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Your search for "*" yielded 525119 hits

Problem gambling, associations with comorbid health conditions, substance use, and behavioural addictions: Opportunities for pathways to treatment

Published 16 November 2020 Problem gambling is a public health issue and its comorbidity with other health conditions may provide an opportunity for screening in healthcare settings; however, a high level of uncertainty and a lack of research in the field remains. The objective of this study is to investigate potential associations between problem gambling and numerous other health conditions, inc - 2025-01-11

Laughter is the best medicine

Published 26 March 2018 Results from a cohort study from Lund University suggest that laughter actually is the best medicine (in Swedish) Att ett gott skratt förlänger livet är ett välanvänt ordspråk – men faktum är att det stämmer. I alla fall enligt en ny studie från Lunds universitet. – Vi ser helt enkelt ett samband, säger Gunnar Engström, professor i medicinsk epidemiolog, till TT.Läs mer här - 2025-01-11

Comparisons of Risk Factors for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Coronary Heart Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study

Published 16 November 2020 Even though abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are both related to atherosclerosis, there could be important differences in risk factors. Based on Malmö Diet and Cancer Cohort, the incidence of AAA and CHD was followed prospectively. Cox regression was used to calculate the association of each factor with AAA and CHD and hazards ratio were c - 2025-01-11

Socioeconomic differences in swimming ability among children in Malmö, southern Sweden: Initial results from a community-level intervention

Published 17 November 2020 A compulsory swimming education programme was launched in 2014 in second grade (at age 8) in all public primary schools in Malmö, Sweden. Data for the present study on sociodemographic conditions and self-reported swimming ability in fourth grade (age 10) were used for the last birth cohort unexposed (n = 1695) and the first birth cohort exposed (n = 1773) to the interve - 2025-01-11

Sociodemographic and health status predictors of parental role strain: A general population study

Published 17 November 2020 Parental role strain was related to young parental age at first birth, female gender, non-married status, age of youngest child, age range of children, number of children in the household, and the parent’s own chronic illness. Furthermore, chronic illness or disability of a child was markedly related to higher parental role strain, although the relationship was partly re - 2025-01-11

Self-efficacy, recovery and psychological wellbeing one to five years after heart transplantation: a Swedish cross-sectional study

Published 18 November 2020 Self-efficacy refers to a person´s confidence in carrying out treatment-related activities and constitutes the foundation of self-management as well as long-term follow-up after heart transplantation. Exploring the heart recipients´ experiences by means of self-report instruments provides healthcare professionals with valuable information on how to supply self-management - 2025-01-11

Fear of graft rejection after heart transplantation – a nationwide cross-sectional cohort study

Published 18 November 2020 Cellular rejection is most common 3–6 months after heart transplantation while chronic rejection, that is, cardiac allograft vasculopathy and malignancy are the most common causes of death in heart-transplant recipients beyond the third year after transplantation. However, the heart transplantation recipient’s perceived threat of graft rejection has never been explored. - 2025-01-11

Patterns in hospital readmissions after ischaemic stroke – An observational study from the Swedish stroke register (Riksstroke)

Published 19 November 2020 For this prospective observational study, data on demographics, functional status and living conditions were obtained from the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke). Data on comorbidity and hospital readmissions up to five years post-index stroke were obtained from the Swedish National Patient Register. Patients were grouped based on number of readmissions: low (0–1) inte - 2025-01-11

Return to work after early repair of acute traumatic rotator cuff tears

Published 19 November 2020 Lost workdays following rotator cuff repair is not well-studied in the literature. We aimed to define the time away from work following early arthroscopic repair of acute traumatic rotator cuff tears and compare it with the recommendations of the American Medical Disability Advisor (MD Guidelines) and The Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Read more at https://link.springe - 2025-01-11

High prevalence of hip and groin problems in professional ice hockey players, regardless of playing position

Published 20 November 2020 The prevalence of hip and groin problems in professional male ice hockey is unknown and suspected to differ between playing positions. The purpose of this study was to explore potential differences in the seasonal prevalence of hip and groin problems between playing positions in male elite ice hockey players and to explore the relationship between symptom duration and hi - 2025-01-11

Spatial patterns of tau deposition are associated with amyloid, ApoE, sex, and cognitive decline in older adults

Published 20 November 2020 The abnormal deposition of tau begins before the onset of clinical symptoms and seems to target specific brain networks. The aim of this study is to identify the spatial patterns of tau deposition in cognitively normal older adults and assess whether they are related to amyloid-β (Aβ), APOE, sex, and longitudinal cognitive decline. Read more at - 2025-01-11

Intake of fibre and plant foods and the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm in a large prospective cohort study in Sweden

Published 21 November 2020 In this prospective cohort study, Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, baseline data collection was carried out 1991–1996. The study participants’ (n = 26,133) dietary habits were extensively recorded at baseline. The specific diagnosis of AAA in the in-hospital registry was found valid in 95%. The association between plant foods, such as cereals and types of vegetables, and AAA - 2025-01-11

Early life exposures and risk of adult respiratory disease during 50 years of follow-up

Published 21 November 2020 Adult health is influenced by factors during fetal life affecting organ development and birth weight. We aimed to study such factors in relation to adult respiratory disease (ARD) risk. The Helsingborg Birth Cohort, Sweden, contributed baseline data collected by medical staff through clinical examination and questionnaires on maternal and birth characteristics 1964–1967. - 2025-01-11

Associations among housing accessibility, housing-related control beliefs and independence in activities of daily living: a cross-sectional study among younger old in Sweden

Published 22 November 2020 There is some evidence that housing accessibility, external housing-related control beliefs (HCB) and activities of daily living (ADL) are associated in complex ways; however, these pathways have not been explored in younger old. The aim was to assess the role of external HCB in the relationship between housing accessibility and ADL by applying moderation and mediation m - 2025-01-11

The Intergenerational Effects of Intermarriage

Published 22 November 2020 This study closely examines long-term outcomes of intermarriage in Denmark in terms of children’s educational performance, studying grades from final examinations. The study uses rich register data, where families are linked across generations, and contributes to the migration literature by providing new insights into the human capital formation in inter-ethnic families. - 2025-01-11

Disease duration, age at diagnosis and organ damage are important factors for cardiovascular disease in SLE

Published 23 November 2020 262 patients with SLE were included in the study; of these 175 were from the defined population. Overall, 37 AMI and 44 CVE were recorded. An increased IRR of 3 for AMI was found (p<0.001). Smoking, hypertension and reduced renal function were risk factors for AMI. An increased IRR of 3.3 for ischaemic CVE was found for women (p<0.001). Hypertension and aCL were risk fac - 2025-01-11

Profiles of bystanders' motivation to defend school bully victims from a self‐determination perspective

Published 23 November 2020 This study was aimed at exploring which latent profiles emerge based on ratings of self‐determined motivation to defend victims of bullying, and to explore if they are related to bystander roles and victimization in bullying, as well as student–teacher relations. Data were collected from 1,800 Swedish and Italian students, with an age range between 10 and 18 years (M = 1 - 2025-01-11

Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in bioinformatics

Published 24 November 2020 We are looking for a researcher in bioinformatics with an orientation towards medical research who wants to participate in developing the faculty’s bioinformatics initiative, the goal of which is to create a bioinformatics infrastructure at the Faculty of Medicine. Deadline for applications 03/12/2020. Read more at Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in bioinformatics ( - 2025-01-11