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Your search for "*" yielded 533384 hits

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Adjunct islands – the case of Mainland Scandinavian Christiane Müller, Lund University The Mainland Scandinavian (MSc.) languages Swedish, Norwegian and Danish have been argued to allow extraction from strong islands, constructions that are assumed to be opaque for movement operations and that do not permit extraction in other languages. One type of island extraction that has received very little - 2025-02-06

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The role of non-structural factors in the processing of long-distance filler-gap dependencies in Swedish – two eye tracking studies Damon Tutunjian, Fredrik Heinat*, Eva Klingvall, Anna-Lena Wiklund Lund University, Linnaeus University* In Swedish and the other the Mainland Scandinavian languages, relative clause ex- traction (RCE) appears to be exempted from the constraints that induce so-called - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - christensen.docx

Microsoft Word - christensen.docx Experimental syntax and island extractions in Danish Ken Ramshøj Christensen Department of Aesthetics and Communication (DAC) Section for English, Aarhus University, DK MINDLab / Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) Aarhus University Hospital, DK In this talk, I will first discuss the need for an experimental approach to syntax. There is an ongo - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - lundqvist.docx

Microsoft Word - lundqvist.docx Default  Expectations  and  Priming  in  the  Processing  of  Complex  Sentences     in  English  and  Norwegian.   Björn  Lundquist,  University  of  Tromsø       I  will  report  on  a  couple  of  studies  that  I  have  conducted  in  the  transitivity  alternation   project  together  with  the  members  Gillian  Ramchand,  Mai  Tungseth,  Antonella  Sorace   a - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - O?VDALIAN TOOLBOX.doc

Microsoft Word - O?VDALIAN TOOLBOX.doc 1 ÖVDALIAN TOOLBOX Piotr Garbacz & Henrik Rosenkvist In this document we provide words that can be juxtaposed to form sentences for questionnaires. Copy and paste! Note that most words in the lists appear in uninflected forms! We strongly recommend, however, that all participants in the workshop check inflection and ortography in Åkerberg (2004) or Steensland - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - SYNTACTIC FEATURES.doc

Microsoft Word - SYNTACTIC FEATURES.doc 1 INTERESTING SYNTACTIC FEATURES IN ÖVDALIAN – A SHORT SURVEY Piotr Garbacz & Henrik Rosenkvist This is a list of some Övdalian syntactic features that differ from Swedish and, in many cases, also from other Scandinavian languages. For every feature, we provide one or more authentic examples, and refer to published research (if existent). 1. Null subjects Re - 2025-02-06

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Participants in the NORMS workshop in Älvdalen 29/5 - 1/6 2007 Reykjavik Ásgrímur Angantysson Århus Henrik Jørgensen Sten Vikner one younger researcher (not yet employed) Oslo Janne Bondi Johannessen Pål Kristian Eriksen Karine Stjernholm Åshild Søfteland Signe Laake Tromsø Peter Svenonius Christine Bjerkan Østbø Øystein Vangsnes Gunnar Hrafn Hrafnbjargarson Lund Marit Julien Christer Platzack Hen - 2025-02-06

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WORKSHOP PROGRAM Tuesday 29/5 8-10 Gunnar Nyström: Introduction to Övdalian I. 10-12 Lars Steensland: Introduction to Övdalian II. lunch at the hotel 14-17 Village 1: Västmyckeläng Wednesday 30/5 9-12 Village 2: Åsen. lunch in Åsen (Soldathemmet) 14-16 Village 3: Brunnsberg 16- Excursion to Hykjeberg, picnic Thursday 31/5 9-12 Village 4: Loka (group a) The school in Älvdalen (group b) lunch at the - 2025-02-06

No Slide Title

No Slide Title Meaning, Consciousness, and the Onset of Language Lorraine McCune Rutgers University September 27, 2014 Semiotic Resources in the Child Manual action as exploration Full body action as representational play -- 5 Levels to be described Vocalization -- babbling with the rhythm of speech -- establishing consonantal control Laryngeal action under conditions of effort, attention, communi - 2025-02-06

A universal Information concept?

A universal Information concept? CAN COGNITIVE SEMIOTICS BE A “SCIENCE” IF ITS PURPOSE IS TO BE A BRIDGE BETWEEN THE NATURAL, SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES? IS THERE A TRANSDISCIPLINARY ALTERNATIVE? Søren Brier 1 Cybersemiotics: Why Information is not Enough, Toronto University Press 2008, 2010, 2013. Google book and Kindle., Facebook and YouTube 2 NATURE (UNIVERSE) CULTURE (SOCIETY - 2025-02-06

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LAMiNATE TALKS L A N G U A G E A C Q U I S I T I O N , M U L T I L I N G U A L I S M & T E A C H I NG The LAMiNATE research platform invites you to the LAMiNATE Talks series autumn 2021 All talks take place between 15:15-16:30 On zoom: Abstracts: Theme 1: The neurocognition of SLA September 21 Peter Indefrey (Heinr - 2025-02-06

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L A M i N A T E TA L K S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 5 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Pascal Gygax (University of Fribourg) Inclusive language: What is it? And what does it mean for mono- and bilinguals? September 19 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Marieke Hoetjes (Radboud University) Using gesture to facilitate L2 phoneme acquisition: How important are gesture and phoneme complexi - 2025-02-06

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LAM i NATE TALKS LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING February 1 Theme 1: Multimodality in Language Development Eléonore Arbona (University of Geneva), Kilian G. Seeber (University of Geneva) & Marianne Gullberg (Lund University) Speakers’ co-speech gestures do not facilitate simultaneous interpreters’ language comprehension in noise February 15 Theme 1: Multimodality in Language Devel - 2025-02-06

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February 13 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Panos Athanasopoulos (Lund University) Conceptual integration in bilingual memory February 27 Annick De Houwer (Harmonious Bilingualism Network) Language diversity in our schools: research needs and pedagogical approaches March 12 TBA TBA March 26 Josefin Lindgren (Uppsala Univesrity) & Jorrig Vogels (University of Groningen) The effect of listening to a model s - 2025-02-06

Conference program

Conference program Lund University LAMiNATE Conference 2022 Online event: January 13–14, 2022 WELCOME! Main room (for keynotes and opening): Sessions 1 and 2 A: Sessions 1 and 2 B: Break room in Gathertown: Although this is unlikely to be your first online eve - 2025-02-06

How long can I borrow a book? - FAQ

How long can I borrow a book? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. How long can I borrow a book? Toggle menu visibility Ask a question! Search Browse: All Language English Svenska Topics 4 Access to Electronic Resources 4 Catalog - 2025-02-06

What is Papercut? - FAQ

What is Papercut? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. What is Papercut? Toggle menu visibility Ask a question! Search Browse: All Language English Svenska Topics 4 Access to Electronic Resources 4 Catalogue-1957 and other card c - 2025-02-06

How do I print from my own computer? - FAQ

How do I print from my own computer? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. How do I print from my own computer? Toggle menu visibility Ask a question! Search Browse: All Language English Svenska Topics 4 Access to Electronic Resou - 2025-02-06

What can the library do for students with learning disabilities? - FAQ

What can the library do for students with learning disabilities? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. What can the library do for students with learning disabilities? Toggle menu visibility Ask a question! Search Browse: All Lang - 2025-02-06