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Minnesord - Ingrid Sunde Koslung

Publicerad 23 april 2020 Art is on the contrary more time-dependent than any other form of expression, as it is not only happening within time, but is also painfully aware of its own situation, like an insecure teenager not yet sure about how to move seamlessly through the night. /…/For me art constitutes techniques for a basic investigation of human existence which takes place within time, throug - 2025-02-01

Antagna studenter till Konsthögskolan i Malmö - HT2020

Publicerad 5 maj 2020 Nu är det klart vilka studenter som är antagna på våra tre program med start hösten 2020 - Kandidatprogrammet i fri konst, Masterprogrammet i fri konst och Masterprogrammet i fri konst med inriktning mot forskningsförberedande studier. Välkomna till Malmö! Kandidatprogrammet i fri konstFelix ChristianssonLeona Ekman Cecilie HansenLudvig Holm   Martin HornshøjFredrika Lindebe - 2025-02-01

Art student from Iran awarded as Global Swede of 2020

Av nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - publicerad 28 maj 2020 Zahra Moein, an iranian art student, is one of 19 international students awarded to Global Swedes of 2020 by the Swedish Institute and Government. Interview with Zahra Moein, Malmö Art Academy Zahra Moein applied to Malmö Art Academy in 2018 and the academy was impressed by her knowledge of photography and - 2025-02-01

Två nya doktorander till Konsthögskolan i Malmö

Publicerad 29 maj 2020 På fakultetsstyrelsen den 27 maj antogs Yael Bartana och Bouchra Khalili till vår forskarutbildning i fri konst. Konsthögskolan i Malmö är stolta över att välkomna två världsledande konstnärer till skolan. Yael BartanaBartana har länge varit en av världens mest signifikanta och framstående konstnärer. Hon har deltagit i en lång rad internationellt viktiga konstutställningar, - 2025-02-01

Edstrandska-stipendier till MFA2-studenter vid Konsthögskolan i Malmö

Publicerad 8 juni 2020 Edstrandska stipendiestiftelsen beslutade vid sitt möte den 4 juni att dela ut fem stipendier om 100 000 kr vardera till avgångsstudenter vid Konsthögskolan i Malmö 2020. De fem stipendiaterna är:Jasmine ChristenssonMaria JacobsonHelen HaskakisOskar PerssonFrederikke Jul VedelsbyDe kommer att delta i en stipendieutställning i Konsthögskolans galleri i oktober i år.Styrelsen - 2025-02-01

Developing a Swedish national strategy for disaster risk reduction – new LUCSUS research project 

Published 26 June 2018 Christine Wamsler, Professor at LUCSUS, has been commissioned by The Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB) to conduct a research project on the potential of developing a Swedish national strategy for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience. – The research project is very timely. Wide-spread impacts and losses from hazards, such as floods, heat waves, drought and landsl - 2025-02-01

Tackling Agenda 2030 through SIGHT Fellows Programme in Global Health Leadership

Published 27 June 2018 LUCSUS researcher Vasna Ramasar has been appointed as fellow to the SIGHT Fellow Programme in Global Health Leadership.  The programme aims to promote an emerging generation of global health leaders, based at research institutions in Sweden, by focusing on the gaps in relation to leadership skills and international networks. The SIGHT Fellows were identified as upcoming lead - 2025-02-01

Emily Boyd on LUCSUS and the Sustainable Development Goals

Published 29 June 2018 LUCSUS and Lund University Staff Holding up the SDG:s – The SDG:s can help us as a sustainability centre to reflect around impact and how we are contributing to the goals. Where does our research sit in this context, and how can we make it more relevant to stakeholders and communities?, says Emily Boyd. This is important she notes, because today the SDG.s are becoming increa - 2025-02-01

Swedish citizens need more support to handle the effects of climate change

Published 29 August 2018 Photo: Mostphotos. A changing climate means that citizens will have to take more action to safeguard their lives and property from extreme weather events. At the same time, there are great differences in people’s capacities and resources to do so. In a new PhD dissertation from LUCSUS, researcher Ebba Brink asserts that it is about time that the Swedish climate debate cons - 2025-02-01

LUMES alumni received The Global Goal Prize

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 11 September 2018 Karolina Skog, Minister of the Environment handed out the prize to LUMES Alumnus Benedikt John in Stadshallen in Lund on the 7th of September LUMES alumni Benedikt John (Batch 20) received The Global Goal Prize (hållbarhetspriset) 2018 from Miljöpartiet Skåne for his master thesis “Time to - 2025-02-01

Citizen activist movements can invigorate local politics

Published 19 September 2018 Photo: Marc Lozano/CC BY-SA 2.0 (the photo is cropped). By adopting methods used by activist citizen movements, municipal level politics can become more inclusive and even pave the way for sustainable transformations. Mine Islar, from LUCSUS, has studied the politics of Barcelona en Comú, an activist citizen platform that came to power in the municipality of Barcelona i - 2025-02-01

LUCSUS part of new international research project on migration

Published 19 September 2018 LUCSUS' researchers Lennart Olsson, Anne Jerneck, and Mine Islar will lead a work package in the new research project, Migration Governance and Crises, MAGYC. The project will explore how European policies are influenced by political crises triggered by migration. It gathers 13 partners from different European countries, as well as from Lebanon and Turkey.  MAGYC runs f - 2025-02-01