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Pandemins experter : en undersökning av representationen bland expertröster i lokalrapporteringen av covid-19

This study aims to analyze the gender representation of experts in the local newspaper Sydsvenskan during the covid pandemic. Furthermore, this study seeks to gain insights about the results of the processes that determine who is interviewed as an expert during a crisis situation such as the covid pandemic. A total of 369 articles were examined during the period from 1 May 2021 to 31 October 2021

Bergmania i Río de la Plata

This thesis analyses the Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman’s impact on Argentine film and identity formation from the first South American premiere of Sommarlek (1951) in 1952 to the fall of the argentine dictatorship in 1983. Based on the Science's Blood Flow Theory developed by sociologist Bruno Latour the essay reconstructs the technological conditions for Bergman's breakthrough. In

Sagan om villkorstrappan : en narrativ analys av nyhetsmediers rapportering om polisens flaggförbud på Studenternas IP 2021

This paper examines how five news media magazines in Sweden, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Upsala Nya Tidning and Svenska Dagbladet, tell the story of how and when the Swedish police decided to ban flags at Uppsala football club IK Sirius home stadium Studenternas IP in September 2021. Qualitative method was used to examine and analyze 25 articles from a perspective of narrative theory a

En verklighetsberättelse : en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av representationen mellan kvinnor och män i journaliststudenters examinerande reportage

A multitude of academic studies show that women have been, and still are underrepresented in journalistic products. A global study from 2020 covering the news content in 116 countries showed that women constituted only 25 percent of persons occurring in the content. The number for Sweden was 38 percent. Other studies show similar results. This study aims to shed light on the gender aspects of the

Dystopian Narratives:Testing Qualitative Story Completion Method with Theory from Degrowth

In the global north, we seem well informed of the pending climate crisis, but despite criticism of un-sustainability, it seems as if we lack alternatives to eco-modernist solutions. Although not unproblematic, degrowth and other alternatives do exist, but are somehow non-existing in the public debate. Within political ecology and ecological economics this can be explained in terms of “capitalistic

Sensation Strage : hur den kvinnliga och manliga artisten skapas i poddintervjun

The purpose of this paper is to, based on theories around gender, study how female and male artists are portrayed in interviews in the music journalist Fredrik Strage's podcast Hemma hos Strage. By examining the topics that are talked about and how these topics are discussed in the various interviews, the paper intends to show how the artists' gender is created in the interview environment

Vad är arbetslöshet? – En diskursiv policyanalys av EU:s arbetslöshetspolicy och sydsvenska ESF-projekt

This essay highlights how the policy documents of the European Union and projects in southern Sweden financed through the European Social Fund (ESF) mutually represent unemployment as a specific type of problem. By applying the theoretical perspective rationalities and technologies of government, the essay provides insight into the process where the EU rationalizes unemployment as a problem that n

Problematiseringen av samarbete i gränsöverskridande vattenområden - En kritisk granskning av Nilen-samarbetets Cooperative Framework Agreement

Cooperation over shared water resources is often emphasised as something desirable. At the same time research show how a collaborative discourse can hide harmful effects of cooperation. Thus, the aim of this study is to show how water cooperation is problematized within the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement and the effects of this in the form of political implications. This is done with a

Den demokratiska staden?

In the last couple of decades we have been witnessing a proliferation of both novel and more experimental forms of public participation within the field of Swedish planning discourse. The spread of participation and inclusion in the urban planning can both be seen as a result of an increased political disenchantment of the representative democratic system as well as an attempt, by the bureaucracy,

Landsbygd i vindkraftspolicy - En diskursanalys

The Swedish Parliament aims to have one hundred percent renewable energy in 2040. For this goal, further establishment of wind power is considered crucial. There is however a current debate and a potential urban-rural conflict, in the case of wind power. Wind turbines are usually established in sparsely populated areas in Sweden, and even though people are generally positive about wind energy, the

Operation Decisive Storm: Rättfärdigandet av GCC-ländernas militära intervention i Jemen

Due to the civil war in Yemen, a Saudi-led operation was established on 26 March 2015 in Yemeni territory. The intervention, called "Operation Decisive Storm," was legitimized by the UN as a military intervention at the request of Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi. This thesis aims to examine the grounds on which Operation Decisive Storm has justified and the underlying factors that

Ansvar för efterbehandling - Situationer när detta följer med vid ett verksamhetsförvärv

Denna uppsats syftar till att klarlägga i vilka situationer en ny verksamhetsutövare kan bli efterbehandlingsskyldig för föroreningar orsakade av en tidigare verksamhetsutövare. Det första som tas upp är vad ett verksamhetsförvärv är för något, för att ge en tydlig bild av exakt vad uppsatsen ska behandla. Detta efterföljs av bakgrunden till miljöbalkens bestämmelse 10 kap 2 § miljöbalken som är dThis essay aims to clarify in which situations it is possible for new operators to become responsible for an environmental debt caused by an old operator. The first thing that this essay brings up is what asset acquisitions is and what separates them from company acquisitions and mergers. This is done to clarify exactly what the essay is about. This is followed by a description of the background a

