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Why are meetings important? New book explains

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 13 February 2024 The book "Why Meetings Matter – Everyday Arenas for Making, Performing and Maintaining Organisations" A place to discuss issues, to make decisions and for brainstorming ideas. Meetings are necessary for the development of a workplace. Even so, claims of the opposite is often heard. With “Why meetings m - 2025-01-31

Excursion to Pärnu

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 21 May 2024 The whole group in Tallinn. It is a tradition for the Tourism and Hotel specialisation of the Bachelors programme in Service Management to go to Helsingborgs's twin city Pärnu in Estonia every year. This year's trip stood out partly because for the first time also master students with the specialisation in - 2025-01-31

Students exploring Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship in Helsingborg

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 24 May 2024 Julaina Jaffar and Aili Hong presenting their project about Röda kvarn. During the course “Service Development and Entrepreneurship” the Master’s students of the Culture and Creativity management specialisation worked on a project together with the City of Helsingborg. With the project, the students explore - 2025-01-31

Graduation ceremony for our Master's students

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 5 June 2024 Ioana-Gabriela Denes and Syeeda Raisa Maliha recieved the honorary award. Programme director Elin Bommenel in the background. On the 4th of June, the graduation ceremony for our Master's students was arranged by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Lund University Main Building. During the ceremony, two th - 2025-01-31

Education programme in Uganda has been completed

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 12 June 2024 The one-year commissioned diploma programme has come to an end. The programme was a collaboration between the Department of Service Studies, Lund University Commissioned Education and Entebbe International University in Uganda, with fundings from the Swedish Institute. In the video one of the course examin - 2025-01-31

Beyond Site/Sight: International conference on cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity

By julia [dot] luttrup [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (Julia Luttrup) - published 13 June 2024 Dennis Kerkhof, City of Helsingborg and Kirsti Mathiesen Hjemdahl, Cultiva Foundation On June 12, the three-day international conference Beyond Site/Sight, organised by the interdisciplinary network CROCUS at Lund University, in collaboration with the City of Helsingborg and Region Skåne, started. The theme i - 2025-01-31

AI, minorities and urban-to-rural migration in new episodes of the Crocus podcast

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 14 June 2024 To the left: Inês Martins and Janine Pröll. To the right: Lourdes Beltran and Katja Lindqvist. What are the current issues for cultural organisations and creative management? What research is being done on these issues? The CROCUS podcast delves into these questions and now four new episodes have been rele - 2025-01-31

Carin Rehncrona "nailed" her dissertation

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 22 August 2024 Carin Rehncrona and one of her supervisors, Cecilia Fredriksson. The 21st of August we conducted a traditional nailing ceremony as the departments doctoral student Carin Rehncrona nailed her doctors thesis ”Payments: Understanding the use of retail payment service platforms in the era of digitalisation”. - 2025-01-31

Care as a strategy for marketing and circularity

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 27 September 2024 One act of care is to how you treat your clothes. Photo left: Réka Tölg. Photo right: Bruno Nascimento, Care and circular consumption, can they go hand in hand? For some, it’s what drives their consumption of items and clothes. Réka Tölg, a doctoral student at the Department of Service S - 2025-01-31

Aurimas Pumputis "nailed" his dissertation

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 19 October 2024 ”Trust and Control on P2P platforms: A sociomaterial analysis of guest-host relationships in digital environments” The 18th of October we conducted a traditional nailing ceremony as the departments doctoral student Aurimas Pumputis nailed his doctors thesis ”Trust and Control on P2P platforms: A socioma - 2025-01-31

New doctoral thesis about retail payment services

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 25 October 2024 Photo: Jonas Leupe, The 13th of September Carin Rehncrona defended her doctoral dissertation “Payments: Understanding the use of retail payment service platforms in the era of digitalisation”. The thesis explores the role of digital platforms in modern payment systems and examines how cons - 2025-01-31

