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Citizen activist movements can invigorate local politics

Published 19 September 2018 Photo: Marc Lozano/CC BY-SA 2.0 (the photo is cropped). By adopting methods used by activist citizen movements, municipal level politics can become more inclusive and even pave the way for sustainable transformations. Mine Islar, from LUCSUS, has studied the politics of Barcelona en Comú, an activist citizen platform that came to power in the municipality of Barcelona i - 2025-03-01

LUCSUS part of new international research project on migration

Published 19 September 2018 LUCSUS' researchers Lennart Olsson, Anne Jerneck, and Mine Islar will lead a work package in the new research project, Migration Governance and Crises, MAGYC. The project will explore how European policies are influenced by political crises triggered by migration. It gathers 13 partners from different European countries, as well as from Lebanon and Turkey.  MAGYC runs f - 2025-03-01

Sanitation is more than toilets: informal settlements in India need community based ownership and state action

Published 25 September 2018 A locked toilet station in the Gazdar Bandh informal settlement in Mumbai. – Sanitation is a major challenge in India. It is partly to do with the high population density, there are more people sharing the same space, and a historically higher cultural and religious acceptance of poor sanitation, says Sara Gabrielsson from Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studi - 2025-03-01

Conference on loss and damage receives Formas grant

Published 2 October 2018 LUCSUS Director Emily Boyd has received a grant from Formas to organise an international conference on loss and damage in spring/summer 2019. The planned 2,5 conference will be hosted at LUCSUS and bring together leading scientists from across sustainability, ecology and climate science under a framework of loss and damage to examine definitions of extreme climate related - 2025-03-01

How municipal climate networks can improve their impact - new research article

Published 16 October 2018 Climate networks aim to strengthen municipalities’ efforts to combat climate change. But membership benefits need to be much clearer communicated in order to utilise the networks’ full potential; and should highlight the importance of network membership to drive local climate politics forward, argues researcher Henner Busch. Today, there exist a number of different transn - 2025-03-01

Large-scale land acquisition affects farmers’ ability to produce their own food in Africa

By Noomi [dot] egan [at] sfi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 23 October 2018 In order to avoid water conflicts and to stimulate food production in sub-Saharan Africa, large-scale land acquisition must be regulated and focus on food production. These are the conclusions of a new doctoral thesis from PhD Emma Johansson. Emma Johansson’s thesis investigates how land use is affected by larg - 2025-03-01

Chad Boda: The 9th Summer Institute in Economic Geography: reflections on self-critical disciplinary development 

Published 8 November 2018 Monastery Het Pand in Belgium, one of the locations for the Summer Institute in Economic Geography. Chad Boda recently attended the highly competitive 9th Summer School in Economic Geography. This is a brief reflection on his experience. What is the Summer Institute in Economic Geography?The Summer Institute in Economic Geography (SIEG) represents a unique approach to adv - 2025-03-01

"New challenges surrounding land are facing the population" - Emma Johansson sets out on field trip to Cambodia

Published 12 November 2018 LUCSUS researcher Emma Johansson is currently in Cambodia to study linkages between land, water and food. The field trip marks the start of a new post doctoral research project aiming to investigate changes in water use and food production linked to land grabbing. The post doctoral studies are funded by the Crafoord Foundation.  What is the purpose of your trip?I have ab - 2025-03-01

“Urban dynamics such as shortage of affordable land and housing force the urban poor to settle on hazardous marginal lands in the city”

Published 14 November 2018 Gazdar Bandh, an informal settlement in Mumbai, India. In this interview, Ebba Brink reflects on the specific set of sustainability challenges facing informal settlements in India, and how they can be addressed. She is part of the project BInUCom which focuses on how Indian planning and architecture schools can develop their curricula to better address the complex challe - 2025-03-01

New research article on perennial agriculture

Published 19 November 2018 In their recently published paper, Wim Carton and Lennart Olsson argue that perennial polycultures informed by natural ecosystems promise more sustainable agroecosystems – that has the potential to revitalize the economic foundation of farming and hence rural societies. The paper was published together with the Land Institute in Kansas, USA. Modern agriculture is associa - 2025-03-01

