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Microsoft Word - Hypoteket UK-version.docx

Microsoft Word - Hypoteket UK-version.docx   Hypoteket   Over  the  years,  many  members  of  royalty,  from  political  life  and  the  business  community   have  made  important  decisions  in  the  banqueting  halls  of  the  Hypoteket.  Much  energy  was   laid  down  so  that  Scanian  landowners  could  be  approved  credit  in  order  to  continue  with   agriculture  and  the  upkeep  of - 2025-02-08


Ingham_etal_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden RAISE-ing the Student Engagement agenda – an international network’s impact D. Ingham, C. Bryson, and T. Lowe, Loughborough University, University of Newcastle and University of Winchester, England ABSTRACT: Student Engagement (SE) has evolved considerably over the last decade becoming a focus of research, scholarship and cha - 2025-02-08

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Nordistikens kunskapsintressen på nytt Jan Svensson Lunds universitet När vi ställde samman Nordistiken som vetenskap för mer än 25 år sedan, så var ämnet fortfarande någotsånär väl sammanhållet. Med hjälp av en taxonomi över olika kunskapsintressen gick det att ge en begriplig – om än inte fullständig – bild av de mest väsentliga inriktningarna inom ämnet nordiska språk (se Svensson 1988). Den bi - 2025-02-08


Jerome_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Documenting the parameters of effective SoTL counselling F. Jérôme, P. Detroz, D. Verpoorten, University of Liège (Belgium) ABSTRACT: The Specialized Master in Higher Education Pedagogy (Formasup) organized at the University of Liège (Belgium) aims at the professional development of teachers involved in Higher Education. The - 2025-02-08


Jørgensen_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exams as learning arena: A criterion-based system for justified marking, student feedback, and enhanced constructive alignment C. Jørgensen, A. Goksøyr, K. L. Hjelle, and H. Linge, University of Bergen, Norway ABSTRACT: A constructively aligned course will provide learning benefits for students. Armed with this insight, te - 2025-02-08

Microsoft Word - Karlsson.docx

Microsoft Word - Karlsson.docx The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Triggering Empathic Unsettlement: A Valid Classroom Practice? M. Karlsson, Lund University ABSTRACT: In keeping with the ever-popular imagery of the ‘turn’ in various scholarly fields, it has been suggested that the scholarship of teaching and learning is currently experiencing an emotional one. To its proponen - 2025-02-08


Keers_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden How Technologies Motivate and Enhance Student Learning H. Keers, Institute of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway A. G. V. Salvanes, J-A. Grytnes, Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway R. Waagbø, NIFES/Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway ABSTRACT: The use of technology in university teachi - 2025-02-08

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17-18 June 2015  Centre for Languages and Literature  Lund University  Sweden Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy Keynote Abstracts (in order of presentation) Language Policy and Planning from a Complexity Theory Perspective Diane Larsen-Freeman In this talk, I adopt Complexity Theory (CT) as a transdisciplinary relational metatheory. A theory of language acquisition (or what I pr - 2025-02-08


Khan_etal The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Community Engaged Education: Combining Academic Learning with Public Benefit A. Khan, McMaster University, C. Tortora, San Jose University, and P. D. McNicholas, McMaster University ABSTRACT: Community engaged education (CEE) is an experiential pedagogy through which students learn about course concepts by interacting with a specif - 2025-02-08


Kovacs_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Innovative forms of professional learning: supportive partners in teaching Z. Kovács, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary ABSTRACT: After the favourable reception of lectures on “University of the Third Age” held by Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), a pilot programme to provide active and part - 2025-02-08

Microsoft PowerPoint - LUND-2010 [SARANGI].ppt [Compatibility Mode]

Microsoft PowerPoint - LUND-2010 [SARANGI].ppt [Compatibility Mode] 1 TEXTS AS INSTITUTIONALLY MEDIATED PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: a rhetorical discourse perspective SRIKANT SARANGI CARDIFF UNIVERSITY NTNU, TRONDHEIM LUND, 07 June 2010 PRELIMINARIES • There are 3 parts to my title: the first part draws attention to two key concepts – institutions and professions – in relation to the role of texts (the - 2025-02-08


Larsson_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Constructive friction? Exploring patterns between Educational Research and The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning M. Larsson*, K. Mårtensson*, L. Price** and T. Roxå*, * Lund University, Sweden, ** Kingston University, UK ABSTRACT: While educational research (EdR) and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) are ove - 2025-02-08

Microsoft Word - Lindbladh_Abstract.doc

Microsoft Word - Lindbladh_Abstract.doc The Problem of Catharsis in Svetlana Aleksievich’s Voices from Chernobyl Johanna Lindbladh, Lund University Due to the development of narrative memory-theory in recent decades, the witness and historian find themselves in an ethical and aesthetic dilemma. According to this theory, our memory of the past is undergoing a continuous process of change. As a pers - 2025-02-08

Microsoft Word - Lipovetskyabstract.doc

Microsoft Word - Lipovetskyabstract.doc Trauma – Performance – Identity: The Theatre of Evgenii Grishkovets Mark Lipovetsky University of Colorado-Boulder, USA Evgeny Grishkovets (b. 1967) is an actor, playwright, and performer of his own plays- monologues. He is almost a cult-figure, despite the fact that his performances are small- scale and of an intimate, almost chamber-like character. Grishko - 2025-02-08


Löfgreen_Roxå The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Does SoTL really transfer into teaching practice? A contribution to a difficult conversation J. E. Löfgreen and T. Roxå, Centre for Engineering Education, Lund University ABSTRACT: A cornerstone in SoTL claims that if academic teachers engage in a critical reflection on teaching, aided by literature and an engagement in a publi - 2025-02-08


Marquis_etal_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Patterns of Representation, Patterns of Practice: Exploring the Influence of Popular Films on Teaching and Learning E. Marquis, V. Puri, and K. Johnstone, McMaster University ABSTRACT: Several scholars have described the ways in which films can participate in shaping patterns of practice at colleges and universities. Often d - 2025-02-08


McKinnon The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden The Transformative Potential of Engagement with Scholarship S. McKinnon, Durham University ABSTRACT: Professional practice and institutional culture can be transformed and transformative when they critically engage with and challenge long-standing individual and collective habits of mind. By supportively creating space to raise awar - 2025-02-08