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Utilization of a National Registry to influence opioid prescribing behavior after hernia repair

Published 13 November 2021 Despite progress toward curtailing opioid prescribing, physicians are often slow to adopt new prescribing practices. Using the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative (ACHQC), we aimed to demonstrate the ability of a national, disease-specific, personalized registry to impact opioid prescribing. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Accuracy of injury coding in a trauma registry

Published 14 November 2021 The overall accuracy of data held in the New Zealand Trauma Registry (NZTR) is suitable for quality improvement and benchmarking purposes, but more work is needed to improve the accuracy of individual cases, particularly those with head/neck and chest injury. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Establishing an institutional reverse total shoulder arthroplasty registry

Published 15 November 2021 A well-managed institutional arthroplasty registry, including structured clinical and radiological follow-up assessments, offers the opportunity for high-quality long-term patient and arthroplasty outcome analysis. Such data are not only helpful for analyzing patient outcome and implant survival, but will be increasingly important to justify our daily clinical practice a - 2025-02-05

Looking beyond the numbers: quality assurance procedures in the Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research Maternal Newborn Health Registry

Published 16 November 2021 We developed standardized QA processes for training, certification and supervision of the MNHR, a multisite research registry. It is expected that these activities, together with ongoing QA processes, will help to further optimize data quality for this protocol. Read the paper at… - 2025-02-05

RESTORE: A Prospective Multinational Registry of Patients with Genetically Confirmed Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Rationale and Study Design

Published 17 November 2021 This registry will assess outcomes in patients with genetically confirmed SMA and provide information on the effectiveness and long-term safety of approved and emerging treatments. Read the paper at… - 2025-02-05

The effect of adjustment to register-based and questionnaire-based covariates on the association between air pollution and cardiometabolic disease

Published 18 November 2021 Our findings suggest that in studies of air pollution and cardiometabolic disease, which use an adjustment strategy with a broad range of register-based socioeconomic variables, there is no effect on risk estimates from subsequent lifestyle adjustment. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

A Prospective Stroke Register in Sierra Leone: Demographics, Stroke Type, Stroke Care and Hospital Outcomes

Published 20 November 2021 Stroke is the second most common cause of adult death in Africa. This study reports the demographics, stroke types, stroke care and hospital outcomes for stroke in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Concordance among Swedish, German, Danish, and UK EQ-5D-3L Value Sets: Analyses of Patient-Reported Outcomes in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register

Published 21 November 2021 Among THR patients value sets based on the same method and perspective, a direct transfer of results across countries could be meaningful. In cases of differences in methods and perspectives among value sets, transfer of value sets across settings would have to consider conversion through crosswalk. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Assortativity and Bias in Epidemiologic Studies of Contagious Outcomes: A Simulated Example in the Context of Vaccination

Published 22 November 2021 Assortativity is the tendency of individuals connected in a network to share traits and behaviors. Through simulations, we demonstrated the potential for bias resulting from assortativity by vaccination, where vaccinated individuals are more likely to be connected with other vaccinated individuals. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Data Sources That Enumerate People Experiencing Homelessness in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges for Epidemiologic Research

Published 23 November 2021 Here, we outline 3 federal, publicly available data sources for estimating the number of people experiencing homelessness in the United States. We describe the appropriate uses and limitations of each data source in the context of infectious disease epidemiology. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Multigenerational health research using population-based linked databases: an international review

Published 24 November 2021 This review provides important insights about the benefits and challenges of using routinely-collected, population-based linked databases for conducting population-based multigenerational health research, and identifies opportunities for future research within and across the data-intensive environments at these six sites. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Job opportunity: Senior Lecturer in epidemiology with focus on environmental health risk assessment at KI

Published 16 November 2021 The senior lecturer in epidemiology with a focus on research must, in addition to conducting high-quality epidemiological research primarily concerning the etiology of allergic diseases and hypersensitivity, also have a leading role in environmental health risk assessment and teach epidemiology. Read more, and apply, at - 2025-02-05

Job opportunity: Associate Researcher in Epidemiological Surveillance Studies

Published 24 November 2021 The research group of Epidemiology and Population Studies (EPI@Lund), lead by professor Jonas Björk, is looking for an associate researcher in Epidemiology, Public Health, Data Science or a closely related subject, to the project "Improved preparedness for future pandemic outbreaks using large-scale population data in epidemiological surveillance". The position is linked - 2025-02-05

Stakeholder attitudes towards establishing a national genomics registry of inherited cancer predisposition: a qualitative study

Published 30 November 2021 This study aimed to describe the acceptability and perceived barriers and enablers to establish a national registry targeting carriers of pathogenic variants in cancer susceptibility genes from stakeholders’ perspectives. Read the paper at - 2025-02-05

Ny studie: Fertilitet och reproduktiva beslut under Covid-19-pandemin

Published 2 December 2021 Vid Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin, Lunds universitet, bedrivs forskning kring hur bland annat miljöfaktorer och levnadsvillkor påverkar hälsa och sjukdom. Kunskapen används sedan för att identifiera hälsorisker i arbets- och omgivningsmiljön och syftar till att eliminera dessa risker och förebygga ohälsa. Covid-19-pandemin har utgjort en sådan hälsorisk med påv - 2025-02-05

Socialstyrelsen kartlägger hälsodata

Published 7 December 2021 Regeringen vill genom olika typer av data skapa bättre förutsättningar för nationell uppföljning, driva kvalitetsutveckling av hälso- och sjukvården och för forskning och innovation i Sverige. Socialstyrelsen har därför fått i uppdrag att kartlägga behoven av olika typer av datamängder inom hälsodataområdet. Läs mer på - 2025-02-05

RELOC-AGE Registerstudie: bostadsval och hälsa hos den åldrande befolkningen i Sverige

Published 9 December 2021 Syftet med projektet Register RELOC-AGE är att öka kunskapen kring hur boendeaspekter och byte av boende påverkar aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande, både på kort och lång sikt. Exempel på frågeställningar är i vilken utsträckning boendemiljön förklarar och påverkar hälsa och välbefinnande. Påverkas dessa samband av ytterligare faktorer såsom kön, ålder och förändringar i civi - 2025-02-05

LivE-COVID-19/del I: hur kan boendemiljöer påverka konsekvenserna av långvarig social isolering under COVID-19-pandemin?

Published 13 December 2021 Syftet med projektet LivE-COVID-19 är att öka kunskapen kring hur COVID-19 och pandemin påverkar samband mellan boendemiljön och hälsa och välbefinnande. Exempel på frågeställningar är i vilken utsträckning boendemiljön förklarar och påverkar hälsa och välbefinnande före och under (och, så småningom, efter) COVID-19-pandemin. Påverkas dessa samband, bland annat, av ytter - 2025-02-05