Floor | The Swedish Pompeii Project
Floor | The Swedish Pompeii Project
Hearth | The Swedish Pompeii Project
North Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
South Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
West Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
East Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
Floor | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/documentation-of-insula-v-1/archive-main-documentation/v-18-taberna/floor/ - 2025-02-27
North Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
South Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
West Wall | The Swedish Pompeii Project
Inscriptions of Insula V 1 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/documentation-of-insula-v-1/inscriptions-of-insula-v-1/ - 2025-02-27
Introducing Insula V 1 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/introducing-insula-v-1/ - 2025-02-27
Phase 2 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/introducing-insula-v-1/insula-v-1-over-time/phase-2/ - 2025-02-27
Location | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/introducing-insula-v-1/location/ - 2025-02-27
Property types | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/insula-v-1/introducing-insula-v-1/property-types/ - 2025-02-27
Publications | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/project/publications-references/ - 2025-02-27
Staff & Annual fieldwork | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/project/staff-annual-fieldwork/ - 2025-02-27
Field Campaign 2001 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/project/staff-annual-fieldwork/field-campaign-2001/ - 2025-02-27
Field Campaign 2003 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/project/staff-annual-fieldwork/field-campaign-2003/ - 2025-02-27
Field Campaign 2005 | The Swedish Pompeii Project
https://www.pompejiprojektet.se/project/staff-annual-fieldwork/field-campaign-2005/ - 2025-02-27