease during pregnancy.

Among 4380 children born in 1987-1997 of women with a diagnosis of diabetes and alive at the age of one, 10 were registered in the Swedish Cancer Registry before the end of 1998. The odds ratio for having a childhood cancer after maternal diabetes, stratified for year of birth, maternal age, parity, multiple birth, and 500 g birth weight class was 2.25 (95%CI 1.22-4.15). Among 5842 children born d