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MATA02VT21CA Matematik för naturvetare, vårterminen 2021 Antal svar: 17 Jag har läst kursen som    Jag har läst kursen som Antal svar en del av mitt kandidatprogram 10 (58,8%) fristående kurs 7 (41,2%) Summa 17 (100,0%) fristående kurs en del av mitt kandidatprogram 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Medelvärde Standardavvikelse Jag har läst kursen som 3,9 3,6 Mina förkunskaper har varit tillräckliga för att ta t - 2025-02-10

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för MATA22 Lineär algebra 1, vårterminen 2021 Kursansvarig: Anna-Maria Persson Övriga lärare: Frej Weiström- Dahlin, Henrik Ekström Antal studenter: 76 nyregistrerade samt 30 omregistrerade. 26 studenter har svarat på utvärderingen varav 19 har läst denna kurs inom någon inriktning av det naturvetenskapliga kandidatprogrammet. Resultat på examinerande - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Mathematics, Faculty of Science Course analysis for Analysis in Several Variables, Spring 2021 Lecturer: Elsa Ghandour. Teaching assistant: Daniele Gerosa. Number of students: 84 registered students, including 44 re-registered students from previous course realisations. Examination results: 49 students completed all the assignments included in the project work, 1.5 - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutMATM20_VT21.docx

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutMATM20_VT21.docx Course summary MATM20 Mathematical modelling, VT 2021 Responsible: Joachim Hein Other teachers: Raul Hindov Number of students: 15 Results: 6 G, 6 VG. Evaluation I. Summary of course assessment Total number of answers: 3 Short summary of the results: The answering students showed a high overall satisfaction with the course (overall score: 4.7 out of 5.0 - 2025-02-10

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Summary for Algebraic Structures, MATM31, Spring semester 2021. Course responsible: Arne Meurman Other teachers: None Number of students: 27 Grade at first exam: 2 V, 7 G, 8 U Evaluation Teachers comment: Hopefully the course can be given with normal lectures in a class room the next time the course is given (as opposed to Zoom-streamed lectures). It will probably be useful for the teachers of the - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - Coursecomp2021.docx

Microsoft Word - Coursecomp2021.docx Course compilation MATM37 "ODE 2" VT 2021 Course coordinator: Nils Dencker Number of students: 15 registered students. Grades: 2 U, 4 G, 3 VG of 9 students taking the exam, thus 7 passed. Evaluation I. Summary of Course Evaluation Total number of answers: 3 Short summary of the result: Unfortunately, only 20% of the students did the course evaluation, which was - 2025-02-10

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Kursbokslut, Course review MATM19, Integration Theory, spring term 2021 Course responsible: Marcus Carlsson Number of students: 25 in total writing the exam. Grades: 8 VG, 9 G, 8 U. Evaluation This time I tried a completely new concept with flipped classroom, where all lecture material was pre-recorded. During the lectures we instead discussed how to solve selected ex - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - RapportEnvariabelanalysVT21.docx

Microsoft Word - RapportEnvariabelanalysVT21.docx Rapport om kursen i Envariabelanalys (MATA21) vårterminen 2021 Under vårterminen 2021 hade Envariabelanalyskursen 85 registrerade studenter varav 51 klarade kursen. Av de studenter som klarade kursen fick 8 stycken betyget VG. Flera studenter valde att inte göra muntlig tentamen, trots att de på grund av goda resultat på den skriftliga tentamen fic - 2025-02-10


MATB22-vt21 Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Compilation Report for Linear Algebra 2, Spring 2021 Module leader: Kjell Elfström Other teachers: Adem Limani, Tien Truong, Lea Miko Versbach. Number of students: 98. Grades in the original examination: 20 V, 27 G, 11 U Evaluation Compilation of the evaluation: See the following pages. Teacher’s comments: Lectures were broadcast via zoom. The seminars wer - 2025-02-10

