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Welcome to the MERGE autumn meeting 2014

Published 16 September 2014 On October 6-8 MERGE researchers and PhD students will have the opportunity to meet in Kalmar. Welcome to the MERGE Autumn Meeting in Kalmar 6-8 October 2014.We are looking forward to meet all MERGE researchers in Kalmar for three exciting days of presentations and discussions on our MERGE science. We are now at the end of the first 5-year period of MERGE and at the doo - 2025-02-07

MERGE self-evaluation 2014

Published 29 September 2014 Read the MERGE 2014 self-evaluation here. Some of the headlines of the report are: Research output, Strategic value for the society and the business sector and Collaboration. The MERGE self-evaluation is one step of the total evaluation of the strategic research environments. Before summer the final MERGE self-evaluation was sent in, answering 20 questions about the per - 2025-02-07

MERGE autumn meeting - presentations and summary

Published 8 October 2014 Kalmar Castle and MERGE researchers in the evening sun. On 6-8 October, the MERGE autumn meeting of 2014 was held in Kalmar. The three interesting days focused on the future possibilities of research within MERGE and what is to come. For those of you who could not join the meeting - and those of you who would like to see a particularly interesting presentation again - we h - 2025-02-07

IPCC Synthesis Report provides common conclusion about the state of knowledge on climate change

Published 5 November 2014 During the past week, 350 delegates from 120 countries have gathered in Copenhagen, to go through and come to a common conclusion about the state of knowledge on climate change. The result was finalized as a synthesis report which states that the human influence on the climate system is clear and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in histor - 2025-02-07

New guest researcher: Franziska Aemisegger

Published 1 December 2014 We would like to welcome Franziska Aemisegger, who will be a MERGE guest researcher for the coming two years. For the coming two years, Franziska Aemisegger will be a MERGE guest researcher with a Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship (SNSF). In her current research she is studying land-atmosphere interactions in the midlatitude water cycle from a weather systems p - 2025-02-07

Advanced climate models lacks computing power

Published 27 November 2014 Comparing the first simple climate models with those of today is like comparing a little blurry black and white line drawing with a large, high-resolution full-color photo. Everything has increased dramatically - both complexity, geographical resolution and model datasets. Read the interview with Markku Rummukainen, coordinator of MERGE. - The development is quickly movi - 2025-02-07

Today's Great Explorers

Published 10 December 2014 Lund University has collected the top research of the university's twelve strategic reseach environments in a new book. MERGE is one of these environments. In 2008, the Swedish Government designated 20 ‘Strategic Research Areas’ (SRAs) in its research-policy bill. Within these 20 areas, 43 research environments were chosen for specific funding in a special evaluation in - 2025-02-07

New report about the regional climate challenges and adaptation for Skåne

Published 25 January 2015 Today, Monday 26 January, the new report "Klimatsäkrat Skåne" will be launched. The report is a knowledge review and analysis of Skåne's climate work including opportunities and challenges. The launch event focuses on three panel discussions on how we should make our society less vulnerable to climate change, how we use ecosystem services and the implications of climate c - 2025-02-07

The role of biogeophysical feedbacks and their impacts in the arctic and boreal climate system

Published 5 March 2015 Arctic View, CC Photo: UN, Mark Garten The role of biogeophysical feedbacks and their impacts in the arctic and boreal climate system is the name of Wenxing Zhangs thesis, which he defended on February 6 2015. On February 6th Wenxin Zhang defended his thesis The role of biogeophysical feedbacks and their impacts in the arctic and boreal climate system. Opponent was Laxmi Sus - 2025-02-07

Apply to ClimBEco Graduate Research School 2015-2017

Published 9 March 2015 ClimBEco is a two-year graduate research school that promotes young scientists to engage in interdisciplinary research on climate, earth system and society in a changing world. Application to ClimBEco is open right now until the 14th of April. The Research School is open to students who are already enrolled as PhD students. Priority will be given to PhD students enrolled at - 2025-02-07

