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Contingency, Crisis, Critique

The paper discusses the emergence and constitution of modernity as cultural and mental disposition with regard to notions like contingency, crisis, and critique. It refers to authors like Koselleck, Foucault, Makropoulos, Blumenberg, Musil.

Schumpeter's Theory of Business Ideas: "Incorporating" Opportunity Creation and Discovery in Management Studies

Management scholars have long separated the study of opportunity creation and discovery, assuming that the nature of opportunities itself is not affected by information acquisition. Research on judgment and decision-making challenges this assumption, confirming that we judge the nature of opportunities in large part by the way we acquire information about it. Management theorists have yet to diges

Catching the invisible - aerodynamic tracks and kinematics of bat and bird flight

This thesis is about the flight of vertebrates and the studies of different modes of flight. Flight has always fascinated mankind and this fascination gave inspiration for our attempts at flying. Yet there are many different modes of flight among vertebrates and this thesis focuses mainly on the flapping flight of bats and intermittent flight of birds, as well as compares some of the factors conce

Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics with Affine Cameras

We present an integrated approach that solves the structure and motion problem for affine cameras. Given images of corresponding points, lines and conics in any number of views, a reconstruction of the scene structure and the camera motion is calculated, up to an affine transformation. Starting with three views, two novel concepts are introduced. The first one is a quasi-tensor consisting of 20 co

Döden som katharsis. Nordiska perspektiv på dödens kultur och mentalitetshistoria

Döden är ett evigt tema. Men diskursen runt döden i dess mångskiftande former är underkastad ständig förändring. Döden kan ses som ett hot och ett gissel men också som en befrielse, ett straff eller som ett redskap för att befria samhället från oönskade individer. I samtliga fall kan man tala om döden som en reningsprocess – som katharsis. Det är denna föränderliga diskurs som kommer att behandlas

Environmental Monitoring by Multi-Spectral Lidar Techniques

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vår omgivning finns många gasformiga ämnen, vars egenskaper är sådana att de kan mätas med optiska metoder. Härvid kan man utnyttja det unika spektroskopiska fingeravtryck ämnena har. Det vill säga, att varje ämne absorberar ljus av olika färg (våglängd) på ett unikt sätt. Likaså har vissa ämnen sådana egenskaper, att då de belyses med en viss våglängd sänder de ut enMulti-spectral lidar (light detection and ranging) techniques have been developed and employed in various environmental studies, ranging from concentration mapping of volcanic emissions to fluorescence imaging of historical monuments. In both absorption measurements of gaseous species and fluorescence imaging of stones, multiple wavelength excitation and multiple wavelength detection have been app

Activities of daily living - Outcome during two years in galantamine treated Alzheimer patients

122 patients with Alzheimer's disease receiving galantamine in the Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study were studied with respect to longitudinal change in cognition (MMSE and ADAS-cog) and function (IADL, PSMS and FAST). Particularly the FAST mean change from baseline showed a linear relationship with cognitive mean change and the strength of the relationship increased over time. The IADL scale demo

Bygden, bruket och samhället : Om människor och organisationer i brukssamhället Böksholm 1900-1979

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur gick det till när 1900-talets industrialiserade landsbygd omvandlades? Hur påverkades människors vardag av denna utveckling och hur knöts lokala händelser ihop med industrisamhällets omvälvande historia? Dessa frågor diskuteras i denna studie av det småländska brukssamhället Böksholm. I centrum står relationen mellan de dominerande folkrörelserna och ledningen för BThe aim of this dissertation is to study some of the forces behind the transformation of the 20th century industrialised countryside. The emphasis is on changes in everyday life for women and men, and the role of organisations therein. Two main questions are outlined: Which forces were central to the development of the industrial society?, and, how did the relationship between individual and socie

Benchmarking integrated control strategies using an extended BSM2 platform

The need for integrated management of urban wastewater systems (UWS) is highly acknowledged in both research and industry. Modelling studies and practical experiences with integrated control of UWS clearly suggest the benefits of a holistic control approach. Given the success of benchmark simulation models (BSMs) in the study of control strategy options for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), a s