Haegue Yang - Centre Pompidou
Publicerad 22 juni 2016 Haegue Yang - Lingering Nous - Centre Pompidou
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/haegue-yang-centre-pompidou - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 22 juni 2016 Haegue Yang - Lingering Nous - Centre Pompidou
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/haegue-yang-centre-pompidou - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 1 juli 2016 I tisdags (28 juni) hölls ett möte mellan Malmö stad och Lunds universitet, då Konsthögskolans lokalfråga var i fokus, liksom planen för samlokaliseringen av fakultetens högskolor. Med på mötet var stadsdirektör Jan-Inge Ahlfridh och stadsbyggnadsdirektör Christer Larsson från Malmö stad. Från Lunds universitets sida deltog rektor Torbjörn von Schantz, förvaltningschefen Sus
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/nytt-samtal-om-konsthogskolans-lokaler - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 20 juli 2016 Christian Andersson, "Put the Cobwebs Back in Place"Berlin, June 03rd - July 30th, 2016http://www.nordenhake.com/php/current.php?bID=258&sID=259&city=berlin
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/christian-andersson-nordenhake - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 20 juli 2016 Alexander Gutke - Silver LiningJune 25 – September 10, 2016Opening: Friday, June 24, 2016 | 6 – 9 pmhttp://gregorpodnar.com/alexander-gutke-2/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alexander-gutke-galerija-gregor-podnar - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 4 augusti 2016 Time FliesUllensaker Kunstforening11th of August at 16:00Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1246281522070952/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/daniel-peder-askeland-ullensaker-kunstforening - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 11 augusti 2016 August 20th – October 9th Opening August 19th 5-7 pm Tiril Hasselknippes (NO 1984) sculptures are brutalism in synthetic form. The double bonds between the sacred and the primitive / natural and artificial / the life-giving and the downfall, are all present in Hasselknippes works. This voltage and indeterminacy has contributed to mark her as one of the major Nordic artis
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/tiril-hasselknippe-tranen - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 15 augusti 2016 Matts Leiderstam at Andréhn-Schiptjenko August 18 – September 23, 2016 Vår professor Matts Leiderstam ställer ut i Stockholm.http://www.andrehn-schiptjenko.com/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/matts-leiderstam-andrehn-schiptjenko - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 18 augusti 2016 The MFA programme in Critical and Pedagogical Studies at Malmö Art Academy invites you to a series of lectures on pedagogy within art education and beyond. The lectures introduce different debates and discourses within contemporary art education in relation to philosophies of learning from different times and places. The invited lecturers will also share their knowledge
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/pedagogy-intensive-lecture-series - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 23 augusti 2016 Ten page article about alumni Christian Andersson in the latest issue of CCQ Magazine. You can read it here!https://issuu.com/ccqmag/docs/ccq10
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/christian-andersson-ccq-magazine - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 24 augusti 2016 Hanna Sjöstrand - Workhttp://www.gallerithomaswallner.com/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/hanna-sjostrand-galleri-thomas-wallner - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 24 augusti 2016 Maiken Stene - Copies on a strollhttp://www.gallerithomaswallner.com/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/maiken-stene-galleri-thomas-wallner - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 2 september 2016 Anne Marte Overaa: Places of Disinterest Places of Disinterest, public intervention Kunstmuseet KUBE, Ålesund, Norwayhttp://www.jugendstilsenteret.no/kunstmuseet-kube/aktuelle-utstillinger…
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/anne-marte-overaa-places-disinterest - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 7 september 2016 Ella Tillema - I morgon blir det nog bra10/9-13/11 2016Ljungbergmuseet i Ljungbywww.ljungbergmuseet.se
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/ella-tillema-ljungbergmuseet - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 7 september 2016 Jóhan Martin Christiansen - Traces09.09.16 - 08.01.17at the National Gallery of the Faroe IslandsFriday 9th of September 2016, 4 PMhttp://www.art.fo/en/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/johan-martin-christiansen-traces - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 10 juni 2015 Vi välkomnar våra nya doktorander Imogen Stidworthy och Alejandro Cesarco.Här kan du läsa mer om Imogen Stidworthy http://www.akinci.nl/stidworthy/imogen_stidworthy.htmHär kan du läsa mer om Alejandro Cesraco http://bombmagazine.org/article/3227/alejandro-cesarco
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/nya-doktorander - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 16 september 2016 Assa Kauppi & Andreas PoppelierThe race is over – I’ll protect you from what you want1 oktober – 27 novemberhttp://kristinehamnskonstmuseum.com/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/andreas-poppelier-kristinehams-konstmuseum - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 19 september 2016 Runo Lagomarsino participates in Malmös leende, an art project bringing together a group of international and Swedish artists to interact with the city and it's public space. The works deal with a broad aspect of issues pertaining to politics, religion, language, belonging and cityscape.Runo Lagomarsino's work A Country's Landscape can be seen at Drottninggatan 18, Mal
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/runo-lagomarsino - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 22 september 2016 Marie Bonfils - Niveauer af usikkerhedskulpturer - objekter - publikationFernisering lørdag d. 10 september kl 17-20Foredrag ved Gertrud Sandqvist kl 18Finissage lørdag d. 8 oktoberhttp://www.forlagetgestus.dk/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/marie-bonfils-forlaget-gestus - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 22 september 2016 Alumner ställer ut.Vagnsverkstaden, Varvsstaden, Malmö21 - 24/9 2016Dave Allen Nadine Byrne Catrin Andersson Dick HedlundMaria Hedlund Jone Kvie Anna Ling Andreas MangionePer Mårtensson Magnus Thierfelder Anders Sletvold Moe Charlotte WalentinPreview Wednesday 21/9 from 5 - 8 pmwww.elasticgallery.com
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumner-elastic - 2025-01-07
Publicerad 22 september 2016 Regarding the LightÖRN ALEXANDER ÁMUNDASON23. September - 9. OctoberOPENING: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd AT 19 O'CLOCK!Opening hours:Wednesday - Friday: 12.00 - 16.00Saturday - Sunday: 12.00 - 17.00http://rake.trondheim.no/visningsrom/
https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/orn-alexander-amundason-rake - 2025-01-07