DataGURU – a new tool for disseminating and finding spatial temporal data

Published 16 March 2015 DataGURU is a tool for researchers to disseminate and find climate, land use, biodiversity and related data. The tool can also be of value as open data strategy in future applications for research funding. This work has been commissioned by the strategic research areas MERGE and BECC. The team, led by researcher Veiko Lehsten, developed a tool for the dissemination of the r - 2025-02-07

Positive evaluation of MERGE

Published 30 April 2015 The Strategic Research Area initiative for research funding was launched by the Swedish Government in the research and innovation bill of 2008. 43 Swedish strategic research areas (SRA’s) was funded by the Swedish government from 2010-2014. MERGE is one of the SRA’s that now have been evaluated. Today the evaluation, together with recommendations for the future, was publish - 2025-02-07

New article in Science shows that savannahs slows climate change

Published 28 May 2015 Photo: Luciana Porfirio Tropical rainforests have long been considered the Earth’s lungs, sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby slowing down the increasing greenhouse effect and associated human-made climate change. Scientists in a global research project now show that the vast extensions of semi-arid landscapes occupying the transition - 2025-02-07

Report from “Dynamic global vegetation modelling: towards a third generation”

Published 15 June 2015 On May 11-13 an international LUsTT/BECC/MERGE workshop was organized in Landskrona, with around 60 leading researchers within the field of dynamic vegetation modelling. Report from the LUsTT/BECC/MERGE Workshop: “Dynamic global vegetation modelling: towards a third generation”.LPJ-GUESS is a Dynamical Global Vegetation model (DGVM) maintained and further developed at the De - 2025-02-07

NordicESM Meeting

Published 2 April 2015 On February 24th and 25th, the kick-off meeting for the NordicESM project took place in Oslo. The aim of NordicESM is to enhance the collaboration on the field of Earth System modelling within the Nordic Countries. The project therefore involves all Nordic research groups working with the Earth System models NorESM and EC-Earth. Amongst other institutes in Europe, Lund Unive - 2025-02-07

New report consolidates knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea region

Published 18 June 2015 A recently published report is a revision and expansion of the 2008 edition of the BACC book. Several MERGE researchers has contributed to this work. The Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin (BACC II), a recently published report, serves as a revision and expansion of the 2008 edition of the BACC book.“The current publication for the Baltic Sea area i - 2025-02-07

MERGE summer meeting 2015

Published 23 June 2015 On 15-16 June 2015 MERGE's annual spring/summer meeting was held at Örenäs Castle in Glumslöv. MERGE researchers and PhD students got together for two days of discussions, scientific presentations and beautiful walks around the castle area. You can find the presentations from the meeting here. Markku Rummukainen, coordinator of MERGE, started the meeting with a background on - 2025-02-07

New PAGES working group will produce global recontructions of anthropogenic land-cover change

Published 23 June 2015 A new working group, lead by MERGE board member Marie-José Gaillard, will work with global reconstructions of anthropogenic land-cover change over the last 6000 years for climate models. PAGES (Past Global Changes) supports research aimed at understanding the Earth’s past environment in order to make predictions for the future.The new PAGES working group "LandCover6k" has th - 2025-02-07

Hamilton – i forskningens tjänst

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 11 februari 2021 Låt oss presentera Hamilton – en robot med kapacitet att analysera flera olika antikroppar samtidigt – och mycket snabbare än vad som tidigare varit möjligt. Titta in i roboten och se hur det ser ut när Hamilton arbetar. Film: Rasmus Bennet Det finns bara tre robotar med den specifika antikroppstekniken - 2025-02-07

Forskningssjuksköterskan Caroline om tiden på en covidavdelning

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 19 mars 2021 Jul- och nyårshelgen blev inte som Caroline Nilsson tänkt sig. Istället för att vara ledig från jobbet som forskningssjuksköterska i POInT-studien, fick hon rycka in och förstärka en covidavdelning på Skånes universitetssjukhus i Malmö.   Tillbaka på forskningsmottagningen efter sex veckor på en covidavdeln - 2025-02-07