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Funding for Political Participation Among Young People

Published 17 December 2014 PROJECT SUPPORT: Malena Rosén Sundström and Hanna Bäck have been granted 5 mn SEK by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenbergs foundation in support of the project Political Participation among young people - from party democrats to social media activists. The department extends its congratulations!Malena Rosén SundströmHanna Bäck - 2025-03-14

Petter Narby has defended his thesis

Published 18 December 2014 Petter Narby defended his dissertation ”Time of Crisis: Order, Politics, Temporality.” yesterday at one o'clock in Edens Hörsal, The Department of Political Science, Lund. Discussant: Kimberly Hutchings, London School of Economics. AbstractCrises are common and problematic features of contemporary politics. Thought as moments in time when order is undermined by flux and - 2025-03-14

Lindvall quiz-question in today's advent calendar

Published 19 December 2014 Lund University's advent calendar Merry Quizmas features Johannes Lindvall's research today. Every day you have a chance to enter the competition by sending a message (comment). Indicate the correct answer to today’s question in the message/comment: 1, X or 2.Today's quiz-question:There are various theories about what parties benefit in an election that takes place short - 2025-03-14

SASNET researcher presented a paper at the international Refugees, Borders and Membership Conference

Published 29 October 2018 SASNET researcher Admir Skodo presented a paper entitled "The internationalized state and conflicts: The Afghan diaspora and Afghan statebuilding since 1979" at the international Refugees, Borders and Membership Conference, held at Malmö University October 24-26. Read more about the conference here. - 2025-03-14

Internship Opening at SASNET

Published 19 November 2018 SASNET invites students to apply for an internship. SASNET is a network at Lund University that promotes and encourages research and education on South Asia. SASNET organizes seminars, conferences, and offers grants to students who want to conduct fieldwork in South Asia. SASNET also offers grants to researchers who want to write an application for research projects on S - 2025-03-14

New issue of Sydasien now available

Published 20 November 2018 The magazine Sydasien ( is an important channel for spreading news and analyses about South Asia in the Swedish language. Sydasien was founded in 1977. First appearing in print, Sydasien transitioned into an online-only format in 2011. Read the new issue sydasien_nr2_2018_lowres.pdf . Through a new collaboration between Sydasien and SASNET the magazine on - 2025-03-14

Student assistant position at SASNET

Published 5 December 2018 SASNET invites students to apply for an student assistant position, 20%. SASNET is a network at Lund University that promotes and encourages research and education on South Asia. SASNET organizes seminars, conferences, and offers grants to students who want to conduct fieldwork in South Asia. SASNET also offers grants to researchers who want to write an application for re - 2025-03-14

Postdoctoral position at SASNET

Published 11 December 2018 SASNET is an interdisciplinary network for the production and dissemination of research, education, and information about South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). SASNET produces and disseminates knowledge and research about South Asia in three principal ways. First, SASNET produces knowledge about South Asia through r - 2025-03-14

Conference announcement: South Asia across the Nordic Region 2019

Published 13 December 2018 SANR is an annual conference about all things South Asian. It offers a platform for Nordic scholars of South Asia to present their research and meet other researchers. It is particularly intended to be a supportive meeting point for emerging scholars.   After initial meetings in Copenhagen in 2017 and Oslo in 2018, Uppsala will be the host in 2019 with the event taking p - 2025-03-14

Report from an international conference on Afghanistan

Published 19 December 2018 On December 12, 2018, Anna Lindberg, affiliated researcher at SASNET, attended an International Conference on Afghanistan, organized in Stockholm by the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA). The aim of the conference was to address local Afghani perspectives on peace building, and explore the role of development partners, humanitarian actors, civil society, and others - 2025-03-14

Staffan Lindberg, in memoriam 1943–2019

Published 9 January 2019 Earlier this week SASNET received a message that the founder and former director of SASNET, Professor Emeritus Staffan Lindberg has died. It is with great sadness that we learned of Staffan’s passing. Staffan was to the very end very active in SASNET, not only as a mentor to current director Andreas Johansson, but also, for his contributions to seminars and publications. J - 2025-03-14

Three scholars join SASNET as affiliated researchers

Published 21 January 2019 Manpreet K. Janeja, Parama Sinha Palit and Rishi Jha join SASNET as affiliated researchers. Manpreet K. Janeja holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Queens’ College, University of Cambridge (U.K.), and an M.A. in Sociology from the Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University (India). Her work so far has focused on three major concerns that straddle the ‘public’ and ‘p - 2025-03-14