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Protein Production Network Sweden pilot expression screen completed

Published 30 December 2014 LP3 is part of the Protein Production Network Sweden (PPNS) that aims to make multiple protein expression hosts, methodologies and competence in protein production available to the Swedish academic life science community. Collaboration between Swedish protein production sites is crucial in order to solve complex scientific questions and in a pilot effort to test a new jo - 2025-03-07

A network of Swedish protein production facilities

Published 30 December 2014 LP3 is taking part in the formation of a network of Swedish protein production facilities together with Protein Science Facility at Karolinska Institutet/SciLifeLab (external website) Mammalian Protein Expression at Göteborg University (external website) Protein Expertise Platform at Umeå University (external website) Drug Discovery and Development platform at SciLifeLab - 2025-03-07

Eukaryotic expression system

Published 29 December 2014 Right now LP3 is in the process of establishing the Baculovirus Expression Vector System (BEVS) – a system for expression of recombinant proteins in insect cells. This system will complement the current LP3 capabilities to express proteins in bacteria and yeast. The BEVS, being a eukaryotic expression system, has its strength in producing proteins from higher eukaryotic - 2025-03-07

Med proteiner som nycklar till SARS-CoV-2 – så har vi lärt oss mer om viruset

Published 25 March 2021 Under den pågående CoViD-19 pandemin har förståelsen för virusets proteiner varit en central del i forskningen om SARS-CoV-2, eftersom det är genom proteinkontakter som viruset invaderar människans celler. På flera universitet i Sverige finns faciliteter som producerar proteiner för olika forskningsprojekt och som ingår i ett nätverk kallat Protein Produktion Sverige (PPS). - 2025-03-07

FragMAX library identifies ligand-binding sites in nsp10 and nsp14/16 interfaces of SARS-CoV-2

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 25 October 2021 By fragment screening using x-ray crystallography we identified four ligands revealing ligand-binding sites in conserved interfaces between SARS-CoV-2 nsp10 and nsp14/nsp16. The nsp14/10 interaction is weak and therefore could be disrupted by small molecules. In a collaborative effort, the Lu - 2025-03-07

New national infrastructure - Protein Production Sweden (PPS)

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 25 October 2021 The new protein production platform will start in the beginning 2022 and is a co-operation between five Swedish universities. A new nationally distributed infrastructure - Protein Production Sweden or Proteinproduktion Sverige (PPS) in Swedish, will start up in the beginning of 2022. This is - 2025-03-07

Now at LP3: absolute molecular weight determination of proteins

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 12 April 2022 LP3 extends its portfolio of machines available for biophysical analysis by welcoming the OMNISEC system from Malvern Panalytical. Thanks to a grant from Olle Engkvisits foundation to Prof. Anders Malmström (Experimental Medical Sciences, Lund University), we now host a state of the art multi-d - 2025-03-07

LP3 presented at the Swedish National PI-meeting in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 5 December 2022 Wolfgang Knecht, head of LP3 presented the capabilities of LP3 in biophysics and protein structure determination at the first Swedish national PI-meeting in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology (external webpage). The meeting was jointly organized by the Swedish Society for Biochemi - 2025-03-07

Sweden enters In-Kind agreement with ESS – LP3 contributes with Deuteration Lab Services

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 20 January 2023 To strengthen the engagement of the Swedish scientific community in ESS, Sweden has now officially become part of the ESS in-kind community with four projects selected by ESS and the Swedish Research Council. To strengthen the engagement of the Swedish scientific community in the European Spa - 2025-03-07

The new DeuNet webpage is now launched

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 5 April 2023 The Deuteration Network (DeuNet) is an international network which aims to facilitate access to deuteration services. The Deuteration Network (DeuNet) (external webpage) is an international network of deuteration facilities and laboratories which aims to facilitate access to deuteration services - 2025-03-07

Annual PPS retreat in Stockholm

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 4 October 2023 All staff from LP3, which is one out of five nodes in the PPS national infrastructure, participated. The distributed national research infrastructure Protein Production Sweden (PPS,, external webpage) did meet for its second annual staff retreat at Ljunglöfska slottet in S - 2025-03-07

New publication about BEVS by LP3

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 23 October 2023 Recently, a book chapter with protocols for the Baculovirus Expression Vector System in insect cells was published by LP3. Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) has recently published its standard operating procedures for recombinant protein expression using the Baculovirus Expression Vector - 2025-03-07

A guide for choosing expression system for recombinant proteins

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 7 November 2023 Members of the board and scientific committee of PPS, Sabine Suppmann and Kim Remans, respectively are among the authors of a new review in Star Protocols about expression systems for recombinant protein production. The overview is based on a survey with 60 leading experts in protein producti - 2025-03-07

Lund Protein Production Platform featured in EUGLOHRIA Talks and EUGLOHRIA Virtual Tours

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 20 December 2023 Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) is featured in EUGLOHRIA Talks and EUGLOHRIA Virtual Tours approaching audiences with interactive and innovative content and an interview with the head of LP3, Dr. Wolfgang Knecht, is now available on the EUGLOHRIA homepage. The European University Alli - 2025-03-07

LP3 is the newest local core facility of SciLifeLab Lund

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 17 January 2024 At the first 2024 management meeting, SciLifeLab Lund welcomed LP3 as a new local core facility. The aim of the local SciLifeLab sites in Umeå, Linköping, Gothenburg and Lund is to bring national infrastructure activities closer to the research communities at these locations, and to contribut - 2025-03-07

LP3 and PPS at the 35th MAX IV user meeting

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 24 January 2024 LP3 with Celeste Sele presented its capabilities in Protein Characterisation, Crystallisation and Structure Determination at the 35th MAX IV user meeting in Lund (external homepage). LP3 is harboring a local node of Protein Production Sweden (PPS). PPS focuses on the production and purificati - 2025-03-07

Pandemics and Alertness

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 11 March 2024 LP3 is now part of "Pandemics and Alertness", a collaboration initiative for virus-related topics by Lund University Pandermics and Alertness is an interdisciplinary platform created to promote collaboration and change of information between stakeholders, researchers and experts from different - 2025-03-07

DEMAX and LP3 publish new protocol for the use of algal autolysate in the production of deuterium-labeled recombinant protein

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 14 March 2024 Together with DEMAX (see external homepage), the Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) recently published a new protocol for the use of algal autolysate for the production of deuterium-labeled recombinant protein featuring:Continuous cultivation and autolysis of deuterated B. brauniiAutolysate - 2025-03-07

Visit by InfraLife at LP3

By anna [dot] rasmussen [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Andersson Rasmussen) - published 2 May 2024 InfraLife Project Coordinator, Claire Lyons, came for a site visit at LP3 InfraLife is a national initiative to improve knowledge and availability of infrastructures and make it accessible to Life science researchers in academia, industry and health care. Read more about the visit here at InfraLif - 2025-03-07

Steven Schmidt ny studiekoordinator

Av lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - publicerad 13 februari 2024 Steven Schmidt. Docent Steven Schmidt är SWEAH:s nya studiekoordinator från och med årsskiftet. Steven Schmidt, tillika CASE-koordinator och forskargruppschef inom Tillämpad Gerontologi, tog över efter Cecilia Petterson den 1 januari 2024. Studiekoordinatorn ingår i forskarskolans ledningsgrupp och är - 2025-03-07