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Svårt hjärntrauma aktiverar vilande kroppsegna retrovirus i hjärnan

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 15 November 2023 I en studie ledd från Lunds universitet kan forskarna för första gången visa att traumatiska hjärnskador aktiverar vilande endogena retrovirus som under årmiljonernas gång infogats i människans DNA. Att dessa aktiveras kan vara drivande för att starta en inflammation som förvärrar hjärnskadan. - 2025-03-17

Dagens Nyheter: Nya behandlingar för sjukdomar som tidigare var omöjliga att bota

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 11 December 2023 "Tack vare ny teknik har Storbritannien precis godkänt en behandling som botar två genetiska sjukdomar. Nu ligger vägen öppen för att behandla andra sorters lidande." "– Vi kommer att kunna utveckla botande behandlingar för många ovanliga sjukdomar som inte går att bota i dag, säger Johan Jakob - 2025-03-17

How Hidden Genetic Elements Trigger a Rare Neurodegenerative Disorder

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 15 August 2024 Researchers from the Jakobsson Group at Lund University have discovered how a hidden piece of DNA, known as a transposable element, disrupts normal gene function in a disease called X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism (XDP). Published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, their findings uncover - 2025-03-17

Om att klippa och klistra i DNA / How to cut and paste in a gene sequence

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 2 March 2018 Interested in how we work with cutting out bad genes and pasting in new, healthy ones? In this case, you might find the below article on new gene techniques and our research very intersting! På svenska: Är du nyfiken på hur vi arbetar med att klippa ut de dåliga generna och klistra in nya friska ge - 2025-03-17

Nya rön om Huntingtons sjukdom publiceras

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 20 August 2018 Läs här om vår senaste publikation som presenterar en direkt länk mellan Huntingtons sjukdom och en grundläggande process som kallas autofagi.       Publikation: Huntingtin Aggregation Impairs Autophagy, Leading to Argonaute-2 Accumulation and Global MicroRNA Dysregulation - 2025-03-17

New paper on large scale production of living brain cells

Published 26 June 2017 Interested in progress on large-scale production of living brain cells? Are you interested in progress on large-scale production of living brain cells? You can find out more in our latest paper REST suppression mediates neural conversion of adult human fibroblasts via microRNA-dependent and -independent pathways. - 2025-03-17

Viruses in the genome are important for our brain

By Paulina [dot] Pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 28 February 2018 New publication! Please click here to read about our latest publication TRIM28 Controls a Gene Regulatory Network Based on Endogenous Retroviruses in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.Also, please click here to go to a short presentation of this research in Science: Science - 2025-03-17

Per Ludvik's thesis is officially nailed!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 9 April 2019 2019-04-09. Today we celebrated the official nailing of Per Ludvik Brattås' thesis entiteled "The Epigenetic Impact of Transposable Elements in Human Brain Development". Per's defence will take place on April 26th at 13 o'clock at the Segerfalk lecture hall (BMC, A10) - you are most welcom to join - 2025-03-17

New publication in Nature Communications!

Published 24 July 2019 We're happy to present our most recent publication "Activation of neuronal genes via LINE-1 elements upon global DNA demethylation in human neural progenitors" published on July 18th. Our study sheds light on the darker parts of our genetic heritage. To find out more please click on the below link.Lund University's press release Nature Communications: Activation of neuronal - 2025-03-17

På svenska: Nya gentekniken kräver en bred debatt

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 25 November 2019 Läs den spännande debatten om den nya gentekniken Crispr, skriven av forskare från gruppen Crispr ideas vid Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet, på SvD Debatt. SvD Debatt: ”Vi måste ta ställning till nya gentekniken” Aftonbladet: "Den nya gensaxen måste diskuteras"   Om debattörerna: Karin B - 2025-03-17

Nailing completed!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 3 April 2020 Today we celebrated official nailing of Daniela Grassi's thesis "Development and Applications of in vitro Models to Study Human Brain Evolution and Disease". The defence will take place on Thursday April 23rd at 9.00 o'clock and it will be made availably digitally for you to join! - 2025-03-17

Thesis Defence Interview – Daniela Grassi

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 20 April 2020 Daniela Grassi will be defending her thesis on Thursday 23rd of April 2020. Here, Daniela tells us about her research in the Molecular Neurogenetics group. Please click here for full article: - 2025-03-17

New article on autophagy and the treatment of Huntington disease!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 18 May 2020 Interested in autophagy or Huntington disease? Please click here to go to our newest publication Impact of differential and time-dependent autophagy activation on therapeutic efficacy in a model of Huntington disease and to more information on our work in the field. - 2025-03-17

Meet Christopher Douse

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 15 October 2020 Read here about Christopher Douse who joined our group at the beginning of 2020 and works on developing a research programme on newly-discovered guardians of the human genome. For article please click on the following link: - 2025-03-17

Lund CRISPR facility is here to help!

Published 19 November 2020 Read about how the CRISPR facility at Lund Stem Cell Center can help you with your experiments CRISPR is a simple yet powerful Nobel Prize winning technology that allows sequence specific editing and manipulation of DNA sequences. The CRISPR facility at Lund Stem Cell Center is here to help you with your projects using this technology. To read more please go to: https:// - 2025-03-17

Activation of ancient viruses during brain development causes inflammation

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 19 March 2021 Researchers from Lund Stem Cell Center highlight the importance of controlling viral elements that reside in the genome and how their activation during development may contribute to brain disorders later in life. To read the article, please go to: - 2025-03-17