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The textbook was designed as an introduction to RBC at a basic to intermediary level given the novelty of the topic for most readers. Our overriding aim was to offer a concise, but thoughtful and informa- tive presentation of RBC and human rights issues in the Cambodian context. A key consideration was the intended audience: teachers, researchers and students at university level in Cambodia. - 2025-02-22

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BANGLADESH NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Md Abdul Awal Khan (Independent University Bangladesh) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the - 2025-02-22

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CHINA NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Sri Aryani (RWI) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten years (2009–2018) 3 3 Recommendati - 2025-02-22

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MYANMAR NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Victor Bernard (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 3 Recommendations from Human Rights Monitoring Bodies 5 4 Legal and Policy Framework 12 1 1 INTRODUCTION As refle - 2025-02-22

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THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Ryan Quan (Ateneo de Manila University) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten y - 2025-02-22

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THAILAND NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Sri Aryani (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten years (2009–2018) 3 3 Recommendations from Human Rights - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_BANGLADESH Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. T - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_BANGLADESH Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. T - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_MYANMAR Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. This - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_THEPHILIPPINES Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholder - 2025-02-22


WORKING PAPER REGIONAL BASELINE STUDY The Integrat ion of Human Rights in the National ly Determined Contributions in Asia-Paci f ic to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change P i n P r a va l p r u k s k u l , C a n n e l l e G u eg u en - T e i l , S u m u d u A t a p at t u , a n d A l b er t M S a l a m an c a D ec e m b er 2 0 17 Regional Baseline Study on the Integration of Human Rights in the - 2025-02-22

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BACKGROUND BRIEF Key International Standards and Guidelines Relating to Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Regional Asia Programme Report - Funded by Sida Title Written by Dr Matthew Scott* 2019 *Senior researcher and head of the People on the Move thematic area, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law ( TABLE OF C - 2025-02-22

RWI policy brief

RWI policy brief Key words: Climate mobility Rights-based approaches Transdisciplinary knowledge Actionable knowledge Building recognition Damage and loss Author names: Carl Middleton, Clare Steiner and Aran Van Rysselberge Contact email: Policy Pointers In the Mekong Region, the impacts of slow onset climate change are being experienced on-the- ground in urban and rur - 2025-02-22


REPORT B L E N D E D L E A R N I N G C O U R S E : L o c a l i s i n g H u m a n R i g h t s a n d S D G s f o r I n c l u s i v e R e c o v e r y a n d R e s i l i e n c e m A Y - o C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 R E P O R T 0 1 B A C K G R O U N D A L I T T L E B I T A B O U T O U R B L E N D E D L E A R N I N G C O U R S E The RWI Regional Asia Programmes , in partnership with UCLG ASPAC and the City of G - 2025-02-22

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Discussion Brief No. 1 The human right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Human Rights Institutions The human right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Human Rights Institutions Discussion Brief No. 1 December, 2020 1. In the discussion briefs, Southeast Asia is restricted to the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and does not include T - 2025-02-22

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Discussion Brief No. 2 The right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Courts The human right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Courts Discussion Brief No. 2 December, 2020 1. In the discussion briefs, Southeast Asia is restricted to the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and does not include Timor-Leste. 2. Ituarte-Lima, C; Bernard, V; - 2025-02-22

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Discussion Brief No. 5 The right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) The right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Discussion Brief No. 5 December, 2020 1. In the discussion briefs, Southeast Asia is defined as the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and does not i - 2025-02-22

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Discussion Brief No. 6 The right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Prosecutors and Prosecuting Authorities The right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia National Prosecutors and Prosecuting Authorities Discussion Brief No. 6 October 2021 The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) discussion brief series, ‘The right to a healthy environment in - 2025-02-22

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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 HUMAN RIGHTS CITIES AND THE SDGs Kjaerum, Morten; Davis, Martha Frances; Fredriksson, Gabriella; Sartori Reis, Isis 2018 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Kjaerum, M., Davis, M. F., Fredriksson, G., & Sartori Reis, I. (2018). HUMAN RIGHTS CITIES AND THE SDGs. Lund: Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights. Creative C - 2025-02-22

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1 Inputs to the Human Rights Council resolution 51/12 on local government and human rights Joint submission focusing on regional capacity building initiatives jointly organized by RWI, the City of Gwangju, the United Cities and Local Government Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC), and the Asia Democracy Network (ADN). Introduction Human rights were conceptualized with a set of obligations for states to resp - 2025-02-22