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Marie Larsson har försvarat sin avhandling om preventivmedelsarbete och är nybliven doktor i sociologi

Av moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - publicerad 19 december 2023 Tisdagen den 19 december försvarade Marie Larsson framgångsrikt sin avhandling “The Work of Contracepting : Young people's experiences and practices with contraceptives in Sweden” och kan ny titulera sig doktor i sociologi. Opponenten Petra Nordqvist från University of Manchester presenterade avhandling - 2025-03-05

She is looking for what itches, stings and peels

Published 17 February 2017 A detective work that reflects society in terms of both working life and fashion trends. This is how you could describe Cecilia Svedman’s task as a dermatologist and researcher, specialising in contact allergies. Cecilia Svedman. Cecilia Svedman is the director of the main hospital in Helsingborg, who at the same time manages a research group at the Division of Occupatio - 2025-03-05

Some doctoral students find their supervisors unreliable

Published 17 February 2017 Supervisors who do not have time for their doctoral students, or research which is used without giving the doctoral student credit as an author…. Aleksandra Popovic hopes that the newly established Research Programmes Board will result in increased initiative when it comes to dealing with the doctoral students’ problems. This is a recurring issue for many doctoral studen - 2025-03-05

Teaching staff to learn more about blended learning

Published 20 March 2017 In the autumn, Lund University will be introducing a major educational initiative on e-learning and blended learning. It is intended for teaching staff who are curious about testing digital tools in their teaching activities. “For the University, integrating digital technology in physical teaching is a matter of survival – that is why we are making this extra investment”, s - 2025-03-05

After slimming down the construction plans – Forum Medicum is now underway

Published 20 March 2017 Forum Medicum – the new major construction of the Faculty of Medicine at the top of Sölvegatan – will become a reality. For a while, things looked bad, but by making small adjustments here and there, the project can now be pursued to begin construction in the winter of 2018/2019. The idea of Forum Medicum is to establish a joint biomedical and health sciences centre for res - 2025-03-05

Researcher intrigued by mafia tattoos – Japanese mafia photographed by Lund researcher

Published 20 March 2017 At a pub in Yokohama, history of religions scholar Andreas Johansson by chance came in contact with the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. For two weeks, he was hanging out with the mafia, and will soon publish a book on the tattoos of the Yakuza and what they symbolise. It requires over 200 hours of painful pricks by hand, with a metal pin attached to a bamboo stick, to achieve t - 2025-03-05

Should employees be reachable by email during their leisure time?

Published 20 March 2017 Is it OK for a manager to email employees in the evenings and on weekends? More employers should have explicit rules about emailing outside working hours, according to Mikael Ottosson, who is researching the work environment within a project entitled “Going home already? Fluid working hours means freedom to some people and stress to others, says Mikael Ottoson. Photo: Ulrik - 2025-03-05

Important testimonies digitised

Published 20 March 2017 The Ravensbrück archive at the University Library is unique in the world. Nowhere else is there a collection of 500 testimonies from concentration camp survivors, recorded so soon after their terrible ordeal. Now, their stories from Ravensbrück will be made available in digital form, so that anyone can search the archive. Drawings. Several of the women imprisoned at Ravensb - 2025-03-05

Eighty-year-old findings to help solve water mystery

Published 20 March 2017 82 years after his death, limnology superstar and the first professor in this field in Lund and the world, Einar Naumann, may have helped solve the riddle of why lakes become brown. With the help of Naumann’s and his students’ work dating back to the 1930s, senior lecturer Emma Kritzberg has created a data series that fill a gap of 50 years. Emma Kritzberg In Sweden and man - 2025-03-05

Hidden treasures of choir stalls made an exhibition

Published 23 March 2017 Love poems, playing cards and secret notes. For half a millennium, people who have attended mass at Lund Cathedral have found ways to pass the time when the sermons felt too slow. In a few years, the Lund University Historical Museum will introduce a new cabinet of curiosities, containing notes and strange objects which have fallen down or been hidden between the choir stal - 2025-03-05

