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Programöverskridande taggambition pausad – användarvänlighet prioriteras

Av teresa [dot] lindstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Teresa Lindstedt) - publicerad 22 april 2022 Att tagga på samma sätt i QPS med gemensamma taggar för hela fakulteten blev för svårjobbat. Varje program får nu istället skapa sin egen taggstrategi. Hämtad från MedFaks tidigare QPS-blogg. Publiceringsdatum: 2021-05-08 | Författare: Teresa Lindstedt Taggning av allt innehåll är en av kärnorna i QP - 2025-02-07

Short answers - ny frågetyp tillgänglig

Av johan [dot] agardh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Agardh) - publicerad 6 december 2023 Short answers finns nu tillgänglig som frågetyp som kan väljas för skriftliga prov i QPS. Vad är en short answer-fråga?En short answer-fråga liknar en fritextfråga, men har den egenskapen att det korrekta svaret och eventuella alternativa stavningar anges i förväg, vilket möjliggör snabbare och automatisk - 2025-02-07

Samtal med Anna Nordström

Av linda [dot] palmqvist [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Palmqvist) - publicerad 16 november 2023 Vem är du och vilken roll har du i undervisningen?Jag heter Anna Nordström och är kurs- och inriktningsansvarig på Specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning operationssjukvård. Jag har ett stort engagemang i utbildningen då jag även håller i en hel del föreläsningar relaterat till anatomi och - 2025-02-07

Forum Kvalitet samlade alla Medfaks utbildningar till en workshop med fokus på QPS

Av linda [dot] palmqvist [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Palmqvist) - publicerad 7 december 2023 Lärare, studentrepresentanter, administratörer & ledning samlades 10 november och fick möjlighet att prova vår största ALC-sal "från studentens perspektiv". Konferensen nyttjade QPS formulär, quiz och andra funktioner som verktyg för en interaktiv och dynamisk dialog. Initiativet till QPS togs efter - 2025-02-07

EPWS Newsletter May 2014

Published 22 May 2014 European Platform of Women Scientists NEWSLETTER, issue 35, May 2014 Read the newsletter here (pdf)Content2 Message from the Vice-President 2 EPWS Executive Committee and Board of Administration 3 EPWS Seventh General Assembly 2014 Announcement 4 EPWS Conference: “New Perspectives for Women Scientists’ Careers in Europe” 5 Innovation Summit Fringe Session, March 2014 “Bridgin - 2025-02-07

In memory of Prof. Cecilia Hägerhäll

Published 4 June 2014 In memory of Professor Cecilia Hägerhäll, our colleague and role-model, has left us too early after a long period of illness. Cecilia was a remarkable person and her work made a great impression and imprint. Her research focussed on fundamental details of the structure and function of enzyme complexes in mitochondria and has greatly increased the understanding of the respirat - 2025-02-07

Nordic Forum 2014 Agreement

Published 16 June 2014 Yesterday the Nordic forum 2014 agreement was handed to all the Equality ministers in the Nordic countries and also to the UN Woman Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngucka. She encourages the Nordic countries to lead the way and be good examples in the common work for gender equality in the World by 2030.Read the agreement here (Swedish, pdf) - 2025-02-07

EPWS 2014 Summary

Published 30 June 2014 The EPWS Paris Conference “New Perspectives on Women Scientists Careers in Europe” was held on June 11th 2014, and followed by the EPWS General Assembly. On the link below you can find a summary of the meeting including all presentations (EPWS website): - 2025-02-07

EPWS 2014 Report from WINGS

Published 3 July 2014 Is the gender-agenda the hero or enemy of equal opportunity in science? The gender-agenda is still-going-strong and in the news….all over the news. Sweden has a political party dedicated to gender equality and a couple of weeks ago the Nordic Forum 2014 was held in Malmö. Recently, and more locally the faculties (at least the faculty of medicine) have seen the gender-agenda - 2025-02-07

Medicon Village Go Global event

Published 15 July 2014 September 10-11, Medicon Village is organizing an open event to support you and your research group with internationalization Would you like to know how your company, your organization or research group can get help to work internationally?September 10-11, Medicon Village is organizing an open event with the main objective to support our members and other life science player - 2025-02-07

Science Skills - Career Fair

Published 18 August 2014 Do you have experience with Life Science? Are you looking for new challenges? Then you can't afford to miss this event! This unique Career Fair will exclusively target Life Science competences. We are gathering the most interesting companies under one roof and giving professionals the opportunity to actively promote themselves. Science Skills will provide a chance for you - 2025-02-07

Grant writing workshop report

Published 8 October 2014 Blog post from an attendant at the September 19th grant writing workshop with Dan Csontos from Elevate Scientific "One especially helpful suggestion from Dan was to start research proposals with just four sentences, articulating the background, statement of need, purpose or objective, and impact for your project. Starting here can really help you keep your focus and see th - 2025-02-07

EPWS President receives Order of Merit

Published 14 October 2014 Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch honoured with Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for pioneering work in the promotion of women in science. EPWS President Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch has been honoured with the Order of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany in acknowledgement of her pioneering work in the promotion of women in science at national as well a - 2025-02-07

Job ad: Director for Neutron Scattering Facilities

Published 20 November 2014 The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden, invites applications for Director for Neutron Scattering Facilities. Description of positionReporting to the Director General, the Director for Neutron Scattering Facilities provides leadership and professional direction to the staff within the Directorate, and manages the planning and implementation of the Directorat - 2025-02-07

Petition - Support WINGS!

Published 27 November 2014 Lack of funding from LTH and Medical Faculty - WINGS in danger of shrinking to include Science faculty only Please help us spread this petition! Currently, WINGS runs on annual funding from the Faculty of Science. If the Medical Faculty and LTH don’t help pull their weight to fund our organization, we will have to shut WINGS to members from those faculties. We have given - 2025-02-07

womENtourage 2015

Published 12 December 2014 Apply for travel grants to attend womENtourage 2015! womENcourage is a scientific event, and also an event aimed at networking and exploring career opportunities for women in computer science and related disciplines. The program includes technical presentations and also discussions related to career issues in academic and industrial research. Following the success of the - 2025-02-07

Grant application seminar

Published 15 December 2014 Registration closed The aim of the seminar is to provide effective strategies on how to write successful grant applications. What are the elements of a successful grant application? How should these be structured to contextualize your proposed research to the reviewer? How can you create a coherent, concise, and compelling narrative that engages the reviewer and clearly - 2025-02-07