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Nya populationstrender presenterade

Publicerad 12 april 2024 Pärlugglan är på omslaget för 2023 års rapport - en art som minskat oroväckande i antal. Svensk Fågeltaxerings årsrapport för 2023 är klar och alla trender är uppdaterade på hemsidan Svensk Fågeltaxerings årsrapport för 2023 är tryckt och kommer i dagarna skickas till alla våra inventerare. I samband med detta har vi också uppdaterat alla fågelindikatorer och arttrender. F - 2025-02-07

Dags för Sjöfågelrutterna 2024!

Publicerad 8 maj 2024 Sjöfågelrutterna (Inventering av sjöfåglar under häckningstid i alla former av blöta miljöer) är ett samarbete mellan Birdlife Sverige/samtliga regionalföreningar och Svensk Fågeltaxering. Syftet är att samla in data som i första hand kan användas för att beräkna trender för våtmarksfåglar, dvs. att följa populationsförändringar över tiden. Snart är det dags för årets räkning - 2025-02-07

Dags för Vinterpunktrutterna!

Publicerad 2 oktober 2024 Nu startar den 50:e upplagan av Vinterpunktrutterna - som alltså genomförts på samma sätt sedan vintern 1975/1976. Vinterpunktrutternas (Vinterfågelräkningen) första inventeringsperiod inleds lördag 5 oktober. På vinterpunktrutterna räknar vi fåglar under 1–5 perioder per vinterhalvår.Period 1: 5-25 oktoberPeriod 2: 10-30 novemberPeriod 3: 19 december-8 januariPeriod 4: 2 - 2025-02-07

Vinterpunktrutter och en God Jul!

Publicerad 20 december 2024 Svensk Fågeltaxering önskar alla sina fantastiska fågelräknare en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År, samt påminner om vinterpunktrutternas viktigaste räkningsperiod som just inletts. Perioden 19 december-8 januari är den viktigaste perioden att räkna fåglar i vårt system med vinterpunktrutter. Med dessa följer vi sedan snart 50 år hur många fåglar som finns i Sverige på vint - 2025-02-07

Jakob Skovgaard on Finance Ministries and Environmental Policy Making

Published 24 October 2017 Jakob Skovgaard has published the article “The Role of Finance Ministries in Environmental Policy Making: The case of European Union Emissions Trading System reform in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands” in the journal “Environmental Policy and Governance”. The article concerns the role of finance ministries on the Danish, Dutch and German government positions on the re - 2025-02-07

Three grants for the department's research group on public administration

Published 7 November 2017 Department of Political science researchers Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Niklas Altermark and Linda Nyberg all awarded grants from Forte. Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Niklas Altermark, Linda Nyberg Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren has, together with Patrik Hall, Mats Fred and Kettil Nordesjö from Malmö University, been awarded 6 million for the project "Acquiring practical knowledge: social - 2025-02-07

New article on female soldiers and dialogic peacekeeping

Published 10 November 2017 Annika Bergman Rosamond and Annica Kronsell have co-authored the journal article "Cosmopolitan militaries and dialogic peacekeeping: Danish and Swedish women soldiers in Afghanistan" in International Femininist Journal of Politics, October 2017. Read full article at Taylor & Francis Online Annika Bergman Rosamonds personal web pageAnnika Kronsells personal web page Annik - 2025-02-07

Ted Svensson: New article explores selective account of past events by nationalist movements

Published 15 November 2017 Ted Svensson has co-authored an article that was recently published in Journal of Social and Political Psychology. It is entitled 'Lessons from the Past for the Future: The Definition and Mobilisation of Hindu Nationhood by the Hindu Nationalist Movement of India'. The article, which is informed by a self-categorisation and social-identity framework of identity entrepren - 2025-02-07

The objective serves as a tool for reflection - not a straightjacket

Published 28 November 2017 Tomas Bergström, Head of Department of Political Science, explains the rule of thumb of a 40-60 percent ratio between female and male authors represented in course reading lists. "Only one of many tools for generating awareness of gender issues among the department’s staff and students." How are reading lists adopted at the Department of Political Science?In light of the - 2025-02-07

Guideline for gender distribution does not influence course content

Published 28 November 2017 The teacher representatives on the board of the Department of Political Science in response to Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein's guest editorial in SvD concerning gender distribution among authors on course reading lists. In a guest editorial in the daily SvD on 7 November, Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein expresses indignation about the Department of Political Science’s allege - 2025-02-07

