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Flavour-changing neutral currents in top quark decays to Higgs bosons in a two-Higgs-doublet model
Först lite terminologi: Standardmodellen är en kvantfältteori. Sådana beskriver störningar i fält och dessa kallas för partiklar. Tänk dig svallvågorna som följer på ytan i ett badkar vari en sten släppts, fast i tre dimensioner istället för två, det är ett fält. Varje elementär partikel är en störning i ett sådant tillhörande fält (eller "kvantum" varav namnet kvantfält). Fälten kommer In this thesis top quark decays to a charm quark and a (CP even) Higgs boson are investigated in a general two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) allowing flavour-changing neutral currents. The theory behind 2HDMs is introduced and the specific choice of 2HDM is put to test under theoretical constraints that require the potential in the Lagrangian density of the model to satisfy vacuum stability, tree-lev
Vampire Ethics in the Twilight Saga : A Generic Analysis
Since the Twilight series publication and later the Twilight Saga film adaptions, the vampire romance of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen has turned into a worldwide phenomenon. This One-Year Master’s degree thesis will address the way in which the vampire ethics is depicted in the Twilight Saga by the character of Edward Cullen. My purpose is to analyze the vampire character of Edward in accordance w
Can Green Bonds Help Air Pollution Mitigation in China? Potential and Challenges
This paper aims to examine the potential of green bond implementation in China suited with Chinese air pollution situation. It researched the green bond origination, history, definination and categories and so on. The paper applied literature review, case study and internview methods to purpue a conclusion. Since the financial crisis, many countries are exploring how to re-engineer the financial s
A dynamic Analysis of Social Entrepreneurial Organizations (SEOs)
In the light of economic and financial crises, social innovations have been looked at and analysed from new point of views. This thesis has run an analysis of two social entrepreneurial organizations (SEOs) to shed light on how actors from vulnerable communities, like Rosengård and Persborg from the city of Malmö perceive complexities embedded in social innovations and institutional change. The an
Multidimensional Perfectionism and Depressive Symptoms on Disordered Eating Behaviours among University Students
In the present study, the relationship of multidimensional perfectionism (self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism) and depressive symptoms related to disordered eating behaviours were investigated in a university context. Results from 112 participants showed that both perfectionism and depressive symptoms have a positive relationship with disordered eating behaviours,
Monitoring and Managing Interaction Patterns in Human-Robot Interaction
Nowadays, one of the most challenging problems in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is to make robots able to understand humans to successfully accomplish tasks in human environments. HRI has a very different role in all the robotics fields. While autonomous robots do not require a complex HRI system, it is of vital importance for service robots. The goal of this thesis is to study if behavioural pa
Energi- och inneklimatsimulering av behovsstyrt FTX för flerbostadshus - Baserat på mätningar av VOC och fukttillskott i 24 lägenheter
Energi och klimatpåverkan är ständigt aktuellt i dagens samhälle. För att motverka den globala uppvärmningen har EU tagit fram klimatmål där bland annat energianvändningen ska minska med 20 % mot 1990 års nivåer år 2020. En stor andel av energianvändningen orsakas i Sverige idag av bygg- och fastighetsbranschen där byggnadsbeståndet står för ca 30 % av energianvändningen. För att klara EU:s klimEnergy use and climate impact are important topics in today’s society. To combat global warming, the EU has set a goal framework with a 20 % reduction target until 2020 for domestic energy use compared to 1990. Today, the building sector in Sweden accounts for 30 % of the domestic energy use. To achieve the goals for energy and climate set by the EU, changes are required. The Swedish parliament ha
Carbonatites at the Alnö Complex, Sweden and along the East African Rift : a literature review
Carbonatite is an unusual type of rock that, for a long time, were not accepted for what they really are. This group of rocks is now considered to be of igneous origin and is classified after its content of carbonate minerals. If it exceed 50% the rock will be named a carbonatite. This group of rocks can be found all over the world and two of these places, which this review will focus on, are the
Fish on drugs - an experimental study of crucian carp exposed to fluoxetine and a natural predator
Organismer i våra sjöar och hav måste ständigt kämpa för sin överlevnad i en miljö fylld av olika stressande faktorer, inte minst till följd av mänsklig påverkan. I en laboratoriestudie har jag undersökt hur den vanliga sötvattensfisken ruda (Carassius carassius) störs av två olika faktorer som misstänks påverka fiskars välmående – exponering för en anti-depressiv medicin (fluoxetin) och risken föOrganisms in the aquatic environment face the challenge of exposure to environmental pollution by a multitude of pharmaceuticals. However, the potential for disruptive effects in non-target aquatic organism remains poorly understood. Fluoxetine is one of the most commonly prescribed psychoactive drugs and it has been shown to bioaccumulate in fish, and potentially affects a broad suite of importan
Heme degradation pathway controls inflammation in model of mouse prostatitis
Dödliga gasen kolmonoxid – behandling mot prostatacancer? Kolmonoxid är för de flesta människor känd som en gas som kan orsaka förgiftning och snabbt leda till döden. Små doser av kolmonoxid har dock upptäckts kunna motverka inflammation. Många forskare är övertygade om att kolmonoxid inom en snar framtid skulle kunna användas som läkemedel mot bland annat kronisk tarminflammation. Ett hopp har oAcute or chronic inflammation in the prostate is implicated in pathogenesis of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) as well as development of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and prostate cancer (PCa). Chronic prostatitis (inflammation in the prostate) is associated with high morbidity and negatively impacts life quality. Macrophages are critical regulators of inflammatory processes and are
Complexity Reduction in the CORDIC Algorithm by using MUXes
Nowadays, the CORDIC algorithm plays an important role to deal with the non-linear functions in hardware. In this thesis, a novel methodology is described to reduce the complexity in an unrolled CORDIC architecture, which gives higher speed, lesser area, and lower power consumption. That is, MUXes are used to replace adder stages. Five different unrolled CORDIC architectures have been implemented
The effect of physical exercise on inflammatory cells of the brain
The effect of physical exercise on inflammatory cells of the brain Neurodegenerative diseases are the leading causes of permanent cognitive impairment and motor dysfunctions in the adult population worldwide. These diseases are characterized by neuroinflammation (inflammation in the brain), primarily mediated by resident immune cells of the central nervous system known as microglia. As pharmaceut
Evaluation of extraction methods for detection of human DNA in soil samples from crime scenes.
