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Can your darkness be measured? Analyzing the full and brief version of the Dark Factor of Personality in Swedish

The Dark Factor of Personality (D) measures the latent core of antagonistic traits. The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the full (D70) and the brief (D16) versions, concerning structural validity, item information, and convergent validity. An online sample (N = 294) was analyzed using CFA (Maximum Likelihood Estimation), IRT (Graded Response Model) and

Plasma amyloid-β42/40 and apolipoprotein E for amyloid PET pre-screening in secondary prevention trials of Alzheimer's disease

The extent to which newly developed blood-based biomarkers could reduce screening costs in secondary prevention trials of Alzheimer's disease is mostly unexplored. We collected plasma amyloid-β42/40, apolipoprotein E ϵ4 status and amyloid PET at baseline in 181 cognitively unimpaired participants [the age of 72.9 (5.3) years; 61.9% female; education of 11.9 (3.4) years] from the Swedish BioFINDER-

Investigating the overlap and predictive validity between Criterion A and B in the alternative model for personality disorders in DSM-5

The Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) consists of level of personality functioning (Criterion A) and maladaptive personality traits (Criterion B). The brief scale versions of these are understudied, while often being used by clinicians and researchers. In this study, we wanted to investigate the overlap and predictive validity of Criterion A and B. Participants (N = 253) wer

Uptake and effectiveness of newer biologic and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in psoriatic arthritis : results from five Nordic biologics registries

Background We aimed to describe the uptake of newer biologic or targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (b/tsDMARDs) in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in the Nordic countries and to compare their retention and effectiveness. Methods Patients with PsA starting a b/tsDMARD in 2012-2020 in five Nordic rheumatology registers were included. Uptake and patient characteristics were described,

Hyper-velocity stars from globular clusters hosting intermediate-mass black holes

In 1988 Hills proposed that stars can gain velocities above 500 km s−1 if they are in a stellar binary which gets disrupted by a super massive black hole (SMBH). One of the stars would get trapped in an elliptical orbit around the SMBH while the other gets ejected and obtains a relatively high velocity. Normally stars within galaxies have low peculiar velocities but stars ejected with velocities o

A neurophenomenological fMRI study of a spontaneous automatic writer and a hypnotic cohort

Purpose: To evaluate the neurophenomenology of automatic writing (AW) in a spontaneous automatic writer (NN) and four high hypnotizables (HH). Methods: During fMRI, NN and the HH were cued to perform sponta- neous (NN) or induced (HH) AW, and a comparison task of copying complex symbols, and to rate their expe- rience of control and agency. Results: Compared to copying, for all participants AW was

GEDI : A New LiDAR Altimetry to Obtain the Water Levels of More Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau

Remote sensing is an effective means for lake water level monitoring on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The purpose of this study is to estimate water levels of lakes on the TP using the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) and Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), evaluate the performance of ICESat-2 and GEDI in estimating water levels, and analyze the differences of water level ob

A Cost Benefit Analysis of Continuous Cover Forestry in Djurholmen, Skåne

Har du någonsin funderat på vad något är värt för dig? När du går i affären har du kanske jämfört kilopriser på olika livsmedel, visst är det hjälpsamt att kunna jämföra vilket som är ett bättre val för dig. Detta är vad en miljöekonomisk analys försöker göra med två olika skogsbruksmetoder. I den här kostnadsnyttoanalysen så jämförs hyggesfritt skogsbruk med det vanligare systemet, trakthyggesbruForests and forest products are important, not just for timber production, the forest ecosystem plays several important roles, such as water purification, carbon sequestration for climate mitigation and recreational values. How the forests are managed varies throughout the globe, in Sweden the most used system is the clearcutting system (CF), however continuous cover forestry (CCF) is gaining popu

Enskilda skogsägares syn på kontinuitetsskogsbruk

Skogen är en viktig resurs för den svenska ekonomin, men även en viktig del av naturen och ekosystem. Skogen har den viktiga förmågan att kunna binda kol och ges därav även egenskaper som kan påverka klimatförändringar som vi står inför. Hur vi väljer att bruka den svenska skogen är idag ett ämne som diskuteras mycket och många olika åsikter finns om vilken metod som är den bästa. Implementering aIt is important to look more deeply into how forest owners choose to manage their forests. If Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) can be a suitable way for some forest owners to work with nature conservation management, and if it could work as a tool in their forest production today. This is because silvicultural methods can have a significant impact on the climate and the country's economy. In th

Nostalgia and tourism

For most of the past 300 years, the concept of nostalgia has been regarded as a medical condition. However, since the 1980s, it has become heavily associated with the ‘heritage industry’ and the creation of consumer experiences, especially in a tourism and leisure context. This special issue on nostalgia and tourism aims to encourage and advance the scholarly conversation about the relationship be

Strength Properties of Wood and Wood-Based Materials

Knowledge of the strength of wood and wood-based materials is an important basis for the calculation and dimensioning of wooden products. This chapter describes the basics of the strength properties, test methods, important influencing parameters (e.g., moisture content, load direction, type of load, duration of load, speed of loading). Phenomenological aspects of failure on various structural lev

Localized Bound Multiexcitons in Engineered Quasi-2D Perovskites Grains at Room Temperature for Efficient Lasers

Reducing the excitation threshold to minimize the Joule heating is critical for the realization of perovskite laser diodes. Although bound excitons are promising for low threshold laser, how to generate them at room temperature for laser applications is still unclear in quasi-2D perovskite-based devices. In this work, via engineering quasi-2D perovskite PEA2(CH3NH3)n-1PbnBr3n+1 microscopic grains