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Under Framtidsveckan finns våra forskare på plats - Anmäl dig nu!

Publicerad 12 oktober 2021 Antikonsumtion, Hållbar turism, Politikens polarisering och det nya ledarskapet. Programpunkterna på årets upplaga av Framtidsveckan är lika högaktuella som relevanta. Vill du vara med? Du kan delta fysiskt eller digitalt. Under Framtidsveckan lyfter Lunds universitet angelägna och avgörande frågor för framtiden. Varmt välkommen att lyssna på fördjupande samtal där våra - 2025-02-19

Engagerat samtal om kommunikatörens roll i offentlig sektor

Publicerad 26 januari 2022 Många deltog i samtalet om kommunikatörens roll i offentlig sektor som bland annat behandlade kritiken mot strategisk kommunikation och kommunikatörens arbete inom statliga myndigheter och offentliga organisationer. Samtalet behandlade också skillnaden mellan kommunikation och management och vilka logiker som formar dagens kommunikationsutövning.  I diskussionen deltog p - 2025-02-19

Välkommen på Öppet hus 16 mars (digitalt)

Publicerad 28 januari 2022 Vilka program finns? Får jag jobb efter studierna? Är det lätt att hitta bostad och vänner? Ställ dina frågor till oss under Öppet hus då vi berättar allt om hur det är att studera på ett av världens 100 bästa universitet. Vi vet att du som funderar på att börja studera förmodligen har tusen frågor som snurrar i huvudet. Under Öppet hus kommer vi göra vårt absolut bästa - 2025-02-19

Conference about affective polarization hosted by the Department and the Nordic MAP Network

Publicerad 4 februari 2022 The term affective polarization refers to the extent to which citizens feel more negatively toward other political parties than toward their own. Researchers do not know much about the link between news media coverage and affective polarization. One way to better understand affective polarization is to measure the effects of it, for example by setting up scientific exper - 2025-02-19

Ta hjälp av framtidens kommunikationsstrateger

Publicerad 15 februari 2022 Vill ditt företag eller organisation växla upp ert kommunikationsarbete? Gör som Framtidslabbet 2.0, Återbruket och Lindab Innovation Hub – ta stöd av våra studenter från Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation. 90 studenter vid Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation söker verkliga ”case” att studera och undersöka i kursen ”Kommunikationsdesign i digitala landska - 2025-02-19

Forskare får medel från Kompetensfonden

Publicerad 22 februari 2022 Fem forskningsprojekt har beviljats medel från Kompetensfonden till den sammantagna summan av 1,8 miljoner kronor. Ett projekt utgörs av forskare vid Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation. – Ett stort grattis till våra forskare och ett tack till Helsingborgs stad som tydligt visar att man vill fortsätta gynna Campus forskningsmiljö. Det gagnar inte bara universitet - 2025-02-19

Excitement is not the only experience

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 6 March 2023 Photo by Viki Mohamad on Unsplash Expectations of what constitutes a positive customer experience have changed over time. Developments in technology and digital services have enabled new kinds of customer experience. As have new store formats and diversified retail offerings. Regardless of the form it ha - 2025-02-19

Ease or Excitement?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 17 June 2021 There is no doubt that retailing is undergoing a significant structural transformation. During the last decade or so, many stores have closed. Yet, at the same time, online retailers are opening physical stores and showrooms and many long-established retailers are investing in new and innovative store fo - 2025-02-19

IKEA Bedroom

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 6 March 2023 IKEA's Planning Studio in central London, Tottenham Court Road. What made IKEA go against the grain and move into town? This week, IKEA opened a bedroom store in central Stockholm. The store in The Lobby on Regeringsgatan is the latest in a series of smaller, city-centre formats that IKEA is currently te - 2025-02-19

Why we need more moral markets, not more ethical consumers

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 17 February 2022 Photo by Pure Julia on Unsplash Individuals cannot solve the climate crisis, argue researchers Carys Egan-Wyer and Jack Coffin. Policy makers should direct their attention to the (im)moral market structures that influence consumer and corporate decision-making. In the fight against climate change, it - 2025-02-19

Learning to live with disruptions

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 2 May 2023 Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash The Centre's international guest researcher, Dr. George Maglaras, comments on resilience in the retail sector and, with examples from the grocery sector, illustrates how we must learn to live with the contemporary disruptions we have been experiencing. Multiple critical i - 2025-02-19

Integrated Ecosystems: The path to tomorrow’s smart and sustainable cities?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 13 December 2023 Impressions from the Smart Business Forum and Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona (John Olsson, Klas Hjort). The Smart City Expo World Congress 2023 in Barcelona put the spotlight on the future of smart and sustainable cities. Through engaging discussions and presentations, we gained unique i - 2025-02-19

A workforce with the right skills

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 14 September 2022 Informal learning Having a workforce with the right skills is crucial for companies and society to tackle current and future challenges successfully. In our rapidly changing world, the ability to develop and adapt skills is more critical than ever, especially in today's knowledge-driven society. Thi - 2025-02-19

Does one service fit all?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 18 February 2022 Delivery truck Perhaps not, argues Yulia Vakulenko. At least not when it comes to the delivery service needs and preferences of rural versus urban e-consumers in the age of consumer-centric supply chain management. The new age of consumer-centric supply chain management highlights the benefits of pla - 2025-02-19

Seeing the Grocery Store with Fresh Eyes

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 13 January 2022 Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash Martin Moström from Retail House shares insights on the necessity for the retail sector to embrace change. Contrary to rumours, the physical store is far from obsolete; it has consistently evolved. Over the past two decades in the grocery trade, store numbers in Sweden - 2025-02-19

From Continuous Improvement to Systematic Innovation in Retail: Utopia or Opportunity?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 17 September 2021 Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash Recent developments in the retail sector—increased competition, a focus on sustainability, and the pervasive digitization—have prompted discussions on its long-term competitiveness and the potential for more systematic innovation alongside daily operational activities - 2025-02-19

Should the market manage our city centres?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 18 May 2022 Our city centres and their development are a subject of constant debate. Ulf Johansson suggests that, if we let the market decide, our city centres will eventually be emptied of retail. Most recently, representatives from our food retailers suggested to municipalities that regulations on establishment loc - 2025-02-19

How to maintain town centre retail in times of crisis

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 30 November 2021 Söder street market, Helsingborg, Photo: Devrim Umut Aslan. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, some shopping geographies had difficulties while others proved to be more resilient. Devrim Umut Aslan discusses what we can learn from these resilient places. A global pandemic hit the world, radically changi - 2025-02-19

Is customer experience the key to world-class delivery?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 7 October 2022 Photo: iStock Crafting positive customer experiences has become increasingly crucial for retailers and third-party logistics providers, with delivery playing a pivotal role. Deliveries play a big part in this. With more people buying things online, there are more packages to deliver. This puts a lot of - 2025-02-19