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The shifting role of unions in the social dialogue

The industrial relations models among the EU/EES countries vary widely. The Nordic model of self-regulation contrasts sharply to French state extension of collective agreements and minimum wage set by the state. While social dialogue often refers to tripartite negotiations, bipartite collective bargaining is characteristic of self-regulation. Swedish self-regulation is the most far-reaching among

A time-frequency-shift invariant parameter estimator for oscillating transient functions using the matched window reassignment

In this paper we present the matched window reassignment method, generalizing the results to complex valued signals in multiple dimensions. For an oscillating transient signal with an envelope shape described by an arbitrary twice differentiable function, the reassigned spectrogram, with a matched window, concentrates all energy into one single time-frequency point. An estimator for the parameters

A comprehensive review on the controlled release of encapsulated food ingredients; fundamental concepts to design and applications

Background: Controlled release (CR) systems have emerged as powerful platforms for innovative formulations and dietary designs to enhance the techno-functional performance of bioactive food ingredients both in human body and food products. Generally, the term CR, has developed to indicate delivery systems with optimal control over release rate and performance. However, there are principles and req

Same, same but different : Proportionality assessments and equality norms

Proportionality reasoning is an established form of legal argumentation under international human rights law, employed by the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations (UN) human rights treaty bodies alike. However, relatively little has been written about its precise role and content in relation to equality norms. Proportionality scholars tend to draw on other examples to demonstrate


In cancer tumor detection, tissue autofluorescence and characteristic features of injected hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD) can be utilized. The authors have studied the importance of the excitation wavelength for the achievable contrast between tumor and surrounding tissue using a rat tumor model. They have also compared the relative merits of two HPD preparations for tumor fluorescence detection

Intimate Food : Establishing Relationships within the Food Chain

The aim of the dissertation is to explore how actors within the food value chain form meaningful relationships, practically and emotionally, with food and through food. It analyzes the making of these relations through the lens of organic, local and heritage food. It demonstrates that the impetus common to various food initiatives – such as organic, local and heritage food – is that they try to br

Nasal symptoms increase the risk of snoring and snoring increases the risk of nasal symptoms. A longitudinal population study

Purpose: Humans have a preference for nasal breathing during sleep. This 10-year prospective study aimed to determine if nasal symptoms can predict snoring and also if snoring can predict development of nasal symptoms. The hypothesis proposed is that nasal symptoms affect the risk of snoring 10 years later, whereas snoring does not increase the risk of developing nasal symptoms. Methods: In the co


Jordan has one of the lowest available water supplies in the world; meanwhile, Jordan has seen a large increase in population and refugee’s fluxes, leading to an increase in water demand. To address this unprecedented water scarcity, Jordan’s water must be used where its social and economic value is highest. Jordan must treat and reuse virtually every drop of water. With using brackish water (i.e,

Effects of mutant huntingtin inactivation on Huntington disease-related behaviours in the BACHD mouse model

Aims: Huntington disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder with no disease-modifying treatments approved so far. Ongoing clinical trials are attempting to reduce huntingtin (HTT) expression in the central nervous system (CNS) using different strategies. Yet, the distribution and timing of HTT-lowering therapies required for a beneficial clinical effect is less clear. Here, we investigated

Pattern and orientation of diffusers in rooms with an absorbent ceiling

Lately have the demands on good room acoustics in public ordinary rooms increased. Traditionally has only reverberation time been considered in this type of rooms but complementary parameters as sound strength and speech clarity are more commonly used today. This trend naturally implies higher demands on the acoustic treatment. Typical for public ordinary rooms is to use an absorbent ceiling. One

A technical workforce for regional industrial development? Origin and dispersion of graduates from the technical secondary schools in Malmö and Borås 1855–1930

This article connects to the discussion on skills and knowledge during the early industrialisation. It focuses on how two out of four technical secondary schools in Sweden (Malmö and Borås) lived up to their aims communicated by politicians and other stakeholders: to provide emerging industries and crafts in their regions with technicians and to prepare for studies at the Technological Institute.

Eco-evolutionary perspectives on emergence, dispersion and dissolution of historical Dutch commons

Historical commons represent self-governed governance regimes that regulate the use and management of natural and man-made shared resources. Despite growing scientific interests, analyses of commons evolution and temporal dynamics are rare and drivers of change (birth, adaptation, dissolution) remain obscure. We apply an interdisciplinary approach and address these issues from an eco-evolutionary

Vilken litteratur (o)synliggörs inom romanska språk i svensk högre utbildning och forskning?

Studien kartlägger litteraturämnen i kandidatuppsatser och avhandlingar i romanska språk i Sverige under tidsperioden 2000-2016. Syftet är att belysa olika litteraturers roll och (o)synliggörande i självständiga arbeten. Ansatsen är deskriptiv och ämnar identifiera mönster och tendenser i materialet. Dessa mönster ska ligga till grund för fördjupade studier av områden med utvecklingspotential i de