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New Thesis: Three questions for Kalyan Pasumarthy

Published 8 October 2024 Kalyan Pasumarthy, with motorbikes near the Himalayas Kalyan Pasumarthy is getting ready to defend his thesis in Business Administration on 25 October. In his research he looks closer at angel investors and angel groups and their exit strategies. You are about to defend your thesis, "Business Angel Groups and Exit Strategies" what is it about?My thesis highlights the impor - 2025-03-09

Wellness compensation and medicine reimbursement

Published 8 October 2024 A friendly reminder from the HR division about the last date to apply for wellness compensations and medicine reimbursements. Wellness compensationStarting in 2024, Lund University will establish November 30 as the last date for applications for wellness compensation.The reason is that the Swedish Tax Agency's rules mean that the compensation must, as a general rule, be pa - 2025-03-09

The sustainability plan is being updated – Have your say!

Published 8 October 2024 This autumn will see comprehensive work on updating the University’s sustainability plan. The changes are to make sustainability efforts over the next two years more concrete. Boards and parts of the central administration will now identify various activities and see what resources are available to achieve our sustainability goals.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-09

New webpage about rankings

Published 8 October 2024 A new webpage summarising our rankings has been added to the University’s external website are around 20,000 higher education institutions in the world, and Lund University regularly ranks as one of the world’s best in several of the most reputable rankings.There is now a new webpage on that shows our position in various global rankings.Learn more on LU S - 2025-03-09

The Government Extends the Time Limit for Employment as Associate Senior Lecturer

Published 8 October 2024 Minister of Education, Johan Pehrson The government has decided to amend the Higher Education Ordinance. The change extends the time limit from a PhD to employment as an Associate Senior Lecturer from the current five years to up to seven years. With this amendment, universities will be able to decide for themselves which time limit to apply. The position of assistant prof - 2025-03-09

The expert’s view: Why the future of food matters

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 2 October 2024 At this fall’s first alumni breakfast on October 8th, both breakfast and the latest research on the future of food will be on the agenda. Thomas Kalling, Professor of Strategic Management at LUSEM, and Karolina Östbring, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Food Technology and Applied Biochemistry at LTH, wi - 2025-03-09

The expert’s view: How sensors are shaping the urban landscape of the future

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 22 October 2024 During this year's popular science Framtidsdagarna ('Future Days') at Lund University on October 16–17, we had the chance to hear about crucial and decisive issues for the future. This year focused on future cities and 'The Future of Death.' Representing LUSEM, Markus Lahtinen, teacher and researcher at the - 2025-03-09

LUSEM's very own head of finance is retiring — what happens now?

Published 22 October 2024 Change brings development and is a part of life. Sara Novakov has guided LUSEM through changes while maintaining continuity since 2007, but this fall, she will be retiring. Sara joined LUSEM in 2007, having already been employed at the university since 1994, including working as an internal auditor. Coming to a faculty full of economists as an economist herself has worked - 2025-03-09

Andreas Bergh on media choices for research communication

Published 23 October 2024 Photo of Andreas Bergh by Louise Larsson An economist as a comic book character, podcaster, or cultural commentator? Andreas Bergh from LUSEM has chosen all three (and a bit more) as he, alongside his lectures on microeconomics and the welfare state, curiously explores various ways to reach the public. Here, he shares his best tips on where and why. Comics – because it’s - 2025-03-09

Nominate candidates for the Lund University Administrative Prize 2025

Published 23 October 2024 Employees and students at Lund University are hereby invited to propose candidates for the 2024 Lund University Administrative Prize. With this award, the University management wishes to recognize extraordinary contributions in administration throughout the University. Nominate by 11 November 2024 at the latest.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-09

A sustainable workplace – from idea to reality

Published 23 October 2024 Do you want to contribute to making Lund University more sustainable? A new application round and the chance to realize the idea for the Sustainable Proposal Testbed will be opened.A sustainable workplace – from concept to realityThe University’s Sustainability Strategy and the Sustainability Plan are ambitious. Change demands new ideas, and good ideas often come from emp - 2025-03-09

Vegetarian food to become the default offering at meetings and conferences

Published 23 October 2024 What we eat and drink impacts people and the environment in many ways – thanks to the way food is produced, transported and used. New guidelines for purchasing foodstuffs raise our ambitions and clarify the University’s role on issues of sustainable food production. The target is to increase the proportion of food that is vegetarian and in season, and for food wastage to - 2025-03-09

Economics of death – and Halloween consumption

By peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 1 November 2024 According to Svensk Handel, the interest from the retail industry when it comes to Halloween is at an all time high. Photo: iStock Candy heaven or candy hell? Halloween consumption has gone rampant since we imported this tradition from the United States, and is expected to reach 1,6 billion SEK in 2 - 2025-03-09

Prepare for a year with limited study spaces

By christel [dot] holmberg [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Christel Holmberg) - published 11 December 2023 Studies in the Wallengren reading room. Photographer Johan Bävman. Do you know that we are renovating next year, making room for more and better study spaces? The coming year will be noisy with few study spaces. Studying at UB will be inconvenient during the renovation, but the result will be wort - 2025-03-09

Lundakarnevalen genom 165 år

Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 – Lundakarnevalen har en själ som består av mycket humor, kryddad med kritiskt tänkande och ifrågasättande. Mina efterforskningar i bland annat Akademiska Föreningens arkiv visar att så har det varit sedan det första karnevalståget drog genom Lund för 165 år sedan. Det säger Per Lindström som är författare till ”Lundakarnevalens historia”, tillika Universitetshistoriska s - 2025-03-10

Hallå Torleif Bramryd … om att inte elda upp sopor

Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 Du är professor i miljöstrategi vid Campus Helsingborg, och har det senaste året deltagit i en allt mer intensiv debatt i både tv, radio och tidningar om Sveriges sopförbränning. Torleif Bramryd. Foto: K G Pressfoto Varför bör vi inte elda upp våra sopor? – Genom de stora satsningarna på sopförbränningsanläggningar på senare år har vi skapat ett farligt avfall av något so - 2025-03-10

Han ska strålsäkra Rysslands sjukvård

Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 Ryssland håller som bäst på att modernisera och strålsäkra sin hälso- och sjukvård. För att lyckas tar man hjälp av Lunds universitet. Aleksandr Vodovatov har en nyckelroll i arbetet med en nationell riktlinje för röntgenstrålning på ryska sjukhus. Sitt forskningsprojekt genomför han delvis vid Lunds universitet. Många personer i Ryssland röntgas betydligt fler gånger än - 2025-03-10


Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 Certec, avdelningen för rehabiliteringsteknik vid LTH, är kanske den grupp vid Lunds universitet som jobbat längst och mest med brukarmedverkan. Fast själva har de egentligen aldrig talat om brukare eftersom ordet leder tankarna fel, anser de. Charlotte Magnusson. – Ordet brukare ger en bild av att användningen är personens enda uppgift i livet. Du är inte människa, du är - 2025-03-10


Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 Tala om vad ni behöver så ska vi på Socialhögskolan ordna det. Detta storstilade löfte kom från ingen mindre än skolans rektor Staffan Blomberg. I den överförtjusta publiken satt ett hundratal socialsekreterare, kommunala utvecklingsledare och politiker som bjudits in för att samarbeta kring Socialhögskolans utbildningsutbud. Studierektor Leili Laanemets var en av initiat - 2025-03-10