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"It has been wonderful"

Publicerad 13 november 2020 After 22 years as the Rector of Malmö Art Academy, I’m now leaving* and hand it over to artist Maj Hasager, member of the staff in the last ten years and initiator and leader of our MFA-program Critical and Pedagogical Studies. Welcome! Maj will start as our new Rector from January 1 2021. It has been wonderful to be able to build up an art academy from start and see it - 2025-03-31

Maj Hasager ny rektor på Konsthögskolan

Av nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - publicerad 13 november 2020 Maj Hasager Maj Hasager är själv utbildad till bildkonstnär vid Konsthögskolan och har under de senaste nio åren varit lärare vid masterprogrammet. Från den 1 januari går hon in i rollen som ny rektor under kommande tre år. Med vilka känslor tar du dig an ditt nya uppdrag?-Jag känner stor glädje, erkä - 2025-03-31

Alumni: Repose

Publicerad 16 november 2020 Repose Anna Andersson & Gabriel Karlsson November 20 - December 6 Canopy, Malmö Opening: Friday November 20, 17:00 - 21:00 Welcome to the exhibition Repose by Anna Andersson & Gabriel Karlsson; a dialogue forming around two sculptural practices. Due to the current situation, a limited number of visitors will be allowed in the space at the same time. Hand sanitizer and f - 2025-03-31

Minnesord - Marion von Osten

Publicerad 16 november 2020 Foto: Wolfgang Stahr Marion von Osten som doktorerade med 'In The Making : Traversing the project exhibition In the Desert of Modernity. Colonial Planning and After' vid Konsthögskolan i Malmö 2018, avled tragiskt nog i cancer under helgen som gick. Hennes kollegor i doktorandgruppen samt hennes handledare har skrivit ihop några minnesord till Marion. Läs nedan: With de - 2025-03-31

Heimo Zobernig utnämnd till hedersdoktor

Publicerad 20 november 2020 Heimo Zobernig, Konstakademien i Wien, är utsedd till Konstnärliga fakultetens hedersdoktor 2021. Heimo Zobernig har alltsedan debuten 1978 varit en av Europas och världens mest intressanta och tongivande konstnärer. Inom sitt fält arbetar han med konstens motsvarighet till grundforskning, då han utmanar våra föreställningar om centrum och periferi, konst och icke-konst - 2025-03-31

Alumni: Martine Flor - The Still

Publicerad 17 november 2020 Martine Flor - The Still Galleri Obra Vernissage 20.11 4pm-7pm 20.11-21.12 Mon-Fri 11am-4pm Stora Varvsgatan 12-14 SE-211 19 Malmö Opening hours may change due to the current Covid-19 situation, please find updated information on   Martine Flor (b.1989 Trondheim, Norway) lives and works in Malmö, where she graduated from Malmö Art Academy in 2018. In 2019 s - 2025-03-31

Alumni: A Malmö Trilogy: Shepherdess and Other Exilic Vernaculars

Publicerad 20 november 2020 A Malmö Trilogy: Shepherdess and Other Exilic Vernaculars Sara Lindeborg, Selma Sjöstedt, Angelica Falkeling Signal, Malmö 21 november–13 december 2020 & 14 januari–14 februari 2021 En enskild scen berättas från flera olika perspektiv. Vi känner igen greppet från filmens, teaterns och litteraturens värld, men hur om vi skulle presentera en utställning på ett sådant sätt - 2025-03-31

Anne L’Huillier wins the Max Born Award

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 9 March 2021 Anne l’Huillier is the winner of the 2021 Max Born Award from the Optical Society (OSA). Photo: Magnus Bergström The Optical Society, OSA, awards NanoLundian Atomic Physics professor Anne l’Huillier the Max Born Award for pioneering work in ultrafast laser science and attosecond physics. Anne L’Huillier, professor o - 2025-03-31

Unique research project on electrons awarded grant

By webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Webmaster) - published 9 October 2020 Per Eng-Johnsson. A research project on how to observe and control the movement of electrons will soon commence at LTH thanks to a multi-million donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Per Eng-Johnsson, professor at the Division of Atomic Physics, will receive just over SEK 25 million for doing somethi - 2025-03-31

ERC Starting Grant rewarded to Pablo Villanueva Perez

By webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 16 September 2020 Pablo Villanueva Perez. Photo: Johan Joelsson NanoLund affiliated researcher recieves funding to develop a new microscope. Pablo Villanueva Perez, associate senior lecturer in Synchrotron Radiation Physics, will develop a completely new X-ray microscope to improve the study and filming of different materials i - 2025-03-31

Alumnus Sandra Mujinga nominated for Preis der Nationalgalerie 2021

Publicerad 10 mars 2021 Video: Preis der Nationalgalerie Alumnus Sandra Mujinga has been nominated for Preis der Nationalgalerie 2021 and will have an exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhoff Ausstellen. Since 2000, the Preis der Nationalgalerie honours important young positions in international art.… - 2025-03-31

X-rays and neutrons entering the metals and manufacturing industries

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna-Karin Alm) - published 12 April 2021 Laboratory facilities within Lund University and Chalmers University will be used to prepare experiments using X-rays or neutrons. Picture from the PME-lab at Lund University. Courtesy of Jan-Eric Ståhl. Researchers from the two Strategic Research Areas NanoLund and SPI (Sustainable Production Initiative, Chalmers - 2025-03-31

How to make smarter and more efficient electronics

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 16 April 2021 We are facing new challenges, and consequently we need the development of electronics to continue. But the question is: how do we do that? Mattias Borg, co-coordinator of Exploratory Nanotechnology, explains how. The basis of the electronics we use today, such as home computers and mobile phones, was invented more - 2025-03-31