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Recent arrivals practise their Swedish at the medics’ language café

Published 18 November 2016 “How are you, what seems to be the problem?” asks Ahmed, who is playing Doctor Ali. “Well, I have had a stomach ache for a few days”, says 26 year-old Sadeq who is playing the patient, 50 year-old Bengt. “Can you describe your symptoms?” asks Ahmed/Doctor Ali, and Sadeq/Bengt explains about pain, nausea and vomiting. At Locus Medicus in Malmö. Sadeq al-Ghaffari from Irak - 2025-02-21

Russian parental movement counteracting children’s rights

Published 18 November 2016 Russia has its own right-wing populist movement: the Parental Movement. While the US equivalent is protesting stricter gun control, the Russians are raging against the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Western lifestyle is considered a major threat to Russian traditions and normal family life”, says social anthropologist Tova Höjdestrand. She sees patterns that - 2025-02-21

Chronicle: "Human rights are to become interdisciplinary"

Published 23 November 2016 A new interdisciplinary research environment for human rights will soon be launched in Lund. “Interdisciplinarity and innovative thinking are required if our work on human rights is to remain relevant to society”, writes Morten Kjaerum, director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute. Morten Kjaerum, director and adjunct professor Raoul Wallenberg Institute. The head of the h - 2025-02-21

Now it starts - the Lund University’s 350th anniversary

Published 16 December 2016 For two years, the LU350 Office has been working hard to coordinate all the University initiatives into a jubilee programme. The jubilee starts on Monday 19 December – exactly 350 years after the document to establish Lund University was signed. “After all the planning, we have finally reached the implementation phase”, says Louise Pierce, one of the three members of the - 2025-02-21

Medical centre recruiting top junior researchers

Published 16 December 2016 Tremendous amounts of money, an ambitious and carefully considered appointment process and major start-up packages for new employees – these are the three things that characterise WCMM, the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine in Lund. Professor Freddy Ståhlberg is the director of WCMM. WCMM in Lund has sister organisations at the universities in Umeå, Gothenburg and - 2025-02-21

The economist for whom the world was not prepared

Published 16 December 2016 He advocated family planning and contraceptives already four decades before Elise Ottesen-Jensen. He was in a common-law marriage, was interested in social problems, and supported the women’s suffrage movement – and today his theories control the design of monetary policy in the West. Knut Wicksell, pioneering Professor of Economics in Lund 1901–1916, was a man ahead of - 2025-02-21

Unknowing researchers became a stamp

Published 16 December 2016 One of the two recent Lund University jubilee stamps depicts the young diabetes researchers Anna Edlund and Jones Ofori. They are pleased to be featured on the stamps – but it was a complete surprise to them both. “Obviously we knew that our picture had been taken. A couple of years ago, there was a photographer here at CRC (Clinical Research Centre) who photographed the - 2025-02-21

A jubilee journey through time and space

Published 16 December 2016 Join us on a journey through the centuries, a hunt for the point where the present and the past merge. The history of the University is alive and well among us. After all, it is the same city, the same streets and buildings now as then. The only thing that distinguishes us from our colleagues from the 1600s, from a purely geographical point of view, is a measurable stret - 2025-02-21

Is the world becoming a better place? Checkpoint Sweden

Published 17 February 2017 Is the world becoming a better place? This question will be asked by researchers when the first science week of the 350th anniversary celebration takes place in March. Debatt i Lund panellists will start off the week by approaching the question from different angles, followed by five days of discussions and lectures on the standard of living, human rights, war, terrorism - 2025-02-21

How to deal with journalists

Published 17 February 2017 Research communication officer Evelina Lindén at the School of Economics and Management encouraged journalists to use their moral compass and be careful to give credit where it is due when interviewing researchers – in reference to a case in which SVT had assumed credit for a documentary. Here she points out what researchers themselves can do to avoid the culture clash b - 2025-02-21

LU employees use yoga to relieve stress

Published 17 February 2017 Their own sense of well-being after a yoga session led them onto a new path in their research. Over 200 LU employees signed up as volunteers for their first study. Now they are finalising an interdisciplinary investigation of the psychological and physiological health effects of yoga. Rachel Maddux. Rachel Maddux, Una Tellhed and Daiva Daukantaité are colleagues at the D - 2025-02-21

