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Jishnu J.R, Guest-Researcher at Lund University

Published 25 October 2016 Jishnu J.R, Ph.D Scholar from the Department of Law at University of Kerala in India, recently travelled back to Kerala after a month in Lund. Jishnu is pursuing his Ph.D on "Copyright and trademark aspects of social media" at University of Kerala and was here as a guest-reseacher at the Department of Law and SASNET. Jishnu has not only a interest in property and cyber la - 2025-03-07

Development Research Day 2016

Published 25 October 2016 On Thursday 10 November 9.15-17.00, The Afrint research group and Development Geography in Lund warmly welcome you to the Development Research Day 2016, at Geocentrum I in Lund. The Development Research Day is an annual event at Lund University bringing together all fields working on development to share and discuss their research with each other, students and the public. - 2025-03-07

Lars Eklund reports from 45th Madison South Asian studies conference

Published 28 October 2016 The 45th Annual Madison Conference on South Asia was held 20–23 October 2016. This year's theme was DECAY. The conference, sponsored by the Center for South Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, this year attracted over 750 scholars and specialists on South Asia, coming from countries all over the world and much of the United States. This year the Joseph W. Elder k - 2025-03-07

Copenhagen thesis on Sufi Muslims in Lahore

Published 1 November 2016 On Friday 4 November 2016, at 14.00, Ida Sofie Matzen from the Institute of Anthropology at University of Copenhagen defends her PhD dissertation project entitled ”Extremists of Love: Cosmological Activism among Sufi Muslims in Contemporary Lahore, Pakistan”. Ida Sofie Matzen Photo: Venue: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Institut for Antropologi, Øste - 2025-03-07

SASNET Conference on Modernity in South Asia successfully completed

Published 2 November 2016 Anna Lindberg and Nishi Mitra vom Berg, Photo: Lars Eklund On 20-22 September 2016, the Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) successfully organized a conference entitled ”Modern Matters: Negotiating the Future of Everyday Life in South Asia” at Lund University. Keynote session Photo: J.R. Jishnu The conference attracted more than 60 researchers, Swedish and Europe - 2025-03-07

Lars Eklund visited SALC at University of Chicago

Published 2 November 2016 After attending the 45th South Asian Studies conference at Madison, Wisconsin, 21-23 October 2016, SASNET deputy director Lars Eklund did not return immediately to Sweden. Instead he travelled to the nearby metropolitan city of Chicago in order to visit the University of Chicago on invitation from Professor Dipesh Chakraborty who recently visited Lund University as the ke - 2025-03-07

Seminar and Book Launch: Modi and the Politics of Progress

Published 2 November 2016 The Network for Asien studies (Asianettverket) at University of Oslo organises a seminar and book launch on 3 November 15.30-17.00. In this seminar, the authors and editors of five recently published books on India draw on their work from the perspective of caste, democracy, social movements, industrialisation and nationalism, to answer the questions: what have Modi and h - 2025-03-07

Delhi Workshop: "Towards Global Social Theory?"

Published 3 November 2016 Photo: Wikipedia Henrik Chetan Aspengren from Linnaeus University with assistance by the Nordic Centre in India organises a workshop entitled "Towards Global Social Theory? Possibilities and Tensions" in Delhi 18-20 April 2017. This workshop is addressing current debates regarding the dominance of Northern thought in social theory. The role of modern European Empire and E - 2025-03-07

Position available at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich

Published 3 November 2016 Photo: The Faculty for the Study of Culture at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich invites applications for a Full Professorship (W3) of Indology (Chair) commencing on 1st April 2019. Applicants should be able to teach the full range of classical Indology. The focus of their research should be on Indian Buddhism; experience with Indic manuscripts wi - 2025-03-07

Scholarships for Master’s programmes at Lund University

Published 7 November 2016 Lund University is celebrating 350 years of education and research with €350,000 in scholarships! Win a scholarship for your Master’s programme by showing that you share Lund University's vision to understand, explain and improve the world and the human condition. How to apply for the scholarship: First register and fill out your personal information.Explore the different - 2025-03-07

SASNET board meeting approved organisational changes

Published 7 November 2016 On Monday 10 October 2016, the Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) held its final board meeting as an autonomous unit of Lund University. On 1 January 2017, an organizational change takes place, and SASNET will merge with the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), and become a subdivision of CMES. The focus of SASNET henceforth will be on South Asia related re - 2025-03-07

