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Mobilen kan avslöja om du drabbats av strålning

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 26 May 2017 Therese Geber-Bergstrand disputation den 26/5-17 kl 09.00 Vid olyckor eller terrordåd där radioaktiva ämnen misstänks vara inblandade kan det vara svårt att klargöra ifall människor i omgivningen utsatts för strålning. Men genom att analysera mobiltelefoner eller andra kroppsnära föremål går det a - 2025-03-09

Dissertation May 22, 2020: Emilia Persson - Live broadcast

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 May 2020 Dissertation Emilia PerssonLive broadcast for public participation 22nd of May 2020 1:00 pmTitle: Validation and clinical implementation of an MRI-only prostate cancer radiotherapy workflowLund University Publications - 2025-03-09

Dissertation June 5, 2020: Lena Trinh - Live broadcast

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 28 May 2020  Dissertation Lena TrinhLive broadcast for public participation Friday June 5, 2020, at 9:15 AM (Sic: 09:15)Place: Agardh lecture hall, CRC, Jan Waldenströms gata 35, Skånes University Hospital in MalmöTitle: MRI-based Methods for Quantification of Fat and Fatty Ac - 2025-03-09

Samverkansmöte kring strålskyddssamarbete i Östeuropa

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 12 March 2020 Nyhet publicerad av Medicinska fakulteten     24-25 februari arrangerade Medicinsk strålningsfysik i Malmö en workshop följt av en seminariedag 26 februari med deltagare från Vitryssland, Ryssland och Litauen. Under de två första dagarna diskuterades fortsättningen av strålskyddsprojekt inom omg - 2025-03-09

The Pufendorf Institute

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 28 October 2021 Participants from Medical Radiation Physics in the theme group: EXPERT: The radiation safety expert in a post-trust era Updated 23 sept 2021 with article in Swedish from Sjukhusfysikern 2020:4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2025-03-09

News article from Lund University about Lovisa Waldners dissertation work

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 14 September 2021 Pellets of household salt good alternative for measuring radiation In Swedish:  (Article by Tove Gilvad, Communicator, MIM - The Medical Institution offic - 2025-03-09

The University’s handling of the coronavirus

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 13 April 2021 Lund University is following relevant authorities' regulations, general advice and recommendations regarding measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19). In order to ensure a safe study and working environment for students and employees, the University is making decisions - 2025-03-09

Grants from the Swedish Breast Cancer Association for breast cancer imaging research

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö, ITM) - published 6 April 2021 In October, Predrag Bakic received a research grant from the Swedish Breast Cancer Association Predrag Bakic is a visiting researcher in diagnostic radiology at Lund University, supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship. He is also Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Pen - 2025-03-09

Pia Sundgren to give Mansfield lecture at 2021 ISMRM

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 26 March 2021 Pia Sundgren, professor in neuroradiology at LU and co-director of LBIC, will open the ISMRM Annual Meeting ( ) by giving the Mansfield lecture on May 16. This annual lecture is named after one of the true MR pioneers, Sir Peter Mansfield, and the honour to deliver it is each year - 2025-03-09

Highest ranking for the 7T facility in VR's inventory of needs

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 15 April 2020 The research council has announced its ranking of the 69 proposals in last year's needs inventory. We are proud that the national 7T facility was placed in the highest category, A1, "is considered as having potential to become an infrastructure of national interest and is ready for a call". Details - 2025-03-09

Pia Maly Sundgren new Senior ISMRM Fellow

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 19 May 2021 Pia Maly Sundgren was yesterday elected Senior ISMRM Fellow at a prerecorded virtual cermony. Motivation was: "For her crucial contributions in translating new MRI technologies to clinic, with a special focus on brain tumors and autoimmune disease." We send our congratulation to Pia! - 2025-03-09

Nils Norlin co-author on article published in Nature Methods

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 24 May 2021 Congratulations to Nils Norlin and his co-authors who recently published their work in Nature Methods! Deep learning-enhanced light-field imaging with continuous validation Nils Wagner, Fynn Beuttenmueller, Nils Norlin, Jakob Gierten, Juan Carlos Boffi, Joachim Wittbrodt, Martin Weigert, Lars Hufnagel - 2025-03-09

Mini-symposium in Confocal and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 20 May 2019 LBIC and BergmanLabora are organizing a Mini-symposium followed by demonstrations in confocal microscopy and advanced fluorescence microscopy, 28th & 29th May. Mini-Symposium: 28th May 0900-1200, Segerfalksalen, BMC A10 Demonstrations: LBIC´s new Nikon A1RHD confocal system & BergmanLabora´s Nikon Ti2 - 2025-03-09

LBIC is now member of EATRIS

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 1 March 2019 In fall of 2018 our application to join EATRIS was approved. One of EATRIS purposes to make it easier for both researchers and the (medical) industry to find suitable resources that can help and improve translational and biomedical research. Read more about EATRIS on their webpage. (Opens up in a new - 2025-03-09

News from ISMRM 2018

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 18 June 2018  Prof. Freddy Ståhlberg was elected Senior Fellow to the ISMRM for his work in MR techniques for quantification of flow, diffusion and perfusion. - 2025-03-09

8th Swedish 7T Symposium, November 20th 2017 in Lund

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 1 November 2017 The 8th Swedish 7T Symposium will be held this year in Lund on November 20th, 2017. Registration is open until November 1st. (Registration is now closed) Click on the link below for a preliminary program - WELCOME!  Prel program 8th 7T Symposium (pdf 102,9 kB) - 2025-03-09