New book by Aggestam & Towns on gendering diplomacy and international negotiations

Published 5 December 2017 Karin Aggestam och Ann Towns have edited a new book on Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation (Palgrave). About the book:This path-breaking book addresses the oft-avoided, yet critical question: where are the women located in contemporary diplomacy and international negotiation? The text presents a novel research agenda, including new theoretical and conceptual - 2025-02-07

New book by Jens Bartelson: War in International Thought

Published 5 December 2017 Analyzing how the concept of war has been used in different contexts from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth century, Jens Bartelson inquires into the underlying and often unspoken assumptions about the nature of war, and how these have shaped our understanding of the modern political world and the role of war within it. As scholars and citizens, we are predisposed to - 2025-02-07

Annika Bergman Rosamond on security in book about feminist research

Published 12 December 2017 Annika Bergman Rosamond has published the book chapter 'Säkerhet’ (Security) in the book Politik och Kön: Feministiska Perspektiv på Statsvetenskap, (translation: Gender and Politics: Feminist Perspectives on Political Science) edited by Lenita Freidenvall & Maria Jansson (Studentlitteratur). Link to book at Studentitteratur.seLink to Annika Bergman Rosamond's personal w - 2025-02-07

Special Issue in Postcolonial Studies edited by Catarina Kinnvall

Published 14 December 2017 Catarina Kinnvall has together with John Cash edited a Special Issue in Postcolonial Studies (vol. 20, issue 3, 2017), entitled: ’Postcolonial Bordering and Ontological Insecurities’. Current and former colleagues at the Department, Ted Svensson and Emil Edenborg, also contribute articles to the Special Issue For more information, see: - 2025-02-07

Karin Aggestam and Ann Towns on women and global diplomacy

Published 15 December 2017 Karin Aggestam, professor at the Department of Political Science and Ann Towns, associate professor at Gothenburg University have co-authored "Diplomacy: A Gendered Institution” i boken Diplomacy in a Globalizing World (Oxford University Press). About the book: In Diplomacy in a Globalizing World twenty-three respected scholars contribute to the debate about the changing - 2025-02-07

Continued academic freedom - a guiding light for new leadership

By ingrid [dot] thulin [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Ingrid Thulin) - published 15 December 2017 Lisa Strömbom, Deputy Head of Department och Björn Badersten, Head of Department, starting 2018. Photo: Ingrid Thulin At the turn of the year, Björn Badersten and Lisa Strömbom will take up their respective posts as head and assistant head of the Department of Political Science, respectively. They were b - 2025-02-07

New research project on the Swedish forest

Published 18 December 2017 "Woodworlds: Stories of desire and grief in the Swedish forest" is a new research project led by Johannes Stripple and funded by BECC - The Swedish government’s strategic research area on biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing climate. About the project from the Decision about research funding in BECC for 2018-20:J. Stripple (Political Science, LU); Woodworlds - 2025-02-07

New book by Niklas Altermark on how people with intellectual disabilities are governed

Published 19 December 2017 Niklas Altermark has recently published his book Citizenship Inclusion and Intellectual Disability: Biopolitics Post-Institutionalisation with Routledge. The book advances and builds on his dissertation and deals with how people with intellectual disabilities are being governed. In addition, Altermark has also published an article, entitled 'Legitimising Austerity: The c - 2025-02-07

Fariborz Zelli and Ina Möller organized international workshop on complexity in global governance

Published 19 December 2017 Fariborz Zelli and Ina Möller convened a workshop on ‘Theory and Methods of Institutional Complexity in Global Governance’ in Duisburg Germany, 30 November – 1 December 2017. Participants included leading international experts on this topic such as Kenneth Abbott, Lasse Gerrits, Jessica Green, Peter Haas, Philip Haynes and Sebastian Oberthür. Global governance today is i - 2025-02-07

Tomas Bergström hands over growing Eden

By ingrid [dot] thulin [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Ingrid Thulin) - published 21 December 2017 Eden has changed a lot inside and out during Tomas Bergström's time as Head of Department. Photo: Ingrid Thulin Tomas Bergström is stepping down as head of department after nine years at the helm, twelve if you count his time as assistant head of department. During his time as head of department, the dep - 2025-02-07