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Your search for "*" yielded 533230 hits

Femoral strength and strains in sideways fall : Validation of finite element models against bilateral strain measurements

Low impact falls to the side are the main cause of hip fractures in elderly. Finite element (FE) models of the proximal femur may help in the assessment of patients at high risk for a hip fracture. However, extensive validation is essential before these models can be used in a clinical setting. This study aims to use strain measurements from bilateral digital image correlation to validate an FE mo

Machinability of Single-phase Materials : Surface integrity and tool wear analysis

The quality and performance of products are particularly important in sectors such as research facilities and in the nuclear, military and space industries. These sectors make use of high-performance materials that are uncommon in other contexts and therefore place high requirements on personnel, machines and tools. While tool manufacturers have readily available tool selection guides and cutting

Biogeografisk uppföljning 2020 av dagfjärilar inom habitatdirektivet

Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda 2020 inom Biogeografisk uppföljning som drivs av Naturvårdsverket. I fjällområdet kunde totalt 49 ytor inventeras. Sammanlagt noterades 151 högnordiska blåvingar på 22 inventerade ytor, 53 dvärgpärlemorfjärilar på 25 ytor och minst 1 fjällsilversmygare noterades på 3 inventerade ytor. Svartfläckig blåvinge observerades på 15 av 50 inventerade lok

Rapid diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 : Validation and comparison of three point-of-care antibody tests

With the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a need for diagnostic tests has surfaced. Point-of-care (POC) antibody tests can detect immunoglobulin (Ig) G and M against SARS-CoV-2 in serum, plasma, or whole blood and give results within 15 min. Validation of the performance of such tests is needed if they are to be used in clinical practice. In this study, we

Textile Contact Dermatitis : How Fabrics Can Induce Dermatitis

Purpose of the review: Textile dermatitis can sometimes be difficult to diagnose due to the fact that it is difficult to clinically suspect, and when allergic, patch test correctly and advice the patient as to what garments to avoid. Recent findings: The textile fibres as such are rarely the causative agent. Allergic contact dermatitis due to textiles is primarily caused by substances that are use

Convergence analysis of the nonoverlapping Robin-Robin method for nonlinear elliptic equations

We prove convergence for the nonoverlapping Robin-Robin method applied to nonlinear elliptic equations with a p-structure, including degenerate diffusion equations governed by the p-Laplacian. This nonoverlapping domain decomposition is commonly encountered when discretizing elliptic equations, as it enables the usage of parallel and distributed hardware. Convergence has been derived in various li

Motion sickness diagnostic criteria : Consensus document of the classification committee of the Bárány society

We present diagnostic criteria for motion sickness, visually induced motion sickness (VIMS), motion sickness disorder (MSD), and VIMS disorder (VIMSD) to be included in the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders. Motion sickness and VIMS are normal physiological responses that can be elicited in almost all people, but susceptibility and severity can be high enough for the response to

Improvement of tool utilization when hard turning with cBN tools at varying process parameters

Hard turning of helical gear hubs produced from low-carbon alloyed steel with a bulk hardness of HRC 35, and case hardened up to HRC 60–63 with PCBN tools was considered in this study. The workpieces after heat treatment are characterized by a non-uniform thickness of the hardened surface layer which results in a high variation of measured HRC hardness. The deviation of surface microhardness is ev

37 forskare och debattörer: AP-fonderna måste divestera

Hälften av alla pengar på börsen är våra pensionspengar. Det är fullständigt oacceptabelt att AP-fonderna placerar dem i fossilbranchen, skriver 37 forskare och debattörer.Half of all our pension money are invested in stocks. These funds support fossil fuel companies, which is totally inacceptable. 37 researcerhs and debaters demand divestification of these stocks.

An automatic classification algorithm for submerged aquatic vegetation in shallow lakes using Landsat imagery

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is one of the main producers in inland lakes. Tracking the temporal and spatial changes in SAV is crucial for the identification of state changes in lacustrine ecosystems, such as changes in light, nutrients, and temperature. However, the available SAV classification algorithms based on remote sensing are highly dependent on field survey data and/or human interve

Stability and Performance Analysis of Control Systems Subject to Bursts of Deadline Misses

Control systems are by design robust to various disturbances, ranging from noise to unmodelled dynamics. Recent work on the weakly hard model---applied to controllers---has shown that control tasks can also be inherently robust to deadline misses. However, existing exact analyses are limited to the stability of the closed-loop system. In this paper we show that stability is important but cannot be

Improved Electrical Performance of Perovskite Photovoltaic Mini-Modules through Controlled PbI2 Formation Using Nanosecond Laser Pulses for P3 Patterning

The upscaling of perovskite solar cells to modules requires the patterning of the layer stack in individual cells that are monolithically interconnected in series. This interconnection scheme is composed of three lines, P1–P3, which are scribed using a pulsed laser beam. The P3 scribe is intended to isolate the back contact layer of neighboring cells, but is often affected by undesired effects suc

Modelling spatial relationships between ecosystem services and agricultural production in an agent-based model

The collective impacts of farmers' land management decisions on above ground ecosystem services (ES) and their implications for agriculture are poorly understood. Managing habitat to provide ES is costly but at the same time it can support higher yields through, e.g., pollination or natural pest control. Due to the mobility of ES-providers (bees, natural enemies) farmers providing habitat might al

Nine residues in HLA-DQ molecules determine with susceptibility and resistance to type 1 diabetes among young children in Sweden

HLA-DQ molecules account over 50% genetic risk of type 1 diabetes (T1D), but little is known about associated residues. Through next generation targeted sequencing technology and deep learning of DQ residue sequences, the aim was to uncover critical residues and their motifs associated with T1D. Our analysis uncovered (αa1, α44, α157, α196) and (β9, β30, β57, β70, β135) on the HLA-DQ molecule. The

Att aktivera och synliggöra elevers förkunskaper (generell text)

För att elever ska kunna ta till sig ny kunskap behöver deras tidigare kunskaper aktiveras och synliggöras. Både den inledande bedömningen och den kontinuerliga bedömningen av elevers tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper är viktiga resurser och utgör en viktig grund för fortsatt lärande. Varje nytt arbetsområde behöver starta en rörelse i undervisningen, med utgångspunkt i det konkreta och vardagli