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Sociala insatsgrupper - en diskursanalytisk studie om samverkan och risk

Sociala insatsgrupper (SIG) är en regeringsinitierad brottsförebyggande samverkan mellan huvudsakligen socialtjänsten, polisen och skolan rörande unga som anses riskera att rekryteras till kriminella nätverk eller utveckla en kriminell livsstil. Pilotprojektet med SIG initierades av regeringen år 2011 och är en del av den nationella satsningen mot organiserad brottslighet. I skrivande stund finns

Information Feedback, Behaviour and ‘Smart Meters’: Using behavioural economics to improve our knowledge about the potential effectiveness of Smart Meters to use electricity efficiently

As part of the development of the European electricity grid, the EU has decided that ‘Smart Meters’ should be installed in 80% of the households of the EU by 2020. It is expected that this will lead to a reduction of energy use in the residential sector in the order of 10%. Driven by the so-called ‘Information-Deficit’ model, a critical assumption in this policy development is that provision of in

Transnational Municipal Networks: Local action on climate change through global networks

Transnational Municipal Networks (TMNs) are prominent networks in the international climate governance arena serving as drivers of and advocates for local action on climate change. The main objective of this exploratory research is to establish the relation between the internal governance structure of the TMNs and their ability to carry out certain types of activities. Internal governance encompas

En kultur utan arv, ett arkiv utan innehåll: ABM ur ett digitalt spelbevarande perspektiv

This thesis studies ALM-institutions, archives, libraries and museums, together as well as separate entities, from the perspective of digital game preservation. How do game preservationists view ALM-institutions? Since digital games are part of our modern day cultural heritage, should they be part of general cultural heritage preservation strategies, and therefore the responsibility of ALM-institu

Relativsatser i svenska som andraspråk: en studie av andraspråksinlärares behärskning av relativsatser mot bakgrund av tre centrala hypoteser

I den här studien undersöks behärskningen av relativsatser hos vuxna inlärare av svenska som andraspråk. Huvudsyftet är att se hur väl inlärarnas behärskning av olika typer av relativsatser stämmer överens med tre centrala hypoteser, Keenan & Comries Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy, Kunos Perceptual Difficulty Hypothesis och Hamiltons SO Hierarchy Hypothesis. 17 informanter med engelska re

Leukocyte infiltration and trafficking during in-flammatory states in the newborn mouse brain

Objective: Inflammation is associated with higher incidence of perinatal brain injury. To better understand the mechanisms behind these injuries, we have studied the immune cell trafficking into the central nervous system (CNS) through the choroid plexus (CP) in the newborn. Meth-ods: Inflammation was induced in newborn mice using two different toll-like receptor ago-nists: PAM3CSK4 (PAM) and lipo

“It’s your job to smell rats, Kasper”

Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world, meaning that the country’s political system is characterized by openness and transparency. Danish politicians distance themselves from backroom deals and secret negotiations. The mediatization of politics has put pressure on the appearance of politicians and the need for employing spin doctors who can cope with the media is increasing in Western d

Analysis of ICT in Turkey and EU-27 Countries: Why Turkey Lagged Behind?

This study analyses the situation of information and communication technologies in Turkey with making a comparison by applying social capability and catch up theory between Turkey and EU-27 countries ICT production, export, diffusion, and usage among individuals and households, between 2007 and 2013. However, development of ICT industry has started after the industrialization; production and techn

Mobile-banking and Entrepreneurship - Is there a link? A case study on South Africa

Entrepreneurship, which often manifests itself in the shape of microfirms or small and medium sized firms, is an important source of job creation and growth. These types of firms are often hindered by financial constraints and sometimes lack access to formal financial services. Mobile-financial services, such as mobile-banking, have been used as a tool for increasing access to finance and in aidin

Aktieägaravtalets civilrättsliga verkningar - särskilt om avtalade avståenden från rätt till tvångsinlösen och hembudsinlösen

