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Conversion of greyscale intensity values from CBCT images acquired on Elekta XVI to HU for treatment planning dose calculations
NF1 is a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma that determines retinoic acid response and disease outcome.
Ingmar Bergman och Vietnam-rörelsen
Synthesis and solution properties of sulfonate group containing acrylamide copolymers
Economic Growth and Prosperity Patterns: Structural Challenges for a Global Steady State Economy
Comparisons of Everyday Student Life in a Transforming Post-Conflict Society
On the Primitivism of Russian Capitalism : Norms of Reciprocity, Interpersonal Trust and the Economic Anthropology of Emerging Markets
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FPGA Implementation of Controller-Datapath Pair in Custom Image Processor Design
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Studies of electron emission after ion impact on atoms and solids, and a spectroscopic study of highly ionized Ca
[abstract missing]
Kan man vara kry fast man är ”normal”? - en diskussion om övervikt och klass.
Short quasi-cyclic LDPC codes from convolutional codes
Differentiated Knowledge Bases, Distributed Knowledge Networks and the Role of Sectoral and Regional Innovation Systems: The Case of Biotechnology
Benedictus XVI:s pontifikat i backspegeln
Inre bilder i samband med musicerande
Research Proposal: Exploring the Relationship between Application Service Providers and SMEs
From Cue to Recall : The Temporal Dynamics of Long-Term Memory Retrieval
Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de mest fundamentala funktionerna för vårt långtidsminne är funktionen att kunna plocka fram ett specifikt minne när vi stöter på en ledtråd som är relaterad till detta minne. Ett vardagsexempel på sådan ledtrådsstödd långtidsminnesframplockning är om en vän frågar dig hur långt ett maraton är (en ledtråd som sökningen i långtidsminnet kan baseras på) och du lyckaA fundamental function of long-term memory is the ability to retrieve a specific memory when encountering a retrieval cue. The purpose of this dissertation was to further our understanding of such cued recall by investigating the temporal dynamics from the presentation of the retrieval cue until the target memory is recalled. Retrieval cues are often related with several memories. When such a retr
Electromagnetic cloaking by change of variables
Spatial evolution of knowledge-intensive ICT services in Sweden: On the role of mobile entrepreneurs
The paper investigates the role of mobile entrepreneurs in spatial diffusion process of a rapidly expanding industry using the case of the knowledge-intensive ICT-services in Sweden over 1990-2010. The main contributions of this study are twofold. On the one hand, paper contributes to entrepreneurship research by showing that the spatial origin of an entrepreneur should be analysed not only in ter