Research Council grants to South Asia related projects

Published 24 November 2016 Photo: Vetenskapsrådet In late October 2016, the Swedish Research Council decided upon project grants within Humanities. Two projects given a grant relates to South Asian studies, from Uppsala University and Stockholm University. Within Medicine, one project grant from Uppsala University was given a grant relate to South Asian studies. List of South Asia related projects - 2025-03-07

Subjects, Citizens and Law in North India

Published 9 November 2016 Subjects, Citizens and Law. Colonial and independent India, edited by Professor Gunnel Cederlöf, Linnaeus University, Växjö; and Professor Sanjukta Das Gupta, Sapienza University of Rome. Routledge India 2017. This volume investigates how, where and when subjects and citizens come into being, assert themselves and exercise subjecthood or citizenship in the formation of mo - 2025-03-07

Copenhagen seminar on Talking with the Pakistani Taliban

Published 1 November 2016 Dr. Mona Kanwal Sheikh from the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) held an Asia Dynamics lecture at University of Copenhagen on Friday 11 November 2016, 10.00-12.00. She spoke about ”Talking with the Pakistani Taliban”. Venue: Faculty of Humanities, Room 10-4-05, Karen Blixens Vej 4, Copenhagen.The question of whether governments should engage with talks wi - 2025-03-07

Uppsats som behandlar beslutsfattandet om skånska vindkraftverk vinner KEFU:s uppsatspris 2023

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 14 december 2023 Alice Petersson, vinnare av KEFU:s uppsatspris, tillsammans med KEFU:s forskningsledare Ulf Ramberg. För 38e gången delar KEFUs styrelse ut priset för bästa uppsats inom kommunal och regional ledning, organisation och ekonomi på totalt 20 000 kronor. För läsåret 2022/2023 går priset till uppsatsen: "Opportunities for Agency - 2025-03-07

Podd: Joakim Zander om samhällsdebatt, skrivande och forskning om osäkerhet

Av peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - publicerad 15 januari 2024 Kommunikatörerna Louise Larsson och Peter Kjällkvist mötte Joakim Zander (i mitten) för ett samtal om skrivande och forskande och det mesta däremellan. Foto: Oleksandra Panashenko I vårt sjätte avsnitt av Ekonomihögskolans podd ”Minds over matters” träffar vi handelsrättsforskaren och författaren J - 2025-03-07

”Sverige behöver se över möjligheten att överpröva offentliga upphandlingar”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 12 november 2020 Foto: Sergio Rola/Unsplash Tanken med upphandlingar är att säkerställa rätt vara eller tjänst, till rätt pris. Men vad händer när upphandlingar medvetet struktureras för att inte bjuda in till överklagningar – eller helt enkelt avbryts i förtid? Fredrik Tesch-Morawetz doktorsavhandling i handelsrätt t - 2025-03-07

News comment: Johan Axhamn om AI och att skydda skaparen

Av peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - publicerad 6 oktober 2023 I andra avsnittet av ”LUSEM News Comment” tittar vi på upphovsrätt och hur AI påverkar och kan användas. Till vår hjälp har vi Johan Axhamn, universitetslektor och forskare inom handelsrätt vid Ekonomihögskolan. En ny lag sedan början av 2023 gör det möjligt att använda existerande verk som tränings - 2025-03-07

Ökad samverkan och kunskapsutbyte med nya partnerföretag

Av info [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Malin Åkerskog) - publicerad 24 april 2023 På Ekonomihögskolan står samverkan högt på prioritetslistan, och det pågår ständigt täta samarbeten med näringslivet. Självklara partners för samarbete är stora banker och globala revisionsbolag, men under det senaste året har även företag från andra branscher tillkommit. Under våren 2023 ansluter Duni Group och Boozt t - 2025-03-07

Digitalisering ställer nya krav på skattesystemet

Publicerad 21 april 2023 Varför ska man betala hög skatt i Sverige när det tack vare ny teknik är möjligt att bedriva verksamhet och arbete utan att vara fysiskt närvarande och därmed skatteskyldig i Sverige? Vad krävs för att ett system som den svenska välfärdsmodellen ska överleva i en digital värld? Frågeställningarna är centrala för gruppen som arbetar med digi-skatt inom ramen för en Advanced - 2025-03-07