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We analyse the effect of business model innovation (BMI) on the product innovation performance of firms, based on a dynamic capabilities theoretical framework. Our empirical study is based on a large-scale representative sample of cross-industry Swedish firms participating in three waves of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) from 2008 to 2012. We hypothesise that BMI in the form of product inno
Drottningarnas drottning : Jungfru Maria i svensk medeltida cisterciensisk predikan
En handskrift som en gång tillhörde Alvastra kloster, nu Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek C 37, innehåller en delvis kalendariskt ordnad predikosamling nedskriven i början av 1200-talet, utan kända paralleller. Artikeln beskriver samlingen och konstaterar att innehållet har både monastisk och folklig prägel. En möjlig slutsats är att en munk i Alvastra har sammanställt/författat predikningarna för at
On simplifying WINNER II channel model for MIMO OTA performance evaluation
The development of MIMO over-the-air (OTA) test methodology is an ongoing activity in 3GPP RAN4, CTIA and EU COST Action 2100. In this paper, the focus is on the anechoic chamber approach, which uses a uniform circular array of probe antennas to replicate directional channels for the device-under- test at the array center. In particular, we study in simulation the complexity requirements of implem
History meets palaeoscience : Consilience and collaboration in studying past societal responses to environmental change
History and archaeology have a well-established engagement with issues of premodern societal development and the interaction between physical and cultural environments; together, they offer a holistic view that can generate insights into the nature of cultural resilience and adaptation, as well as responses to catastrophe. Grasping the challenges that climate change presents and evolving appropria
Career preparation in doctoral education at the departmental level
Traditionally, doctoral education is designed to train students to become skilled researchers in their respective disciplines. In many cases, however, doctoral graduates find themselves ill-prepared for their career choices. In this paper, we adopt a systematic approach to study the career preparation aspect of doctoral study in our home department. Our findings reveal several shortcomings in the
Uncoupled impedance matching for coupled multi-antenna systems
Development and external validation of a risk-prediction model to predict 5-year overall survival in advanced larynx cancer
Objectives/Hypothesis: TNM-classification inadequately estimates patient-specific overall survival (OS). We aimed to improve this by developing a risk-prediction model for patients with advanced larynx cancer. Study Design: Cohort study. Methods: We developed a risk prediction model to estimate the 5-year OS rate based on a cohort of 3,442 patients with T3T4N0N+M0 larynx cancer. The model was inte
Hormonal factors and pancreatic cancer risk in women : The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study
The incidence of pancreatic cancer is leveling between sexes. Smoking, high age and heredity are established risk factors, but evidence regarding the influence of hormonal factors is unclear. In this study, we investigated the associations of reproductive factors, use of oral contraceptives (OC) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with pancreatic cancer risk in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, a
Evaluation of HPV type-replacement in unvaccinated and vaccinated adolescent females—Post-hoc analysis of a community-randomized clinical trial (II)
Efficacy of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines promises to control HPV infections. However, HPV vaccination programs may lay bare an ecological niche for non-vaccine HPV types. We evaluated type-replacement by HPV type and vaccination strategy in a community-randomized trial executed in HPV vaccination naïve population. Thirty-three communities were randomized to gender-neutral vaccination with A
Geospatial data integration and visualisation using Linked Data
Geospatial data are increasingly available nowadays, and this leads to more analyses and visualisation of geospatial data from several sources. To enable this, we need homogenous data as well as proper integration methods. Geospatial data integration has been a longstanding research topic for decades, and this paper discusses the utilisation of Linked Data technology stack to alleviate the geospat
Från sensiträning till arbetskonferens: Går det att forska om effekter av laboratoriemetoder?
Co-orthology of Pax4 and Pax6 to the fly eyeless gene: molecular phylogenetic, comparative genomic, and embryological analyses
The functional equivalence of Pax6/eyeless genes across distantly related animal phyla has been one of central findings on which evo-devo studies is based. In this study, we show that Pax4, in addition to Pax6, is a vertebrate ortholog of the fly eyeless gene (and its duplicate, twin of eyeless [toy] gene, unique to Insecta). Molecular phylogenetic trees published to date placed the Pax4 gene outs
The neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine interleukin-26 in the airways of long-term tobacco smokers
Long-term tobacco smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic bronchitis display an excessive accumulation of neutrophils in the airways; an inflammation that responds poorly to established therapy. Thus, there is a need to identify new molecular targets for the development of effective therapy. Here, we hypothesized that the neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine interleukin (IL)
Revolutionens minsta svallvågor : oroligheterna i svenska landsortsstäder 1848
On the difference between additive and subtractive QM/MM calculations
The combined quantum mechanical (QM) and molecular mechanical (MM) approach (QM/MM) is a popular method to study reactions in biochemical macromolecules. Even if the general procedure of using QM for a small, but interesting part of the system and MM for the rest is common to all approaches, the details of the implementations vary extensively, especially the treatment of the interface between the
Emergent, distributed, and orchestrated : Understanding leadership through frame analysis
Leadership scholars are beginning to understand leadership as a distributed phenomenon, produced in interaction and emerging in social situations. Although this perspective has contributed to understanding leadership processes in more detail, it has also been noted that its proponents have largely neglected power and asymmetrical hierarchical relations. In this paper, I address these issues by dra
Deswelling behaviour of ionic microgel particles from low to ultra-high densities
The swelling of ionic microgel particles is investigated at a wide range of concentrations using a combination of light, X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. We employ a zero-average contrast approach for small-angle neutron scattering experiments, which enables a direct determination of the form factor at high concentrations. The observed particle size initially decreases strongly with the pa
Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs
The present study investigates the use of gestures by 18-, 24- and 30-month-old Swedish children, as well as their practical actions in coordination with verbs. Previous research on connections between children’s verbs and gestures has mainly focused only on iconic gestures and action verbs. We expand the research foci in two ways: we look both at gestures and at practical actions, examining how t
Geografisk tillgänglighet för cykling i städer : Modellutveckling och fallstudier
Målsättningar för och behov av hållbara transporter i städer är idag ett etablerat område inom trafik- och samhällsplaneringen och ökad cykling har sedan många år varit högt prioriterat av politiker och planerare. Trots dessa ambitioner har cyklingen i stället minskat på många håll under senare år. Det finns alltså ett stort behov av att identifiera och utveckla strategier och åtgärder som främjar