She brings hope for a better world

Published 20 April 2017 Is the world becoming a better place? Carlota Perez does not respond to this question. Instead, she explains how we are making it better. And hope is ignited in the eyes of the young members of the audience during Debatt i Lund. “The threat of climate change can be turned into an opportunity. Green economic growth will provide lots of new jobs and a good life for people, no - 2025-03-05

Donald Trump and Brexit affects the agenda of the board

Published 21 April 2017 When Jonas Hafström swings his gavel at the board meeting in June, he will do so in front of an almost entirely new University Board. He himself maintains his seat, comfortable in his role as chair which he began two years ago. Jonas Hafström, chairman of the University board. When former chair Margot Wallström resigned, in the middle of her term of office, to become Minist - 2025-03-05

Segregation graver threat than ISIS returnees in the long run

Published 20 April 2017 A few weeks after the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, researchers caution against describing reality as a black-and-white struggle between good and evil. If you want to protect society against extremism, it is important that you understand how and why it occurs. Although radicalised youth who return from the terror group ISIS is a threat to security, the th - 2025-03-05

Digital revolution changes work environment

Published 21 April 2017 How does digital technology affect our work situation? Could data collected to measure our performance lead to old-fashioned micromanagement? Should higher education take after healthcare with regard to the boundary between work and spare time? These are some of the questions discussed by researchers involved in the research theme Digiworks at the Pufendorf Institute. Resea - 2025-03-05

LU provides education against violent extremism

Published 24 April 2017 How we deal with people who return from terrorist groups – not just those who have travelled to ISIS but also those who have joined right-wing groups in, for instance, Ukraine – is crucial to our own safety, says Dan-Erik Andersson, one of the people behind a new national contract education course on violent extremism. From the left: Dan-Erik Andersson, Tina Robertsson and - 2025-03-05

We need a protein shift

Published 24 April 2017 The climate cannot handle the amount of animals we eat. There needs to be a protein shift, according to researcher Karolina Östbring who is involved in the Sustainability Week. Her vision is to create a platform for research on vegetable proteins at LU. Karolina Östberg  Photo: Kennet Ruona. The human population is growing, while our ecological footprint needs to become muc - 2025-03-05

She knows what makes a design classic

Published 2 June 2017 Why is the Stringhyllan bookshelf considered a design classic but not the Billy? And what makes the Lamino armchair into the furniture design of the century while Norrgavel’s Länstol chair isn’t even considered a classic? “I believed, rather naively, that it was quality that determined whether a piece became a Anna Wahlöö has her personal favourite among the design classics i - 2025-03-05

A calmer phase after turbulence for centres moving to faculties

Published 2 June 2017 The relocation of the specialised centres to the faculties which is currently underway within LU has generated concern and discussion. “But once you know where you are moving, a calmer and more constructive phase begins”, says Bo Ahrén, chair of the University’s specialised centres. But Merle Jacob, professor of research policy, finds the path to the right faculty to be rathe - 2025-03-05

Research community deplores threat of closure of Hungarian CEU

Published 2 June 2017 Andra Jugånaru comes from the threatened CEU university in Hungary. After three months as a visiting doctoral student at LU, she is not sure whether she will have any university to return to. Andra Jugånaru and Samuel Rubenson. Photo: Jenny Loftrup “If the university is closed down, it is a very big step backwards, a step towards the higher education of the Communist era in t - 2025-03-05

The pros and cons of crowdfunding

Published 2 June 2017 Antonio Cordero hoped that crowdfunding would help him when he wanted to focus on his secondary research project on the box turtle. No money ever showed up, but he did gain lessons in both marketing and how to disseminate his research. Antonio Cordero. Crowdfunding, is a way of using the internet to finance anything from the production of single products to academic research. - 2025-03-05