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Magnetic field effects on optical and transport properties in InAs/GaAs quantum dots

A photoluminescence study of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots under the influence of magnetic fields perpendicular and parallel to the dot layer is presented. At low temperatures, the magnetic field perpendicular to the dot layer alters the in-plane transport properties due to localization of carriers in wetting layer (WL) potential fluctuations. Decreased transport in the WL results in a red

The Operational Problem of Fire Control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker den operativa kärnan i räddningsinsatser. Vidare undersöker den effekten av olika åtgärder som används vid räddningsinsatser mot brand i byggnad, effekten av sådana åtgärder till följd av beslut som fattas av befäl samt effekten av att allokera resurser i tiden och rummet vid en räddningsinsats mot brand i byggnad. Avhandlingen drar slutsatseThe operational core of firefighting operations was examined. The effects of various firefighting procedures on the fire ground, their impact upon conditions on the fire ground in which decisions by commanding officers are made and the effects of allocating resources in time and space on the fire ground were explored. In addition, various approaches for modelling firefighting operations were discu

Low salivary IgA activity to cell-surface antigens of mutans streptococci related to HLA-DRB1*04

Background/aims: Mutans streptococci are found in almost all individuals, though there are large differences in colonization levels between individuals. These differences are not readily explained, though several factors are believed to influence the colonization. One factor is the immune response to mutans streptococci, mainly provided by salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). In a previous study, diff

Closed-Loop Control of an HCCI Engine

This paper presents a strategy for closed-loop control of a multi-cylinder turbocharged Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine. A dual fuel port injection system allows control of combustion timing and load individually for each cylinder. The two fuels used are isooctane and n-heptane, which provides a wide range of autoignition properties. Cylinder pressure sensors provide feedbac

In situ poly(ethylene imine) coating of hollow fiber membranes used for microdialysis sampling

A method for the in situ modification of hollow fiber membranes used as sampling units for microdialysis probes is presented. The method consists of adsorption-coating, high-molecular-weight poly(ethylene imine), PEI, onto membranes, already fitted on microdialysis probes. Modification of membranes was designed to specifically explore the so-called Andrade effects and thus enhance the interaction

Principal component analysis in ECG signal processing

This paper reviews the current status of principal component analysis in the area of ECG signal processing. The fundamentals of PCA are briefly described and the relationship between PCA and Karhunen-Loeve transform is explained. Aspects on PCA related to data with temporal and spatial correlations are considered as adaptive estimation of principal components is. Several ECG applications are revie

Mode-hop-free electro-optically tuned diode laser

A tunable external-cavity Littrow diode laser, with an intracavity electro-optical crystal, which combines a large mode-hop-free tuning range with high tuning speeds and high tuning accuracy, has been designed. A mode-hop-free single-mode tuning range of 50 GHz at 793 nm with an output power of 60 mW and tuning speeds of 1.5 GHz/mus is demonstrated. The instantaneous linewidth is smaller than 300

Satisfaction with Daily Occupations: a tool for client evaluation in mental health care

Research findings suggest that in order to clarify the relationship between occupation and health, occupation needs to be framed in several different ways. One facet of occupation is satisfaction with daily occupations, assessed using the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO) instrument. The purpose was to investigate some of the SDO's psychometric properties when applied on people with persis

Formate dehydrogenase-modified carbon paste electrodes for amperometric detection of formate

A simple and inexpensive amperometric biosensor for formate detection was obtained by immobilization of for-mate dehydrogenase (FDH) on graphite powder, modified with a new phenothiazine derivative (DDDP; 16H, 18H-dibenzo[c,l]-7,9-dithia-16,18-diazapentacene). Two different enzyme environments were used: FDH was adsorbed on DDDP-modified graphite powder in the presence of polyethylenimine (PEI) as

Carbon sequestration rates in organic layers of boreal and temperate forest soils - Sweden as a case study

Aim The aim of this work was to estimate C sequestration rates in the organic matter layer in Swedish forests. Location The region encompassed the forested area (23 x 10(6) ha) of Sweden ranging from about 55degrees N to 69degrees N. Methods We used the concept of limit values to estimate recalcitrant litter remains, and combined it with amount of litter fall. Four groups of tree species were iden

Alternative use of chromatic and achromatic cues in a hawkmoth

The diurnal hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum can learn the achromatic (intensity-related) and the chromatic (wavelength-related) aspect of a spectral colour. Free-flying moths learn to discriminate two colours differing in the chromatic aspect of colour fast and with high precision. In contrast, they learn the discrimination of two stimuli differing in the achromatic aspect more slowl

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing of Lipid-Membrane-Mediated Biorecognition Events

Supported phospholipid bilayers (SPBs) have emerged as important model systems for studies of the natural cell membrane and its components, which are essential for the integrity and function of cells in all living organisms, and also constitute common targets for therapeutic drugs and in disease diagnosis. However, the preferential occurrence of spontaneous SPB formation on silicon-based substrate

Hälsopedagogik i sjuksköterskeutbildningen

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen studeras hur lärare och studenter uppfattar hälsopedagogik i sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Det är begreppet hälsopedagogik som fokuseras, hur det innebördsligt kan förstås och beskrivas i ett utbildningssammanhang. Intresset för pedagogiskt arbete med hälsofrågor, har sin grund i en övertygelse, att hälsa kan påverkas genom kunskapsbildning. Pedagogiken handThis study is about health pedagogy in nursing education. The main purpose is to describe health pedagogy in the context of nursing education and to increase the understanding for the subject. It is the different experiences of how teachers and students understand the concept, and how this can be related to how health pedagogical knowledge is expressed in the documents which govern nurses' educati

Charge carrier photogeneration in conjugated polymer

The electric field-assisted charge carrier photogeneration in a Ladder-Type Methyl substituted Poly(Para-Phenylene) was investigated by studying the electromodulated ultrafast transient differential absorption spectra and kinetics. The field stimulated appearance of the polaron absorption and quenching of the singlet exciton absorption proves that dissociation of excitons into geminately bound ele