The hidden price of Iceland’s green energy

Published 3 December 2018 Iceland features many spectacular waterfalls and river canyons, which have been subject to renewable energy development for decades. (Photo: Henner Busch) In times of runaway climate change, phasing out fossil fuels and increasing the share of renewables is imperative. But this transition is not without pitfalls as shown by a recent study of two large renewable projects i - 2025-03-01

New research projects at LUCSUS: climate change, flying and sanitation

Published 5 December 2018 The disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable groups, art for the SDG:s, and political and personal stories about flying and climate change. This is the focus of three LUCSUS projects that recently received funding from Formas.  Other projects include research on mobilisation for the SDG:s, and an exploration of love in relation to land and place in Zimbabw - 2025-03-01

LUCSUS presents new travel policy to reduce work-related emissions

By cecilia [dot] von_Arnold [at] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 11 December 2018 LUCUS today, 11th December, presents a new travel policy for staff and associated researchers. It sets out a number of commitments aimed to reduce work-related emissions and takes effect from January 2019. Reducing flying amongst staff is the number one priority, since flying is the single largest source - 2025-03-01

Torsten Krause comments on the exploitation and deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon

Published 11 December 2018 "No matter what happens in real time politics, some damage is already done”. Researcher Torsten Krause comments on the newly elected Brasilian president Jair Bolsonaro’s plans for deforestation and exploitation of the Amazon.  Bolsonaro takes office on the first of January 2019 and has promised to open protected areas and indigenous territories to mining, to relax enviro - 2025-03-01

Blog Post: What can we learn from the XR movement?

By Cecilia von Arnold - published 14 December 2018 Photo by Jesse Jones Many of us have noticed the increasing frequency of climate protests organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR) across Sweden. What do these protests represent? Is this just another group of tree-huggers being a public nuisance? Or is this a needed development in taking our climate goals further? Lund University researchers, Steph - 2025-03-01

New PhD positions at the Lund University Agenda 2030 graduate school

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 20 December 2018 The Lund University graduate school on Agenda 2030 is now open for applications. We welcome graduate school applicants from various disciplinary backgrounds who want to take an active role in Agenda 2030 research. The graduate school offers a unique opportunity to gain interdisciplinary pers - 2025-03-01

She wants to break the silence about menstruation

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 11 January 2019 Sara Gabrielsson and one of the health educators at the NGO Maji Safi during the film screening of the film "Break the Silence" or "Vunja Ukimya" in Kiswahili. A year ago LUCSUS researcher Sara Gabrielsson went to Tanzania to study the cultural acceptability and management challenges of diffe - 2025-03-01

LUCSUS leads new capacity building programme on Agenda 2030

Published 21 January 2019 LUCSUS is starting a new capacity building programme to develop knowledge and leadership among leaders and decision makers from across Africa about the Agenda 2030. ‘Land is Life’ is a novel 2 MSEK pilot program on capacity development for Agenda 2030 funded by the Swedish Institute. The programme aims to train future leaders and decision makers from across Africa (Kenya, - 2025-03-01

Emily Boyd is lead author for IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report

Published 5 February 2019 Participants of the IPCC Working Group II AR6 First Lead Author Meeting in Durban, South Africa, January 2019. Photo: Maike Nicolai, IPCC. LUCSUS Director Emily Boyd is lead author for a chapter on poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development in the Sixth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She recently attended the first meeting - 2025-03-01

What’s love got to do with it? Place, gender and agriculture in Zimbabwe

Published 13 February 2019 Researcher Karin Steen is leading a new Formas project on love, gender and agriculture in Zimbabwe. – I wanted to pursue research that took a different approach to sustainability, gender, power and agriculture. Usually, you look at things like ownership and access to land. By focusing on immaterial values such as love, I believe that you can gain new insights into existi - 2025-03-01