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Traineeship in criminology 140210

Traineeship in Criminology Information for prospective trainee workplaces Information for workplaces interested in accepting a trainee Students in Criminology at Lund University have the opportunity to include a one semester trainee- ship in their bachelor degree. The traineeship is an opportunity for the student to develop relevant skills for the labour market in the last stages of their undergra - 2025-01-13

Transnational impact of religious law

Lisbet Christoffersen LSA 2016 Paper Proposal Bettina Lemann Kristiansen Professor (mso) of Law, Religion & Society Professor (mso) of Sociology of Law Roskilde University, Denmark University of Aarhus, Denmark Transnational impact of Religious law developments Traditionally, i.e.: during the last nearly 500 years, Nordic law has been understood as increasingly secular (Br - 2025-01-13

Webbregistrering for studenter pa grund- och avancerad niva

Webbregistrering via Studentportalen Logga in på och klicka på Ladok. I fliken Aktuell utbildning > Kommande ser man kurser man är antagen till. Den övre kursen är inte öppen för registrering ännu. Man kan se vilket datum som registreringen öppnar. Den undre kursen kan man registrera sig på. Klicka på Registrera. Information om vad registreringen innebär visas. Klicka på Registrera m - 2025-01-13


1 European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area © European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 2005, Helsinki Layout: Pikseri Julkaisupalvelut Helsinki, Finland 2005 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the framework of the Socrates programme - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Name Address Personal identity number Postal code City Tel Employed as Cost centre I hereby request to have my working hours reduced and receive partial pension for......% of full-time work, as of .......... I thereby assume the responsibility of notifying my employer if I take on a secondary employment in addition to my part-time post. Any secondary employment? □ Yes since ........ □ No - 2025-01-13


PowerPoint-presentation Approval in Primula as of October 2018 Procedure/form Regulated by Comments Travel/expenses Approval Rules You certify that the expenses are:  appropriate for the organisation’s goals  financed  correctly entered into the accounts = OK to pay out Hourly pay Approval Rules (NEW) See above Other fees Approval Rules (NEW) See above Overtime, preparedness and readiness Appro - 2025-01-13


June 2020 Wallenberg Academy Fellows Template for CV General information · Max 2 A4 pages (1 A4 page = 3500 characters including blanks) · Use Times New Roman, font size 12 · Insert name and date of birth in the header of every page in every document. · Include a bibliometric analysis of the number of publications and their citation frequency (if applicable to the research field; see also “List of - 2025-01-13


Brevmall 2 Checklist simplified procedure (Values between 586.907 SEK and 1.365.782 SEK) 1. Do a market survey (optional). 2. Calculate the total value. For values between 586.907 SEK and 1.365.782 SEK a simplified procedure shall be executed. 3. Request a registration number that will follow with all documentation. 4. Formulate the requirements and conditions that will be valid. Use the template - 2025-01-13


Brevmall 2 Checklist simplified procedure (Values between 505.800 SEK and 1.169.000 SEK) 1. Do a market survey (optional). 2. Calculate the total value. For values between 505.800 SEK and 1.169.000 SEK a simplified procedure shall be executed. 3. Request a registration number that will follow with all documentation. 4. Formulate the requirements and conditions that will be valid. Use the template - 2025-01-13

Checklista infor rektors undertecknande av avtal 20161011 eng - sjls kommentarer ren

Checklist for requesting the vice-chancellor’s signature on agreements This checklist is to accompany all agreements submitted to the vice-chancellor for signature. If you have questions about the checklist, please contact the Legal Division. 1. What does the agreement/project entail? Provide a brief account of the project/ collaboration, and of the University’s participation. 2. Who at LU is resp - 2025-01-13

Data protection officer certificate

CERTIFICATE 2020-05-26 Dnr STYR 20201964 LUND U Nrvsnsrrv Vice-C h a nce llo r Data Protection Officer at Lund University I hereby confirm that Lund University has appointed Ms Kristin Asgermyr as Data Protection Officer. Her contact details are: Ms. Kristin Asgermyr Legal Division and Records Management Box 117 5-221 00 Lund +46 46 222 04 26 dataskyddsombud@ lu. se Kind regards, T von Schantz LuN - 2025-01-13


Microsoft Word - Declaration-illness.doc DECLARATION Illness Personal identity number Surname First name Internal mailing code Address DEPARTMENT (equiv.) Cost centre Postal address Position I am employed at anställning är of which I work Illness (optional) % % I declare that because of illness I have been unable to work As of month day Until month day year year Completely – 100% Not completely – - 2025-01-13

Double degree-checklista-eng

Double degree - Admittance to the programme will take place at both higher education institutions. - Swedish laws and rules has to be applied when it comes to admittance. If this is not possible (for example if the other party has other/more strict rules) you will need to put in the agreement that Swedish laws will apply or you need to decline the collaboration. - Courses shall be transferred afte - 2025-01-13


PowerPoint-presentation Strategic Plan for Lund University 2017–2026 Bo Ahrén 3 MARCH 2016 Introduction • From a firm position, Lund University is to intiate a shift by exploiting the opportunities offered by education, research and external engagement. The University will thus contribute to formulating and solving current and future societal challenges and become a global example • This is to be - 2025-01-13


Guide-Ladok-Certify results Guide-Ladok-1.27.0-Certify results 0 Guide: Certify results Version of Ladok by the latest update: 1.27.0 2019-05-06 2019-05-06 Guide-Ladok-1.27.0-Certify results 1 Version of the guide Version Note Updated by Date 1.27.0 Guide published Klara Nordström 2018-05-06 Version of the guide and Ladok Ladok is updated with new functionality every other week. You will find the - 2025-01-13


Microsoft Word - Foreskrifter_stipendieprogram_2020-uppdaterad eng BR rev LN.docx Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Gamla kirurgen, Sandgatan 3Telefon 046-222 7099, 046-222 00 00 Fax 046-222 4111 E-post Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s rules for the strategic management of scholarships for fee-paying students 2020–2022 Background Scholarships are an importan - 2025-01-13


Checklista för uppdragsavtal Research Services Sophie Hyden Picasso Funding paths to excellence PLANNING THE ACADEMIC CAREER There are several career paths and profiles in academia, often combined or following upon each other in different stages of the career, requiring different types of skills. Research, teaching, collaboration, leadership and administration are all part of academic work and hav - 2025-01-13

Gallring av forskningshandlingar v 2019.1904

BESLUT 2019-tt-04 Dnr V 201911904 I LUNDS UNIVERSITET Sektionen Juridik och dokumenthantering Avdelningen Dokumenthantering Asa Berglund, sektionschef Gallring av forskningshandlingar inom Lunds universitet Bakgrund Utgångspunkten ftir hanteringen av forskningshandlingar inom Lunds universitet är Riksarkvets ftjreskrifter och allmänna råd om gallring av handlingar i statliga myndigheters forskning - 2025-01-13


Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Biskopsgatan 1 Telephone +46 46 222 41 85 E-mail V ice-Chancel lor General guidelines for business travel at Lund University Approved by the vice-chancellor on 31 January 2019. General guidelines for business travel at Lund University has been produced to facilitate the application of the Regulations for business tr - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5B Telephone 046-222 00 00 Email V ice-Chancel lor General recommendations on Lund University’s right to use copyrighted material Background Lund University strives to conduct education and research of the highest quality, in intertwined environments. Infrastructure and support activities help us - 2025-01-13