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Varför är det så snårigt? Begrepp relaterade till samverkansmeritering

Detta dokument är framtaget som en intern rapport inom MerSam – Meritvärde av samverkansskicklighet, vars projekttid löpt under 2017 – 2020. MerSam är ett av Vinnovas 17 finansierade K3-projekt. Rapporten utgör en sammanställning av insamlad information från dokument, dialoger, workshoppar, intervjuer och enkäter. Rapporten visar på användning av begrepp och tolkning av begrepp. Syftet är att besk

Reference models for concurrent engineering implementation in individual, serial and mass production

Application of concurrent engineering (CE) to product development process (PDP) has to consider the type of production (individual, serial, mass), product complexity and level of design: original, innovative, variation and adaptive. Systematic analyses of product development processes, workflows, data and project management, in various companies, has shown that specific criteria have to be fulfill

More than protection : The function of TiO2interlayers in hematite functionalized Si photoanodes

Worldwide significant efforts are ongoing to develop devices that store solar energy as fuels. In one such approach, solar energy is absorbed by semiconductors and utilized directly by catalysts at their surfaces to split water into H2 and O2. To protect the semiconductors in these photo-electrochemical cells (PEC) from corrosion, frequently thin TiO2 interlayers are applied. Employing a well-perf

A study for testing the sensitivity and reliability of the Lysholm knee scoring scale

The aim of the present investigation was to test the Lysholm knee scoring scale from 1985 for sensitivity and reliability. Thirty-one patients with one of four different diagnoses: anterior cruciate ligament rupture (ACL), meniscus tear (MT), patello-femoral pain syndrome (PFPS) and lateral ankle sprain (LAS) participated in the study. None of the patients were in the acute phase of injury, and no

Tools and methods stimulate virtual team co-operation at concurrent engineering

Tools and methods are an important part of product development process. Advantages of different methods are growing with product novelty and complexity. Moderation of product development team meeting is a challenge at face to face meetings. Moderation has to be conducted with additional care at spatially distributed or virtual teams. The workshops or meetings related to different tools and methods

Prognostic significance of body temperature in the emergency department vs the ICU in Patients with severe sepsis or septic shock : A nationwide cohort study

Background Increased body temperature in the Emergency Department (BT-ED) and the ICU (BT-ICU) is associated with lower mortality in patients with sepsis. Here, we compared how well BTED and BT-ICU predict mortality; investigated mortality in various combinations of BT-ED and BT-ICU, and; compared degree of fever in the ED and ICU and associated quality of care. Methods 2385 adults who were admitt

Demonstration of antibody‐associated cellular cytotoxicity in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia before and after chemotherapy

This study demonstrates that a cytotoxic serum reactivity not requiring the presence of complement appears in the sera of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. The reaction is detected upon short‐term incubation of sera in vitro with autochthonous mononuclear white blood cells from peripheral venous blood of patients at the acute stage of the disease. This reactivity was demonstrated in 18/18

Towards a Circular Economy Taxation Framework : Expectations and Challenges of Implementation

The transition to a circular economy is a complex process requiring wide multi-level and multi-stakeholder engagement and can be facilitated by appropriate policy interventions. Taking stock of the importance of a well-balanced policy mix that includes a variety of complementing policy instruments, the circular economy action plan of the European Union (COM(2020) 98 final) includes a section about

PISTA: Posterior Ion STAcking

We present a program allowing for the construction of a heavy ion Monte Carlo event using a general purpose proton–proton event generator of the users’ choice to deliver sub–collisions. In this heavy ion event, one or more jets can be added, again using a jet calculation of the users’ choice, allowing for more realistic simulation studies of jets in a heavy ion background.

A wave-based finite element analysis for acoustic transmission in fluid-filled elastic waveguides

This paper describes an original numerical prediction technique developed for the analysis of coupled vibro-acoustic problems in fluid waveguides. Specifically it is a wave-based method that adopts a spectral element approach. Unlike the conventional element-based methods, this technique uses wave functions that satisfy the governing equations to describe the dynamic variables exactly. One advanta

Is Aortic Z-score an Appropriate Index of Beneficial Drug Effect in Clinical Trials in Aortic Aneurysm Disease?

Aortic Z-score (Z-score) is utilized in clinical trials to monitor the effect of medications on aortic dilation rate in Marfan (MFS) patients. Z-scores are reported in relation to body surface area and therefore are a function of height and weight. However, an information void exists regarding natural, non-pharmacological changes in Z-scores as children age. We had concerns that Z-score decrease a

Possibly specific immune complexes in sera of patients with untreated acute myelogenous leukemia

Eleven patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in the acute stage of the disease were studied. Sera of seven patients were assayed for complement‐dependent cytotoxicity to autochthonous AML cells and sera of four patients were tested with allogeneic target cells before and after ultrafiltration at low pH. No specific cytotoxic activity could be detected in any untreated sera. Ultrafiltratio

Studies on adenovirus type 9‐induced mammary fibroadenomas in rats and their malignant transformation

After inoculating newborn W/Fu rats with adenovirus type 9,27 of 27 females developed mammary fibroadenomas with a latency period of 14–25 weeks. No tumors were observed after inoculation with adenovirus type 5 or in males with the type 9 inoculation. After persistence of the tumors for 3–14 months, malignant transformation of the stroma resulted in different types of sarcoma in three rats: fibros

Value Creation of Healthcare Services- Developing a Healthcare Matching Model

Healthcare in Sweden is dealing with problems regarding accessibility for patients. Moreover, there is a lack of an overall model concerning matching specialist care to patients. Against this background, the purpose was to develop a preliminary healthcare matching model and discuss the barriers of this model. Theoretically, the study draws on the concepts of matching and coordination completed wit