På senare år har polisen i Sverige börjat använda sig av spårhundar i sitt arbete för att säkra biologiska spår vid brottsplatser. En hund har tusen gånger mer känsligt luktsinne än människan vilket betyder att hundar kan hitta små biologiska spår, ofta blandade med jord, som är omöjliga för människan att se med blotta ögat. Det ökande användandet av spårhundar har lett till att fler biologiska prThe aim of the project was to investigate and evaluate different extraction methods for detection of human DNA in environmental crime scene samples containing soil. Soil is a complex and heterogeneous material consisting of several inhibitory compounds, which makes it difficult to extract DNA from such samples. The investigation included the evaluation of 19 different extraction methods based on s
Närhet och fredagsmys : Familjens betydelse för ungdomar
The aim of this study was to examine how young people define their family and how they describe their own family relations. What makes the family a family from the perspective of a youth? The questions posed were: Who do you include in your family? and What makes family important?. Utilizing a qualitative method known as self-documentary data compilation, young people, aged 15, have written essays
Supplier selection methods in public procurement
In what follows, two properties characterizing supplier selection methods, namely, transparency and independence of irrelevant alternatives, will be properly discerned. Consecutively, three hypotheses, concerning the impact these properties have on the procurement outcome, will be suggested. Transparency is presumed to decrease the likelihood of having a locally established winner as well as to in
Indirect detection of myelin water by T2-relaxation during the RF pulse
Magnetkameran är en icke-invasiv metod som används för att avbilda mjukvävnad i kroppen med hög spatial upplösning. Myelinskidan som omger axonerna i det centrala nervsystemet ger upphov till kontrasten mellan vit och grå substans i konventionella magnetkamerabilder. Det är av intresse att detektera nedbrytningen av myelinskidan eftersom förekomst av sådan kan ge en indikation på tidigare stadier Introduction: The axonal myelin sheath is the main cause of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast between gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in the brain. It encloses a small pool of myelin water (MW) with a short T2 of about 15 ms. Common signal equations of MRI sequence assume an instantaneous RF excitation pulse followed by free relaxation. As known from ultra-short echo time (UTE) MRI,
Radiochromic Film Dosimetry in Kilovoltage X-‐ray Beams: A Pre-‐ Investigation for In Vitro Studies of Bystander Effects
Inom strålbehandling innebär den s.k. åskådareffekten ("bystander effect") ett relativt nytt tankesätt som betonar de biologiska effekterna av strålning på icke-bestrålade celler i närheten av bestrålade celler. Denna effekt har visat sig påverka inte bara de celler som angränsar till det bestrålade området utan även celler på större avstånd. I Lund pågår just nu ett projekt där man villPurpose Intensity modulation of radiation is one of several important conditions to evaluate for full understanding of how cells involved in the bystander effect influence each other when cells are exposed to radiation at low and high dose rates. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a useful and practical dosimetric method for measurement of the absorbed dose to cell cultures exposed to
“What integration process?” - The role of subsidiary autonomy in integration processes
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the autonomy in an acquired subsidiary affects the integration process within an M&A process. The study uses a qualitative and deductive method by conducting a case study in a major Swedish technological company. We have made five different hypotheses based on three prominent articles within the M&A research area that deal with the subject o
Analysis and Modification of Heatex Model H2 Heat Exchanger
The product H2 is a new heat exchanger produced, manufactured and sold by Heatex. It has an excellent surface efficiency, in large parts because of its slim features. The slim features does however have a drawback. It isn’t as mechanically stable and robust as its earlier cousins. The product tends to deform plastically in lifting conditions, especially the heavier versions needs extra support or,