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Gör inspelade föreläsningar mer engagerande med kringmaterial

Av bjorn [dot] fritz [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Fritz) - publicerad 19 maj 2021 Variation i undervisningen är en nyckel till att få till en levande och engagerande kurs. En del i denna variation är den förinspelade videoföreläsningen och kringmaterial till den. Foto: Priscilla Du Preez På avdelningen för konsthistoria och visuella studier finns Björn Fritz som aktivt arbetar för att hitt - 2025-02-11

Exkursioner på distans

Av bjorn [dot] fritz [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Fritz) - publicerad 19 maj 2021 Hur gör man ett inspelat besök på ett museum, i en samling eller i en annan miljö? Med inspelade exkursioner kan man besöka platser som studenterna inte kan ta sig till (om de t.ex. är för långt bort eller inte tar emot studentgrupper). Man kan också tänka sig att studenterna gör exkursionen på egen hand på e - 2025-02-11

Grupparbeten online

Av mats [dot] blomberg [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (Mats Blomberg) - publicerad 19 maj 2021 Grupparbeten är ett vanligt inslag i många kurser på universitetet, och de kräver alltid att studenterna tar ett stort ansvar för sitt eget lärande. Att dela ut grupparbeten när undervisningen sker på distans, och studenterna kanske inte har möjlighet att träffas som vanligt innebär att förutsättningarna - 2025-02-11

Interaktivitet i Zoom

Publicerad 19 maj 2021 Som många andra har jag upplevt att Zoom-föreläsningar lätt känns ”platta” och att det är svårt att veta om man har studenterna med sig. För att göra något åt detta har jag testat olika sätt att aktivera studenterna under föreläsningarna i Zoom. Foto: Celpax via Unsplash Bi-kupor med hjälp av breakout-rum  På salsföreläsningar har jag ofta bett studenterna att diskutera någo - 2025-02-11

Launch of IEA’s Special Report on Clean Energy Innovation

Published 2 July 2020 The International Energy Agency releases a Special Report on Clean Energy Innovation on Thursday, 2 July. Professor Lena Neij from the IIIEE Policy analysis team participated in the process.The new report identifies the critical areas where accelerated innovation is urgently needed if countries and companies are to meet their ambitions for net-zero emissions.This special repo - 2025-02-11

PhD Student Steven Curtis Receives 'Best Presenter' Award at New Business Models Conference

Published 9 July 2020 IIIEE Phd Student Steven Kane Curtis presented at the 5th International (and Virtual) Conference on New Business Models on 1-2 July 2020. The conference was hosted by Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, with the theme to explore the role of business models in transition. Among the nearly 100 presenters, Steven was awarded the award for “Best Presenter”. In his pr - 2025-02-11

New publication from the Urban Sharing Research Team

Published 13 July 2020 City Report no. 2: "Urban Sharing in Toronto" The Urban Sharing Team at IIIEE, lead by Principal Investigator Prof. Oksana Mont, has published their second City Report for the Urban Sharing research programme.“Urban Sharing in Toronto” explores the landscape of the sharing economy in the city context. This research is a result of a Mobile Research Lab conducted in the autumn - 2025-02-11

New publication from Katharina Reindl

Published 11 August 2020 "Agency and capacity in the planning and design phase of building renovations" Postdoctoral fellow Katharina Reindl has published a new article in Energy Efficiency.Abstract:The building sector is a large energy consumer and is responsible for high CO2 emissions; hence, improving the energy performance of buildings is vital. Building renovations open opportunities to impro - 2025-02-11

IIIEE launches new project on Massive Urban Missions

Published 12 August 2020 Funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, the IIIEE at Lund University in collaboration with researchers at Linköping University are launching a new project called Massive Urban Missions (MUM) on advancing and delivering climate neutral cities. Associate Professor Kes McCormick and Professor Jenny Palm are the researchers at the IIIEE leading the activities. Two doctoral resear - 2025-02-11

New postdoctoral position!

Published 19 August 2020 The post-doctoral candidate will work in the area of policy analysis related to the Circular Economy. The post-doctoral candidate will contribute to the development of knowledge, and policy analysis addressing policies to further Circular Economy developments, with a special focus on policies as drivers and barriers for Circular Business Models. Read more about the positio - 2025-02-11

MSC Graduate gains double awards

Published 27 August 2020 Maria Jäppinen awarded by ISWA Young Professionals Group Our MSC graduate Maria Jäppinen participated in the 3rd ISWA YPG Online Conference on the 17th and 18th of July 2020. The theme of the conference was “Transition to a Circular Economy: Innovation and sustainability in waste management systems”. In an abstract competition for young researchers, Maria was awarded first - 2025-02-11

IIIEE participates in online workshop on solar cells

Published 28 August 2020 IIIEE, represented by Professor Jenny Palm, together with the solar cell association Solar Region and the City of Malmö will host a joint online workshop on solar cells.The focus of the workshop is on solar cells and how they are contributing to the realisation of Malmö's vision of a sustainable city district in Sege Park. The event will take place on Thursday the 3rd Sept - 2025-02-11

New output from the Urban Sharing Research Team

Published 11 September 2020 The Urban Sharing Team at IIIEE, lead by Principal Investigator Prof. Oksana Mont, has published their third snapshot for the Urban Sharing research programme.“Urban Sharing in Shanghai” explores the landscape of the sharing economy in the city context. The snapshot is a first outcome of the data collection conducted in the spring 2020. The snapshot highlights the follo - 2025-02-11

New publication: Social Impacts of Sharing Platforms

Published 16 October 2020 IIIEE Researchers Steven Kane Curtis, Oksana Mont, and Jagdeep Singh published a new article in PLOS ONE, in collaboration with Alexandra Kessler from the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP). The article synthesizes the potential social impacts of sharing platforms and proposes a systematic framework to assess these impacts at an organiza - 2025-02-11

Pandemin och klimatomställningen

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 19 October 2020 Lunds universitets Hållbarhetsforum, Naturskyddsföreningen och Lunds Stadsbibliotek bjuder in till föreläsningar på temat klimat, miljö och hållbarhet. FöreläsningKlimatkrisen har under året kommit i skuggan av den förödande spridningen av Covid-19. Ändå har många debattörer och forskare hävdat att pand - 2025-02-11

City Futures Summit

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 20 October 2020 On October 8 the IIIEE organized the event City Futures Summit, an online webinar with keynote speakers from Australia, Chile and Sweden around sustainable urban transformation and the missions approach. On October 8 the IIIEE organized the event "City Futures Summit", an online webinar with keynote spe - 2025-02-11

The World of Urban Sharing – a blog by the Urban Sharing team

Published 23 October 2020 Yuliya Voytenko Palgan together with the support from the Urban Sharing team at the IIIEE, Lund University, has developed a blog; The World of Urban Sharing. Yuliya Voytenko Palgan together with the support from the Urban Sharing team at the IIIEE, Lund University, has developed a blog; The World of Urban Sharing . In this blog, the researchers have summarised academic pu - 2025-02-11