Tidig varning - lärdomar från utländska system inför en svensk implementering av direktiv (EU) 2019/1023 om förebyggande företagsrekonstruktioner

Inom företagsvärlden är det inte ovanligt att ekonomiska bekymmer uppstår. När ett företag blir insolvent kan det leda till en rad olika utgångar. Det kan leda till konkurs och avveckling av företag men det kan också leda till en företagsrekonstruktion och en ny chans för ett företag fortsätta driva sitt företag. Ett problem har varit att många företagsrekonstruktioner fallerar då de har inletts fWithin the business world it is not uncommon that financial difficulties arise. When a company becomes insolvent it may result in a variety of outcomes. It can result in bankruptcy and liquidation of a business, but it may also result in a corporate restructuring and a new opportunity for a company to continue its business. A problem has been that many corporate restructurings fail due to being in

Strafflindring vid medverkan till utredning av annans brott – En effektiv metod för brottsbekämpning eller ett hot mot rättssäkerheten?

I betänkandet En stärkt rättsprocess och en ökad lagföring (SOU 2021:35), vilket publicerades den 25 maj 2021, föreslogs att det borde införas en strafflindringsgrund avseende medverkan till utredning av annans brottslighet. Förslaget innebär en avvägning mellan å ena sidan effektiv brottsbekämpning och å andra sidan rättssäkerhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiThe report En stärkt rättsprocess och en ökad lagföring (SOU 2021:35), which was published on 25 May 2021, proposed that an arrangement which provides a possibility for the court, when sentencing, to take into consideration the fact that the accused has assisted in the investigation of serious criminality committed by another person should be introduced. The proposal strikes a balance between effe

Symptoms of remote hearings - A psycho-legal study on remote hearings of defendants and its effect on conviction rates

Genom reformen en modernare rättegång gjordes möjligheten för parter att närvara vid domstolssammanträden via ljud- och/eller bildöverföring permanent. Användningen av sådana lösningar har ökat under de senaste åren och accelererades av covid-19-pandemin. I experimentell miljö har det återkommande observerats att vittnens och målsägandes utsagor uppfattas som mindre tillförlitliga om de presenterThrough the reform en modernare rättegång [a more modern trial] the possibility for parties to attend court hearings via video and/or audio was made permanent. The use of such solutions has increased over the last years and was accelerated by the covid-19 pandemic. In experimental settings it has repeatedly been observed that witnesses’ and complainants’ testimonies are perceived as less credibl

Development of oat and bilberry-based beverages for a study about their effect on cardiometabolic markers in patients after acute myocardial infraction

The intake of anthocyanin rich-foods, such as bilberries has been associated with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular-related diseases. Similarly, the cardiovascular benefits of oat consumption are well known and are mainly due to its cholesterol-lowering and hypoglycemic effects. A randomized double-blinding clinical trial has been designed to investigate the cardiovascular beneficial eff

The European Super Fiasco - Can the European Competition law save the “super” project?

On the 18th of April 2021 the peace and status quo surrounding European Football was shatter as 12 clubs named themselves to be “Super” and created a league on their own. Following public outrage and threats from various authorities they backed down, or so it seemed. About a month later a Court in Madrid sent in a request for preliminary ruling questioning the power and authority of UEFA and conse

Grundlagsenlig beredning - En studie av det i regeringsformen stadgade beredningskravet utifrån hur det fullgörs och kontrolleras

En viktig uppgift som åläggs regeringen enligt regeringsformen är det så kallade beredningskravet av regeringsärenden i 7 kap. 2 § RF. Hur beredningskravet ska fullgöras regleras emellertid inte vidare i regeringsformen och regeringen getts ett stort handlingsutrymme för beredningskravets fullgörande. Bristande beredning har vid ett flertal tillfällen varit föremål för kritik från såväl KonstituAn important task imposed on the Swedish government according to Chapter 7, Article 2 Instrument of Government (IG) is the mandatory preparation of government matters. However, how this requirement is to be fulfilled is not further regulated by IG and the government can excercise a great deal of discretion. Inadequate preparation has on several occasions been the subject of criticism from consti

Influencern och kapitalet : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Margaux Dietz och Bianca Ingrossos innehåll på Instagram, i relation till Bourdieus kultursociologi

This essay explores how two of Sweden’s most famous influencers, Bianca Ingrosso and Margaux Dietz, can be perceived through Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital. Furthermore, the essay also examines what position influencers have in a contemporary class society. By incorporating theories of consumerism and post-feminism, the study interprets how class is constructed through contemporary social med