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Nonlinear Model Predictive Control in

In this thesis, a stronger support for Model Predictive Control (MPC) in has been implemented. is an open-source software for simulation and optimization of systems described by Modelica models. MPC is an optimization-based control strategy where one formulates an Optimal Control Problem (OCP) to describe the aim of the controller. At discrete time points the state of t

Renovating Building through Energy Roof and Facade Systems

Nowadays society is becoming more aware of the fact that energy use has a negative environmental impact, contributing to fossil fuels depletion and global warming increase. Therefore, the Swedish Parliament has adopted the The European Comission’s 20-20-20 goals, climate and energy policy targets that shall be achieved by 2020, referring to 20% reduction of CO2 emissions, 20% increase in energy ef

Purification, crystallization and characterization of modified HBV capsid

Nanocarriers and nanoreactors are often derived from viral capsids. The capsid of HBV is a particularly attractive self-assembling model, fit for conversion into protein carrier. In this thesis modified HBV capsid is expressed in E.coli and purified by size exclusion chromatography. Nanocarrier system is based on principle of specific binding between the modified capsid building block and protein

Transforming Society: State Responsibility to Eradicate Gender Stereotypes in Georgia

No country has yet achieved full gender equality and one of the reasons is the stereotypical attitudes towards characteristics and roles of men and women. International community has acknowledged that gender stereotypes are an obstacle to full realisation of human rights of women and men and the obligation to tackle those has been included in the Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimin

Leverantörs vilseledande vid offentlig upphandling - Tänkbara straffrättsliga, offentligrättsliga och civilrättsliga remedier

Med anledning av offentlig upphandling kan det emellanåt förekomma att leverantören på olika sätt vilseleder myndigheten för att på oriktig grund antingen teckna ramavtal med myndigheten eller av myndigheten erhålla ett upphandlingskontrakt. Problematiken med olika former av vilseledande får antas vara större vid offentlig upphandling än vid vanliga B2B-relationer på grund av det strikta regelverkOccasionally when a contracting authority is about to award a public contract or conclude a framework agreement with a supplier, the supplier somehow misleads the contracting authority in order to receive the public contract or the framework agreement. Due to the rigorous regulatory system that distinguish public procurement one can expect the misleading to be a problem of greater importance than

Job motivation in high-tech knowledge work- the unintended detrimental role of management

Title: Job motivation in high-tech knowledge work- the unintended detrimental role of management Seminar Date: 4th June 2015 Course: FEKH49 Author: Chaitra Harish Bhat Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra Key Words: Knowledge Worker, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Priority Task, Recognition. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to critically examine the role of intrinsic motivation in kno

Mänskliga Rättigheter i T 4028-07 & T 58-96 : en analys av Nordmalingsmålet & Härjedalsmålet

Samer är Sveriges ursprungsbefolkning och har därför vissa rättigheter knutna till detta, bland annat har de rätt till land och vatten för att kunna upprätthålla och utveckla sina traditioner och sin kultur, en del av detta är renskötseln, som kan innebära säsongsbundna flyttningar med renar ner till kustlandet. Rättigheterna grundas i att renskötsel bedrivits över lång tid och även om det int

Modeveckans hierarkiska mönster i samtida Stockholm : den tysta kampen om front row

The primary aim of this thesis is to understand the structure of fashion week in contemporary Stockholm. Does it have a hierarchical or democratic structure? Which participants does the fashion week in Stockholm aim itself to and for what reasons? This encourages further questions concerning the institution of a fashion week and what impact it has for the individuals working in the field. To sum u

Effects of the immunosuppressive bacterial protein TcpC on the inflammasome pathway

Recently, uropathogenic Escherichia coli were shown to express a virulence factor that specifically inhibits Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling. The TIR-domain protein C (TcpC), has high homology with the TIR (Toll Interleukin Receptor) domains of innate immune signaling molecules such as TLR4, TRIF, TRAM and MyD88. By binding to these domains, TcpC prevents TIR homodimerization and inhibits innat

Regional system of entrepreneurship - A study of the systemic features of entrepreneurship support organizations in Scania and potential policy implications of a systemic approach

The region of Scania, Sweden has set the goal to become “Europe’s most innovative region” by 2020 and has realized the importance of promoting and supporting entrepreneurship at the different stages of the entrepreneurial process to achieve this goal. This thesis investigates the structure of the entrepreneurship support in the region, with the aim to discover whether a system of entrepreneurship

Customer Satisfaction in the Higher Education Industry

Abstract Introduction: Understanding customer satisfaction is a central objective of organiza- tions. Besides, satisfaction is an indicator of how customers perceive the quality of an offered product or service. Relating to the literature, the customer satisfaction of interna- tional students has become increasingly important for higher educational institutions in recent years due to globalization

Undersökning av bensenförorening i grundvatten, Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm : JB- sondering, installation av grundvattenrör samt provtagning med passiv diffusionsprovtagare

