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Distinct roles for laminin globular domains in laminin alpha1 chain mediated rescue of murine laminin alpha2 chain deficiency.

BACKGROUND: Laminin alpha2 chain mutations cause congenital muscular dystrophy with dysmyelination neuropathy (MDC1A). Previously, we demonstrated that laminin alpha1 chain ameliorates the disease in mice. Dystroglycan and integrins are major laminin receptors. Unlike laminin alpha2 chain, alpha1 chain binds the receptors by separate domains; laminin globular (LG) domains 4 and LG1-3, respectively

En princip om internationell öppenhet – 1 kap. 10 § regeringsformen och socialförsäkringsrätten

Artikeln undersöker vad bestämmelsen om Sveriges EU-medlemskap och om internationellt samarbete i 1 kap. 10 § regeringsformen betyder rättsligt för den offentliga förvaltningen, särskilt avseende socialförsäkringsrätten och Försäkringskassan. En bakgrund till bestämmelsen är internationaliseringen av den offentliga rätten. Utvecklingen har inneburit att en stor del av de normer som svenska myndigh


The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of a solid-state detector commonly available at hospitals for parallel use as a real-time personal radiation monitor following radiation emergency situations. A solid-state detector probe with an inherent filtration (R100, RTI Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden) was chosen for evaluation. The energy dependence and the linearity in sig

Torque-maximizing field-weakening control: design, analysis, and parameter selection

The torque-maximizing field-weakening control scheme proposed by Kim and Sul is developed further. The performance under imperfect field orientation conditions is investigated, and it is shown that an overestimated-rather than an underestimated-model leakage inductance should be used. A slightly modified algorithm, which offers better robustness and reduced computational complexity, is presented.

Development context and ease of use of three programs for self-registration of unemployed people

In this study, we analysed the ease of use of three computer programs for self-registration of job seekers. The programs were developed in somewhat different activity contexts. The differences found between the programs in two experiments appeared to result from a combination of fewer constraints on individual input demanded by Job Seeker Bank and Af Explore and from the programs’ better adaptatio

Dynamics of the shake-up satellites of C 1s excited carbon dioxide studied by threshold electron spectroscopy

Absolute cross sections of new and previously observed C 1s shake-up satellites of CO2 have been measured using threshold photoelectron spectroscopy in the photon energy range 306-320 eV. The electron dynamics involved in this process are elucidated by identifying the satellites with ionic states of CO2+ and NO2+ via a qualitative `frozen core' argument, allowing timescales of the C 1s hole decay

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This study tested the hypothesis that the use of the computer is not a decisive factor in the development of linguistic skills in a communicative language class making use of different methods. The three aspects analysed were the effect of the computer on the general linguistic progress of a group and of individuals and also on separate linguistic skills. A quasi-experiment was designed to collect

Web design for cognitive accessibility

Information and communication are increasingly being conveyed over the Internet. The forms of service and commerce that we are familiar with today will most likely be reduced in scale in the future to be replaced by new electronic solutions. For this reason, it is important that new technology be designed so that as many people as possible can utilize it. Accessibility to a range of services and i