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Ylva Hofvander Trulsson appointed Deputy Dean for Research

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 14 January 2021 The management of our faculty is being strengthened with docent and senior lecturer Ylva Hofvander Trulsson as Deputy Dean for Research. Ylva is currently responsible for educational quality at the faculty and will now alongside her previous tasks, take on the new assignment as Deputy Dean for Research. - 2025-03-13

Alumnus gains popularity on Spotify

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 16 February 2021 Mattias Schulstad. Foto: Mats Bäcker "During my studies at Södra Latin in Stockholm, I realized I might be able to study with Göran Söllscher. I auditioned and was accepted. So after high school, I moved to Skåne. I was eighteen." Meet former guitar student and alumnus Mattias Schulstad in a portrait b - 2025-03-13

New and exciting collaboration between ESS and The Academy of Music

By ase [dot] lugner [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Åse Lugnér) - published 1 April 2021 Professor Michael Edgerton in exciting and new collaboration with ESS. Why do you collaborate with ESS and when did the collaboration start? -The collaboration began a little more than a year ago. For years I have collaborated with scientists on both artistic and research projects, and just generally been inspired - 2025-03-13

Sanimir Resic elected as new Dean

Published 30 April 2021 The election took place in April and Sanimir Resic was elected Dean and and the sitting Deputy Dean, Staffan Storm, was re-elected. Term of office is 210701-231231. The election was conducted electronically and out of 144 eligible voters, 104 people voted. The Vice-Chancellor decided to appoint the Dean and Deputy Dean according to the election results on April 29. The Vice - 2025-03-13

"The idea of exhibition as we understand it is also shifting"

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 11 May 2021 Photo: Pernille Emilia Kjær It is time for Malmö Art Academy's Annual exhibition (May 12 - June 11) which also this year is digital, with work from all of our students as well as some collaboration projects. Teacher and former student Youngjae Lih has been coordinating the exhibition. How have you been work - 2025-03-13

Malmö Music Academy is entering a cooperation with Seoul National University

Published 21 May 2021 Seoul University, Cultural Center Malmö Music Academy has been granted funds by Lund University as part of an action plan for internationalisation, to enter into a cooperation with Seoul National University in South Korea. The project aims to be the first part of a long-term, institutional cooperation between Seoul National University and Lund University. The program will res - 2025-03-13

Karin Johansson new head of department at Malmö Academy of Music

Published 21 May 2021 Professor and researcher Karin Johansson is the new head of department at Malmö Academy of Music from May 17. Karin is taking over the position from Sanimir Resic who has been elected dean of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. There will be more information to come when the management model is completed. - 2025-03-13

Video documentation avaliable from the Immersive Days

Published 12 August 2021 Did you miss the Immersive Days #1 in June? Check out the video documentations that give you a deep insight into VR, AR and the latest technological and artistic developments within the fields of extended reality and spatial sound. Immerisive Days videos More info: Immersive Days are arranged by Inter Arts Center. The next Immersive Days #2 gathering is planned for Novembe - 2025-03-13

Göran Söllscher honored in GFA Hall of Fame

Published 27 August 2021 Göran Söllscher, professor at Malmö Academy of Music, is the first Swede to be awarded in the Hall of Fame for classical guitarists by the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA). Göran has known about the award for some time but was overwhelmed when he received the news. He thinks it proves that his musical achievements have been appreciated all over the world. Due to the pand - 2025-03-13

Where our acting students perform this semester

Published 20 September 2021 Shada Sulhav Helsingborgs Stadsteater, Antigone, regi Örjan Andersson, premiär 15/10 Victor Iván Dramaten, Den yttersta minuten, regi Mattias Andersson, premiär 3/9 Elina Norén Sandberg Strindbergs Intima Teater, Utopier i verkligheten, regi Maja Salomonsson, premiä - 2025-03-13

Esa Kirkkopelto installed as Professor

Published 18 October 2021 Esa Kirkkppelto, artistic researcher at Malmö Theatre Academy, was installed in the professorial inauguration at Lund University on October 15. Esa Kirkkopelto was presented by Dean Sanimir Resic who welcomed him to Malmö with the words, "finally a finn in Malmö, tervetulo Esa to the Academy of Fine and Performing Arts." Professorial Inauguration publication 2021 Esa Kirk - 2025-03-13

Two Open Calls at Inter Arts Center with deadline in September!

Published 22 September 2023 Inter Arts Center is happy to announce two Open Calls: "1,2,3 Playtime" in collaboration with Region Skåne (deadline 29 September) and a one-month residency call for composers and sound-artists in Lithuania! 1,2,3 Playtime. A lecture and workshop series in the field of gamification. Games constitute a multidisciplinary field which the workshop series reflects by explori - 2025-03-13

Sound of Democracy: new Theme at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies

By coordinator [at] lmc [dot] lu [dot] se (Valeria Naters) - published 2 May 2023 The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies has chosen the Theme "Sound of Democracy" for work 1 September 2023 – 30 April 2024. We extend a big congratulations to the researchers who will be included in this Theme and who are also active in the Sound Environment Centre's research network. The Theme Sound of Democra - 2025-03-13

Doctoral student Yael Bartana exhibits "Two minutes to midnight" in Stockholm

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 14 April 2022 Interview by Cecilia Hillström Gallery Israeli artist, filmmaker and doctoral student at Malmö Art Academy, Yael Bartana, is currently exhibiting in Stockholm (Cecilia Hillström Gallery) for the first time. The exhibition has been given quite some media attention as Yael Bartana connects her work to the o - 2025-03-13

Leif Holmstrand - Lilith Perfomance Studio

Published 14 September 2015 Leif Holmstrand - Fake Bones - Lilith Perfomance Studio Artist Talk: 15 Sept at 7pm by Leif Holmstrand & OLTA at Inter Arts Centre in Malmo. Free EntrancePerformance: 17 – 26 Sept, 2015 at Lilith Performance Studio, Bragegatan 15, MalmöOpen Hours: 7pm – 9pm, (26 Sept open between 7pm – 10pm)Price: frivillig entréavgift  / optional entrance fee  paid at the door. Cash on - 2025-03-13