Norra Djurgårdsstaden är ett stadsutvecklingsområde i nordöstra Stockholm och har delvis marksanerats ned till grundvattennivån. De föroreningar som förekommit är polycykliska aromater, cyanider, tungmetaller och BTEX. 2003 inleddes en omfattande markundersökning varpå man hittade höga halter bensen i ett av grundvattenrören. Undersökningen följdes upp med ett in-situ försök att avlägsna föroreninNorra Djurgårdsstaden is an urban area in northeastern Stockholm and has been soil remediated down to the water table. The contamination in the area includes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), cyanide, heavy metals and BTEX. In 2003 an extensive environmental assessment initiated after which they found high levels of benzene in one of the groundwater monitoring wells. The benzene contaminatio

En komparativ studie av gränsöverskridande koncernavdrag ur ett svenskt och polskt perspektiv - i ljuset av EU-rätten

Inom företagsgrupper kan möjlighet till en gränsöverskridande resultatutjämning mellan bolagen utgöra en väsentlig fördel. Resultatutjämningsregler kan dock skilja sig åt mellan olika länder eftersom dessa regler inte är harmoniserade av EU-lagstiftning. De enskilda EU-länderna använder sig härvid av specifika begrepp för att benämna koncerners särskilda skattestatus. Det är nämligen bara en koncWithin groups of companies can the possibility to neutralize the result between companies constitute a significant advantage. Group relief systems may differ between countries because the rules are not harmonized by EU-legislation. The individual EU countries use here specific terms to denote groups' special tax status. It is only a group that meets certain conditions that can get the special

Skada i följd av trafik/Skade som motorvogn gjer – en jämförande analys

Denna uppsats analyserar och jämför legal reglering av motorfordons ansvar vid uppkommen skada i Sverige och Norge, med fokus på rekvisiten ”skada i följd av trafik” i Sverige respektive skade som motorvogn gjer i Norge. Dessa rekvisit är de som definierar omfånget av fordons ansvar vid uppkommen skada och därmed de skador som ska ersättas av fordonets trafikförsäkring. Uppsatsen visar att syftThis essay analyzes and compares the legal regulation of motor liability insurance in Sweden and Norway with emphasis on the primary legal requirements for the Laws to apply, namely “skada till följd av trafik” (damage as a result of motor vehicle traffic) in Sweden and “skade som motorvogn gjer” (damage caused by motor vehicle) in Norway. These are the primary requirements that define the scope

Creating a readable language for checking XML

Idag delar man mycket information med varandra och ibland behöver vi se till att rätt sorts information delas. Tänk om man t. ex råkar skicka sitt personnummer istället för telefonnummer till någon? Detta examensarbetet handlar om att utveckla ett enkelt verktyg som bekräftar att information som delas är rätt formad. Eftersom det blir viktigare att vara säker på att information som delas är formaToday sharing data is done everywhere. Doctors might want to share patient journal information. Patient journals may contain sensitive information that doctors do not want to share. The journals needs to be checked before they are shared. In this thesis, data and journals are coded in XML and checking journals and data is the same as validating XML. Validating XML documents is usually done by foll

The conditions and process for triggering CDS contracts - a case study of Greece 2012

The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the legal conditions and process for triggering Credit Default Swaps, which are derivative instruments to shift credit risk exposure between parties in an underlying financial instrument. The condition is called credit event and a case study has been done on the Greek credit event in 2012. The thesis shows that there is a clear and robust framework o

LiDAR mapping of presumed rock-cored drumlins in the Lake Åsnen area, Småland, South Sweden

Landskapsformen drumlin har länge diskuterats inom akademin och den här studen syftar till att sprida lite ljus över dom. Genom att kartlägga två drumlinområden runt sjön Åsnen i Småland, södra Sverige har deras utsträckning kartlagts med en precision som länge ansetts omöjligt. Detta gjordes genom att använda hög upplösta hillshade modeller framtagna från LiDAR data för att efter att ha analyseraThe landform group called drumlins has since long been enigmatic; this study aims to shed some light on them. By mapping their extent in two areas around Lake Åsnen, Småland, southern Sweden, their extent and prop-erties have been mapped with a level of detail that would have been next to impossible just a few years ago. The method used in this study utilized LiDAR derived high resolution hillshad

Impact Investing in Kenya: An Assessment of Practises and Potential

Background There is a widespread consensus that aid alone will not be able to solve the development challenges facing Africa, with Kenya being no exception. The challenges are simply too great. One potential way to facilitate growth while also making it more inclusive is to use impact investing. Impact investing could be defined as investments made with the intention of yielding a financial return

Circular Return Strategies for the Indian Dairy Market

Background Companies producing premium products with high quality and long product life can experience challenges when trying to penetrate price-sensitive customer segments on emerging markets due to a high product price. One way to achieve growth in these segments is to introduce new innovative business models. From the theory of circular economy, a concept combining sustainable and economi

GPU Usage for Parallel Functions and Contacts in Modelica

This thesis investigates two ways of incorporating GPUs in Modelica. The first by automatically generating GPU code for Modelica functions, and the second by using GPU accelerated external code for a contact handling package. Automatic parallelization of functions is desired, as it can potentially accelerate large simulations significantly. Special patterns of nested for-loops in Modelica code are