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Agreement between asthma questionnaire and health care register data.

Published 18 December 2019 Risk factors and consequences of asthma can be studied by using validated questionnaires. The overall objective of this study was to assess the agreement of parental-reported asthma-related questions regarding their children against Swedish health care registers. New publication in Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. - 2025-02-28

Biobank linked to SWEDEHEART quality registry-routine blood sample collection opens new opportunities for cardiovascular research.

Published 19 December 2019 High-quality biobanking within routine health services, through the use of existing health-care practices and infrastructure, with respect to safety and integrity of patients in line with the Swedish Biobank Act, enables large-scale collection of biological material at reasonable costs. Complementing the extensive information on myocardial infarction patients from a nati - 2025-02-28

Establishing spatially-enabled health registry systems using implicit spatial data pools: case study – Uganda

Published 20 December 2019 Spatial epidemiological analyses primarily depend on spatially-indexed medical records. Some countries have devised ways of capturing patient-specific spatial details using ZIP codes, postcodes or personal numbers, which are geocoded. However, for most resource-constrained African countries, the absence of a means to capture patient resident location as well as inexisten - 2025-02-28

Rationale for a Swedish cohort consortium.

Published 21 December 2019 We herein outline the rationale for a Swedish cohort consortium, aiming to facilitate greater use of Swedish cohorts for world-class research. Coordination of all Swedish prospective population-based cohorts in a common infrastructure would enable more precise research findings and facilitate research on rare exposures and outcomes, leading to better utilization of study - 2025-02-28

The Finnish psychiatric birth cohort consortium (PSYCOHORTS) - content, plans and perspectives.

Published 21 December 2019 PSYCOHORTS lays the foundation for complex examinations of psychiatric disorders that is based on compatible datasets, use of biobanks and multigenerational approach to risk factors, and extensive data on marginalization and inequality. New publication in Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2025-02-28

ECMM CandiReg—A ready to use platform for outbreaks and epidemiological studies

Published 22 December 2019 CandiReg provides an eCRF for invasive Candida infections that can be used for a variety of studies from cohort studies on attributable mortality to evaluations of guideline adherence, offering to the investigators of the 28 ECMM member countries the opportunity to document their cases of invasive Candida infection. CandiReg allows the monitoring of epidemiology of invas - 2025-02-28

The benefits of collaboration: the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association.

Published 22 December 2019 The Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) was established in 2007 by arthroplasty register representatives from Sweden, Norway and Denmark with the overall aim to improve the quality of research and thereby enhance the possibility for quality improvement with arthroplasty surgery. Finland joined the NARA collaboration in 2010.NARA minimal hip, knee and shoulder - 2025-02-28

The StarT back screening tool and a pain mannequin improve triage in individuals with low back pain at risk of a worse prognosis – a population based cohort study

Published 23 December 2019 The STarT Back Screening Tool (SBT) identifies patients with low back pain (LBP) at risk of a worse prognosis of persistent disabling back pain, and thereby facilitates triage to appropriate treatment level. However, the SBT does not consider the pain distribution, which is a known predictor of chronic widespread pain (CWP). The aim of this study was to determine if scre - 2025-02-28

Patient registries for home oxygen research and evaluation.

Published 24 December 2019 Randomized clinical trials are the preferred study design to address key research questions about the benefits or harms of interventions. However, randomized trials of oxygen therapy are difficult to conduct and have limitations. The purpose of this article is to offer our view on the potential use of patient registries in the field of home oxygen in COPD as an alternati - 2025-02-28

Geographical proximity and the transmission of drug abuse among siblings: evaluating a contagion model in a Swedish National Sample.

Published 24 December 2019 The best-fit model predicted risk for DA in S2 as a function of the log of kilometres between S1 and S2 with parameter estimates (±95% confidence intervals) of 0.94 (0.92; 0.95). Prediction of DA included effects of cohabitation and an interaction of proximity and time since S1 registration with stronger effects of proximity early in the follow-up period. Proximity effec - 2025-02-28

Geographical proximity and the transmission of drug abuse among siblings: evaluating a contagion model in a Swedish National Sample

Published 25 December 2019 The best-fit model predicted risk for DA in S2 as a function of the log of kilometres between S1 and S2 with parameter estimates (±95% confidence intervals) of 0.94 (0.92; 0.95). Prediction of DA included effects of cohabitation and an interaction of proximity and time since S1 registration with stronger effects of proximity early in the follow-up period. Proximity effec - 2025-02-28

EuroHeart: European Unified Registries On Heart Care Evaluation and Randomized Trials.

Published 25 December 2019 Major advances in cardiovascular medicine have been driven by innovations in basic research in biological and technical sciences. The subsequent testing in prospective randomized controlled trials (RCT) has provided the evidence underpinning the introduction of new, more effective, and safer treatments. New publication in European Heart Journal - 2025-02-28

National poisoning registers and toxicovigilance in different countries as models for Germany

Published 26 December 2019 As of 2019, Germany has still not been able to provide a national poisoning register and toxicovigilance for sufficient and reliable information on human exposure for the purpose of identification and assessment of toxic risk to the public. In particular, the USA acts as a special model, but France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Sweden also have efficient poisoning r - 2025-02-28

Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Breast Cancer by Gene Expression and Clinicopathological Models: Development and Validation within a Population-Based Cohort

Published 27 December 2019 More than 70% of patients with breast cancer present with node-negative disease, yet all undergo surgical axillary staging. We aimed to define predictors of nodal metastasis using clinicopathological characteristics (CLINICAL), gene expression data (GEX), and mixed features (MIXED) and to identify patients at low risk of metastasis who might be spared sentinel lymph node - 2025-02-28

Developing and Launching a Research Participant Registry

Published 27 December 2019 A major challenge in clinical research today is the difficulty that studies have in meeting recruitment goals. Up to 48% of studies do not meet accrual goals within the specified timeframe, significantly delaying the progress of projects and the dissemination of findings. This pervasive problem is a recruitment crisis. We developed a representative, ethnically and racial - 2025-02-28