Doctoral students from Service Studies on annual writing retreat by the sea

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 4 November 2024 Every year, doctoral students at the Department of Service Studies go on a writing retreat to focus on their theses and strengthen the community. This year, the trip went to Smygehus Havsbad in Smygehamn, where the doctoral students had the chance to both work and relax. The retreat is an annual traditi - 2025-01-31

Impact from the New Welfare Services-programme in Uganda

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 22 November 2024 A half-year after the diploma programme New Welfare Services – Sustainable Service Design as a driver for regional development came to an end some of the participants share how it has made an impact on their work. The course participants in the film describes how the programme changed their mindset and - 2025-01-31

The future of retail in focus at international research conference

By julia [dot] luttrup [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (Julia Luttrup) - published 25 November 2024 The main conference was held at Campus Helsingborg. Retail and logistics researchers gathered in Helsingborg in early November to present and discuss the latest research at the ninth edition of the Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC). Interest in this year's conference was high, with a total of - 2025-01-31

Skatteforskaren Åsa Hansson till Ratio

Publicerad 22 januari 2024 Åsa Hansson Hur påverkar skatter företag och individer? Och hur kan skattesystem utformas för att inte hämma konkurrenskraft i en internationell och digital värld? Det är några av Åsa Hanssons främsta forskningsintressen. Nu knyts hon till forskningsinstitutet Ratio för att där förlägga en del av sin forskningstid. Åsa Hansson, docent i nationalekonomi och välkänd skatte - 2025-01-31

Kommunala kapaciteter och strategier för en hållbar kommunal framtid – ett nationellt kommunforskningsprogram

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 14 december 2023 Nu startar ett nytt nationellt kommunforskningsprogram i ett samarbete mellan KEFU, CERUM (Umeå universitet), CKS (Linköpings universitet), och KFI (Förvaltningshögskolan i Göteborg med en övergripande ambition att bygga ett långsiktigt starkt nationellt forskningsnätverk. Initiativet stöttas också finansiellt av Kommuninve - 2025-01-31

Ekonomistudenter från Lund till finalen i världens mest prestigefulla business case-tävling

Av linnea [dot] morth [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Linnea Mörth) - publicerad 23 januari 2024 Studenterna från Ekonomihögskolan tillsammans med coachen och läraren Mats Urde. Foto: Privat Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet kom hem med flera medaljer från 2024 års upplaga av världens största casetävling i Kanada. Laget säkrade tredje plats i finalen, läraren Mats Urde fick priset som årets coach - 2025-01-31

Primula – systemet som vi älskar att hata (eller i alla fall klaga på)

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 19 februari 2021 Systemen ska underlätta vårt arbete, men ibland kan man som medarbetare uppleva att det snarare är tvärtom. I artikeln ges flera perspektiv på ett välanvänt system vid Lunds universitet och flera andra lärosäten och organisationer: Primula. Foto: Istock Säg ”Primula” och en del tänker på en blomma. An - 2025-01-31

Ekonomihögskolan rankas bland de bästa handelshögskolorna i Europa

Publicerad 7 december 2020 För första gången kvalar Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet in på ”Financial Times European Business Schools 2020 ranking”. I stark konkurrens rankas nu skolan som nummer 75 i Europa. Måndagen den 7 december riktade tidningen Financial Times (FT) återigen strålkastarna mot de europeiska handelshögskolorna. Ekonomihögskolan i Lund har två magisterprogram som nyligen r - 2025-01-31

”Sverige var det minst demokratiska landet i Västeuropa i början av 1900-talet”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 3 juni 2019 Bilden till höger: demonstration i Lund 1950 på valborgsmässoafton eller 1 maj. Firma Hagblom-Foto, från Lunds universitets bildarkiv. Bilden till vänster: Erik Bengtsson. I en vetenskaplig artikel slår ekonomihistorikern Erik Bengtsson hål på myten om Sverige som ödesbestämt att bli (social)demokratiskt. - 2025-01-31