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Medieringen av mäns ätstörningar i svensk dagspress

Syfte och frågeställning: Uppsatsen syftar till att problematisera bilden som ges i medierna av manliga ätstörningar samt att öka förståelsen för mediernas betydelse när det gäller att erbjuda medborgarna information om en specifik hälsoproblematik. De två huvudfrågorna för uppsatsen är följande: Hur stor andel av artiklarna om ätstörningar handlar om män respektive kvinnor? Hur gestaltas mäns äts

Berättelser som förändrar: En kvantitativ studie om hur personal påverkas av att jobba med krigsskadade och torterade

Studien vände sig till personal, olika yrkesgrupper, som arbetar med krigsskadade och torterade i Sverige. Syftet var att beskriva personalgruppens mående och tillväxt i relation till arbetet, inställning till död, ondska och förlåtelse samt bakgrundsvariabler (t.ex eget trauma och arbetssituation) och undersöka samband mellan dessa. 69 traumaarbetare svarade på ett frågeformulär som mätte dessa fThe 69 participants of this study were Swedish personnel of various occupations, working at centers for war and torture survivors. The aim was to describe the personnel’s reactions from their work, their background (e.g. trauma prevalence, work situation), their attitude towards death, evil, and forgiveness and the relationships between these. The results of this study show that the participants h

Prostitution som konstruktion - Socionomen i spänningsfältet mellan samhälle och individ

Prostitution as a construction - The social worker in the tension between society and the individual Discussions about prostitution seems to be of large interest for different feminist groups. The main discussions are about whether people sell sex as a result of free will, or if prostitution is a part of patriarchal structures, and that people selling sex, have been forced to do so in one way, or

Kvalificerade kontaktpersoner

The aim of this study was to, through qualitative interviews, look at the roles of qualified mentors of teenagers with social problems such as criminality and addiction. The idea of qualified mentorship is quite new and has only been practiced in Sweden for a few years, which is why we thought it would be interesting to see how the work of the mentors have been conducted in the social service orga

Realobligationer - En analys av den svenska marknaden och riskpremien gentemot nominella obligationer

Over the last 25 years a new asset class has been developed in Sweden. Inflation linked bonds which are issued by the Swedish national debt office. The asset class has not yet been covered in many academic articles despite that the market size for inflation linked bonds is over 200 billion SEK in Sweden. My study will mainly focus on two things; the development of the Swedish market; the risk prem

The Phantasmatic in romantic subjective experience and aesthetics

The goal of this research is to asses the reach and characteristics of the Phantasmatic as a proposed concept, useful to understand fundamental aspects of the romantic subjective experience in artists, aesthetes and writers. This experiential level has been exemplified in artists that had been living or intermittently residing in Dresden during the first half of 19th century. Caspar David Friedric

Ukraine after EU's Fifth Enlargement

What is the impact of an enlarged regional trading area on excluded neighbouring countries propensity to export? Utilising the gravity model, this study assesses the impact of EU’s fifth enlargement on Ukraine’s propensity to export in order to explore whether Ukraine has been a bystander to EU’s fifth enlargement. The empirical gravity equation is specified to yield the Within estimate used to ob

Empowering Women as Mothers? Stories of resistance, reaction and hope for a better life

This thesis deals with the vital issue of empowerment in development work and development projects, a multimillion dollar enterprise which engages donors,governmental agencies and governments. More specifically the thesis deals with a development intervention in education as social policy in Uruguay, investigated as a case study. The methodological intention is to present the voices of the subject

The Impact of Population Policy on Women's Reproductive Rights: The Case of the One Child Policy in China

This thesis aims to explore the impact of population policy on women’s reproductive rights. I use one child policy, which has far-reaching repercussions on all Chinese women at childbearing age, as the case for this research. The following questions are asked: What is one child policy? What kinds of measures are used to lower fertility rate? What is the impact on women’s reproductive rights? I emp

Legal Empowerment in Development Programs: The case of internally displaced people in Colombia

With around 3 million affected people, Colombia has the second highest number of internal displaced persons (IDPs) in the world after Sudan (ACNUR 2007). They are basically refugees inside their own country. One of the main problems of IDPs living in the cities is the difficulty to generate income that allows them to satisfy their basic needs. Looking to solve this problem, the government of Colom

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning - till vilken nytta?

Självreglering som medel att uppnå ett önskat eller kanske endast behövligt beteende inom olika samhällssektioner har en lång tradition i Sverige. Det var därför naturligt att resultatet av Förtroendekommissionens arbete genom Kodgruppen år 2004 resulterade i självreglering med en svensk kod för bolagsstyrning. Förtroendekommissionen tillsattes av regeringen som svar på den omfattande kritik som a

Förhandlingar och avtalsslut mellan kommersiella parter

Denna uppsats behandlar vissa typer av avtal som ingås mellan två kommersiella parter och särskilt uppmärksammas avtal som föregåtts av någon form av förhandling. Avtalslagens bestämmelser om ingående av avtal utgör en självklar utgångspunkt, men de är enligt min mening ofullständiga och i vissa fall föråldrade och därmed ej funktionella vid de nya mönster för avtalsslut som växt fram i praktiken.

Direktiv och lag - Distansavtalsdirektivet och den svenska distansavtalslagen

Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 97/7/EG av den 17 februari om konsumentskydd vid distansavtal som nu har resulterat i Lag (2000:274) om konsumentskydd vid distansavtal och hemförsäljningsavtal är resultatet av en lagstiftningsprocess som inleddes redan under våren 1990. Direktivet är ett konsumentskyddsdirektiv men det är också, som det stadgas i dess inledande paragrafer, ämnat att främja

On the Railways of Growth: China’s Railway, Technology and Economic Growth

Railway expansion is usually associated with containing and supporting economic growth. This particular research approaches railways from the angle of technological potential. It explores whether railways can drive China towards technology-led growth, and if so, the way in which this process occurs. The study uses a theoretical framework of complementarities adjusting it to the qualitative analysi

"Kanske är det tryggast att inte lyssna alls" - en innehållsanalys om hur media framställer pedofili

Abstract Authors: Mia Lunderot and Rebecka Sandberg Title: “It might be more safe not to listen at all”- A study of how pedophiles are portrayed in media Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Mats Hilte The aim with this study was to analyze and describe how pedophiles are portrayed in Swedish media. We wanted to look further into the way that media describe who the pedophile really is and

Idrott som integrationsarena - En kvalitativ studie om invandrarmäns integration via idrott

Sports are seen as a part of today’s society and are founded on the norms and moral codes we live by. Therefore for those practicing it, it can result in a more successful integration because of the socialization taking place when people integrate with each other in the sports arena. In this explorative paper soccer, basketball and boxing are illustrated as possible arenas for integration. Six men


This thesis analyzes how the Swedish organization Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning (in English, Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) constructs sexuality through the introduction of the word slidkrans. The word slidkrans (vaginal corona in English), was formally introduced by RFSU in 2009 as a replacement for the word for the hymen, mödomshinna, which literally means “virginity membran

Approaches Towards Innovation

Encouraging innovation is becoming more important for countries in order to sustain economic growth, performance and competitiveness in a world of fierce marketplace competition. However, previous studies and research reveal that there is a worldwide decline in innovation within organizations. This paper seeks to discover what’s behind this, and what’s hindering knowledge intensive firms from bein