Aktieägaravtal är vanligt förekommande i svenska aktiebolag och fungerar som ett kompletterande styrinstrument för bolagets ägare. Genom att ingå avtal kan aktieägare frångå reglerna i aktiebolagslagen2 och bolagsordningen. Avgörande för om avtalet får den effekt som parterna avser är dock vilka rättsliga verkningar gällande rätt tillmäter aktieägaravtalet. Utgångspunkten är att aktieägaravtal intShareholder agreements are often used as a governing instrument in Swedish limited companies. By entering such agreements, the company’s shareholders can agree on rules that deviate from the rules of the Swedish Companies Act1 (SCA) or the Article of Association. However, whether the agreement will have the impact that the parties desire depends on what legal effects shareholder agreements are giv

Cinematic Representation of Development and Commodification of the 'Other'

As a growing number of popular films continue to document development issues related international development, it became ever more crucial to move beyond treating these films as mere sort of entertainments and start questioning how these popular commercial films are representing the developing world as well as the messages embedded in them. Some critics have pointed out that these Hollywood-produ

Bilder från förorten : en studie av nyhetsbilder från Husby året efter upploppen

Den här uppsatsen handlar om vilka bilder de tre tidningarna Aftonbladet, Dagens nyheter och Lokaltidningen Mitt i Tensta-Rinkeby använder för att skildra Husby ett år efter upploppen. Analysen fokuserar dels på hur grupper som kopplas till Husby porträtteras, dels på hur Husby som plats porträtteras. För att utföra analysen behandlas bildmaterial som publicerades mellan den 1 januari 2014 och den

Integrated torque sensor for e-bike motors

Hoganas AB develops and build motors for e-bikes and with the current legislation the e-bikes must be equipped with a torque sensor to measure the torque applied by the rider. The motor may only assist when the rider pedals and there is no throttle on e-bikes. Hoganas want to develop a torque sensor that is integrated in the e-bike motor. Physical sensing principles for measuring torque on e-bikes

Transformative Screenwriting: Charlie Kaufman’s Postmodern Adaptation of Story

The essay's investigation of postmodern storytelling and transformative screenwriting, in relation to how Robert McKee's Story is reflected in Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation – in text and subtext, form and content – shows that the film's form is that of the classical archplot. It is only Adaptation's content, reflecting the dream of an art film/antiplot that is critical – while t

Developing a Decision Support Tool for Increased Warehouse Picking Efficiency

Problembeskrivning: Lagerverksamhet utgör en central del i att uppnå en konkurrenskraftig försörjningskedja och betraktas som direkt avgörande för ett företags framgång, eller utebliven sådan. Det är en dyr verksamhet, och en stor del av ett företags totala logistikkostnader kan hänvisas direkt till lagret. Följaktligen finns det ett behov för lager att prestera jämnare, snabbare och mer precist. Problem description: Warehousing is central in order to achieve a competitive supply chain, and considered essential for the success, or failure, of businesses today. In general, warehouses account for a large share of the company logistics costs. Consequently, there is a need for warehouses to operate smoother, faster and more accurate. Within warehousing, the most labor-intensive and costly ware

Modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from clover grass ley : wheat crop rotations in central eastern Germany : an application of DNDC

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is one of the three primary anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The agricultural sector accounts for 75.7 % of all anthropogenic N2O emissions in Germany (Umweltbundesamt, 2012). Thus, accurately estimating N2O emissions as well as mitigation strategies for N2O are crucial. This study optimizes the process-based model DNDC to simulate N2O emissions by conventional winter wheat and

Värdefulla invånare i en hållbar kontext - en studie av individvärden och beteenden i Västra Hamnen och Hyllie, Malmö

Sammanfattning Titel Värdefulla invånare i en hållbar kontext En studie av individvärden och beteenden i Västra Hamnen och Hyllie, Malmö Seminariedatum 2014-05-23 Ämne/kurs FEKN90. Magisteruppsats i Företagsekonomi (D-nivå), 30 Högskolepoäng (30 ECTS). Författare David Huynh och Jacob Larsson Handledare Matts Kärreman Nyckelord Konsumentbeteende, Individvärden, Hållbara Städer, Hållbar konsumtion,Abstract Title Valuable residents in a sustainable context A study of individual values and behaviors in Western Harbour and Hyllie, Malmö Seminar date 2014-05-23 Course FEKN90. Master Thesis in Business administration (Level D), 30 University Credit Points (30 ECTS). Authors David Huynh and Jacob Larsson Supervisor Matts Kärreman Key words Consumer behavior, Individual values, Sustainable cities,