USV is shrinking – centres are moving into the faculties

Published 17 February 2017 USV is the umbrella term for the University’s specialised centres which are gradually moving into the faculties. But the process is not painless – the specialised centres are keen to safeguard their identities and their low overhead costs. The faculties and departments, on the other hand, do not want to take on financially insecure ventures. Leif Stenberg is the director - 2025-02-21

Flyttfåglar tar längre flygturer för att ge sina ungar en bättre start i livet

Publicerad 25 september 2023 Den svartvita flugsnapparen fick flytthjälp av forskarna från Nederländerna till Lund. Foto: Viiru Pesonen/Wikimedia Commons. Klimatförändringar gör att våren kommer tidigare. Men flyttfåglarna hänger inte med i svängarna och kommer för sent till födan när de ska häcka. Genom att få fåglarna att flyga lite längre norrut har forskare i Lund och i Nederländerna sett att - 2025-02-21

Dammsugareffekt hos svampar kan hålla nanoplastpartiklar i schack

Publicerad 29 september 2023 Plastavfall är ett enormt problem idag, inte minst hamnar stora mängder mikro- och nanoplast i våra jordar. Foto: Flockine/Pixabay. Genom att använda mikrodesignade jordmodeller har forskare vid Lunds universitet undersökt hur pyttesmå partiklar av polystyren påverkar bakterier och svampar. Trots att denna nanoplast minskade både bakterie- och svamptillväxten lyckades - 2025-02-21

Fysikprofessor ska leda nytt excellenscentrum

Publicerad 29 september 2023 Professor Anders Mikkelsen, här utanför fysiska institutionen, ser fram emot att dra i gång arbetet med det nya excellenscentrumet. Anders Mikkelsen, professor i synkrotronljusfysik och föreståndare för NanoLund, är projektledare för ett nytt centrum som fått medel från Vinnova. Under fem år ska en månghövdad hjärntrust från universitetet och industrin arbeta med hur m - 2025-02-21

Geologiprofessor gör skönlitterär debut om death metal, fossil och ond bråd död

Publicerad 11 oktober 2023 Mats E. Eriksson, professor i paleontologi, visar upp sin skönlitterära debut utanför geologiska institutionen. Mats E. Eriksson, professor i paleontologi vid geologiska institutionen, har gjort sig känd för att namnge fossil efter hårdrocksstjärnor. Nu debuterar han med pikareskromanen Death: The Antidote To Misery där både skräckrockare, forskare och konstentusiaster f - 2025-02-21

Omvänd Ikaroseffekt kan ligga bakom flyttfåglarnas extrema flyghöjder

Publicerad 11 oktober 2023 Långflyttande fåglar som flyger flera dagar i sträck skiftar höjd under dygnet för att nå extrema flyghöjder på 5000–8000 meter på dagen, ett beteende som hittills inte har gått att förklara. Foto: Åke Lindström. Långflyttande fåglar som flyger flera dagar i sträck skiftar höjd under dygnet, ett beteende som hittills inte har gått att förklara. Men nu är forskare i Lund - 2025-02-21

Kallare klimat och syrerika havsströmmar lade grund för moderna marina ekosystem

Publicerad 13 oktober 2023 Hällekisbrottet i Västergötland visar mellanordoviciska kalkstenslager som har provtagits och analyserats i studien. Foto: Anders Lindskog. Förändringar i syresättning och klimat hade fundamental betydelse för marina miljöer och ekosystem under en av de mest omvälvande tiderna i livets utveckling. Det visar en ny studie där forskare analyserat jod och kalcium i kalkstens - 2025-02-21

Ny katalysator i bilen kan ge framtidens flytande vätgasbränsle

Publicerad 18 oktober 2023 En bil tankas med en vätska som innehåller väte. Drivmedlet passerar genom katalysatorn, där väte frigörs till en bränslecell. När vätet är slut tömmer man och fyller på ny vätska på tankstationen. Den gamla vätskan laddas med väte igen och återanvänds. Ett bilbränsle bestående av en vätska som en fast katalysator omvandlar till vätgas är något forskare vid Lunds univers - 2025-02-21