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الاجتهادات القضائيّة العربيّة bLUE

الاجتهادات القضائيّة العربيّة bLUE فلسطين الجزائر، اردن، العراق، المغرب، لبنان، تونس، القاضي أحمد اشقر "باحث دكتوراه القانون الدستوري والمؤسسات السياسية" 1الاجتهاداتُ القضائيّةُ العربيّةُ في تطبيقِ الاتفاقيّاتِ الدّوليّةِ لحقوقِ الإنسان التقديم الإنسانّي« والقانون الإنسان لحقوق والينبرغ راؤول معهد » كلمة في إطار مشروع معهد راؤول والينبرغ لحقوق الإنسان والقانون الإنسانّي في منطقة الشّرق الأوسط وشم - 2025-02-22

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Jurisprudence - In the Application of Human Rights Standards In Arab Countries 1 In the Application of Human Rights Standards In Arab Courts ALGERIA | IRAQ | JORDAN | MOROCCO | PALESTINE Samia Bourouba Associate Professor at the Higher School of Magistracy in Algeria Jurisprudence All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in an - 2025-02-22

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SELECTED ASPECTS OF THE 2013 ZIMBABWEAN CONSTITUTION AND THE DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Edited by Admark Moyo 1 Selected Aspects of the 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution and the Declaration of Rights Edited by Admark Moyo 2 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of - 2025-02-22

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Page 1 of 6 Call for Applications Position: Expert Consultant for RWI’s Blended Learning Course on Human Rights and the Environment/Climate Change, targeting Judges, National Human Rights Institutions and Public Prosecutors (15 days) Period: August to November 2021 Condition: Subject to RWI’s approval Location: Home-based (online) Project: Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable De - 2025-02-22

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Conference Paper A Review on the Implementation of Human Rights City Concept and Its Potentials to Contribute to the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Bandung City, Indonesia Conference Paper Gwangju, 30 September to 3 October 2019 Sylvia Yazid Monash University Team: Mireille Marcia Karman Rizky Widian Giandi Kartasasmita September 2019 RWI supported the above research through its c - 2025-02-22


REPORT TITLE 1 Guidelines developed for the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Syuzanna Soghomonyan and Ergün Cakal The Element of Severe Pain in the Definition of Torture The copyright of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute First Edition (2021) ISBN: 978-91-86910-47-1 Authors: Syuzanna Soghomonyan and Ergün Cakal These guidelines were developed by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Ri - 2025-02-22

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1 3 February 2021 Management Response External Evaluation of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute Turkey Human Rights Capacity Development Programme, 2015-2020 Background In July 2020, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) commissioned an external evaluation of its Turkey Human Rights Capacity Development Programme 2015-2020 (the Programme) to assess the effectiveness - 2025-02-22

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The Judiciary and the Zimbabwean Constitution Edited by James Tsabora The Judiciary and the Zimbabwean Constitution Edited by James Tsabora University of Zimbabwe Press Supported by: © University of Zimbabwe Press, 2022 Editor: James Tsabora (PhD) Assistant Editors: Professor Julie Stewart and Dr Innocent Maja Main Funding Organisation: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through - 2025-02-22

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1 Special Session [Human Rights Paper Session I] “Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change: Developing human rights-based solutions for sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient cities” Session Program Date and Time: 12th October 2022 9:30-12:00 KST (12th October 2:30-5:00 CET / 11th October 20:30-23:00 EST) Place: Online (Zoom) Within this conceptual framework, the 12th WHRCF will focus o - 2025-02-22

[Human Rights and Corruption] Session Poster

[Human Rights and Corruption] Session Poster The 13th World Human Rights Cities Forum More detailed information is available on the WHRCF website. Human Rights and Corruption Organizers_Raoul Wallenberg Institute City Challenges and Possibilities Hosts Organizers #Corruption #HumanRights #SustainableDevelopmentGoals Objectives The overall goal is for participants to discuss and reach - 2025-02-22

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The World Human Rights Cities Forum Paper Series II WHRCF 2021 Human Rights Cities’ Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Localization of Human Rights Based Solutions for the Development of Inclusive Societies Paper Series III WHRCF 2022 Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change: Developing Human Rights Based Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive and Climate-resilient Cities 2 Published by The Rao - 2025-02-22

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The textbook was designed as an introduction to RBC at a basic to intermediary level given the novelty of the topic for most readers. Our overriding aim was to offer a concise, but thoughtful and informa- tive presentation of RBC and human rights issues in the Cambodian context. A key consideration was the intended audience: teachers, researchers and students at university level in Cambodia. - 2025-02-22

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BANGLADESH NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Md Abdul Awal Khan (Independent University Bangladesh) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the - 2025-02-22

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CHINA NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Sri Aryani (RWI) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten years (2009–2018) 3 3 Recommendati - 2025-02-22

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MYANMAR NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Victor Bernard (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 3 Recommendations from Human Rights Monitoring Bodies 5 4 Legal and Policy Framework 12 1 1 INTRODUCTION As refle - 2025-02-22

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THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Ryan Quan (Ateneo de Manila University) and Matthew Scott (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten y - 2025-02-22

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THAILAND NATIONAL LAW AND POLICY REPORT CONSULTATION DRAFT 2020 Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Funded by This report was prepared by Sri Aryani (RWI) 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. A human rights-based approach 1 2 Displacement in Numbers 3 2.1. Number of disasters and people affected in the last ten years (2009–2018) 3 3 Recommendations from Human Rights - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_BANGLADESH Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. T - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_BANGLADESH Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. T - 2025-02-22


20202711_RWI_MYANMAR Key Issues The purpose of our series of national legal and policy reports was to provide a foundation for collaborative programmatic action with states and other actors on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in the region. It aims to stimulate dialogue and discussion at various levels, therefore allowing additional input from relevant stakeholders. This - 2025-02-22