2022 VT_LP2 FMAN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH

2022 VT_LP2 FMAN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMAN25 Basic facts Course name Calculus of Variations Course code FMAN25 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202122 Study period the course was finishedVT_LP2 Programme all Registrated students 20 Number answers and response rate 4 / 20 % Number answers from males 3 Number answers from females 1 Study hours acco - 2025-02-10

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Matematikcentrum Matematik och Numer i sk Analy s NF Sammanställning för MATA22 Lineär Algebra 1, VT 2022 Kursinformation Kursansvarig: Yacin Ameur Övriga lärare: Joakim Cronvall Antal studenter: 70 nyregistrerade samt 7 omregistrerade. 21 studenter har svarat på utvärderingen varav 13 har läst denna kurs inom programnamn. Betyg på hel kurs Sammanlagt, 46 studenter, varav 1 omregistrerad, har fått - 2025-02-10

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för MATA02 Matematik för naturvetare, vårterminen 2022 Kursansvarig: Anna-Maria Persson Övriga lärare: Tien Troung, Frej Weiström- Dahlin, Henrik Ekström Antal studenter: 40 nyregistrerade samt 3 omregistrerade. 14 studenter har svarat på utvärderingen. Resultat på examinationen - Ordinarie skriftlig tentamen 17 mars 2022: 35 deltagande studenter varav - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Div i s ion of Mathematics and Numer ica l Analy s i s Course Analysis for MATB21 Analysis in Several Variables 1, Spring 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Anders Olofsson Teaching assistants: Giang To Number of students: 67 40 newly registered and 27 re-registered. 19 students answered the course evaluation. Examination Final grades: In all, 40 students, includ - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Div i s ion of Mathematics and Numer ica l Analy s i s Course Analysis for MATB23 Analysis in Several Variables 2, Spring 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Anders Olofsson Teaching assistants: Giang To Number of students: 53 38 newly registered and 15 re-registered. 10 students answered the course evaluation. Examination Oral examination: 21 students passed. Wri - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Divis ion of Mathemat ics and Numer ica l Analys is Course Analysis for MATB25, Spring 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Anna Torstensson Teaching assistants: Henrik Ekström Number of students: 15 newly registered and 6 re-registered. 7 students answered the course evaluation, xx of them are enrolled on programme name. Examination Project: 17 students passed. Or - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Div is ion of Mathemat ics and Numerica l Analys is Course Analysis for MATM20 Mathematical Modelling, VT 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Joachim Hein Teaching assistants: None Number of students: 15 14 newly registered and 1 re-registered. 3 students answered the course evaluation, 2 of them are enrolled on the Bachelor’s programme in Mathematics and 1 of the - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Div i s ion of Mathematics and Numer ica l Analy s i s Course Analysis for MATM37 Ordinary Differential Equations 2, Spring Semester 2022 Course Information Lecturer: Stefano Pasquali Teaching assistants: none Number of students: 13 newly registered 4 students answered the course evaluation Examination Written Assignment: 8 students passed. Oral examination: 8 s - 2025-02-10

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Kursbokslut, Course review MATM39, Integration Theory, spring term 2022 Course responsible: Marcus Carlsson Number of students: 39. Grades: 3 VG, 14 G. 31 exams were handed in during the two exams, some with repetition, so among active students the approval rate was above 55%. Evaluation 7 students did the evaluation. The scores given on key questions are very positiv - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - Course analysis MATP36 2022.docx

Microsoft Word - Course analysis MATP36 2022.docx Centre for Mathemat ica l Sc iences Divis ion of Mathemat ics , Facul ty of Sc ience Course Analysis for MATP36 Partial Differential Equations, spring 2022 Alternative course code: FMA145F (PhD course) Course Information Lecturer: Erik Wahlén Number of students: 13 newly registered and 1 PhD student 1 student answered the course evaluation Examinat - 2025-02-10

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Division of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Course Analysis for NUMN27 Numerical analysis: Seminar course, term VT2/22 Course Information Lecturer: Philipp Birken Teaching assistants: - Number of students: 3 6 newly registered and 0 re-registered. 1 students answered the course evaluation. Examination Oral presentation: 5 students passed. Written report: 3 stude - 2025-02-10