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Intra- and inter-rater reliability of compressed breast thickness, applied force, and pressure distribution in screening mammography

BackgroundEnsuring equivalent and reproducible breast compression between mammographic screening rounds is important for the diagnostic performance of mammography, yet the extent to which screening mammography positioning and compression is reproducible for the individual woman is unknown.PurposeTo investigate the intra- and inter-rater reliability of breast compression in screening mammography.Ma

Liquid fiducial marker performance during radiotherapy of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer

Background and purpose We analysed the positional and structural stability of a long-term biodegradable liquid fiducial marker (BioXmark) for radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced lung cancer. Material and methods Markers were injected via endoscopic- or endobronchial ultrasound in lymph nodes and reachable primary tumours. Marker volume and Hounsfield Units (HU) changing rates were estim

Missbruk eller beroendesjukdom? En kritisk diskursanalys av Sveriges narkotikapolitik utifrån proposition 1992/93:142 samt kommittédirektiv 2022:24.

Under 1980-talet formulerades den officiella målsättningen ’ett narkotikafritt samhälle’. Samtidigt riktades det straffrättsliga fokuset mot konsumenterna och under 1993 infördes fängelse i straffskalan för eget bruk av narkotika. Idag lider Sverige av en hög narkotikarelaterad dödlighet såväl som omfattande problem med den organiserade brottsligheten. Under mars 2022 tillsatte regeringen en utred

Spatially varying Riemannian elasticity regularization : Application to thoracic CT registration in image-guided radiotherapy

For deformable registration of computed tomography (CT) scans in image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) we apply Riemannian elasticity regularization. We explore the use of spatially varying elasticity parameters to encourage bone rigidity and local tissue volume change only in the gross tumor volume (GTV) and the lungs. We evaluate the method on the point-validated 4DCT breathing thorax POPI-model

Cognitive decline and risk of dementia in older adults after diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cognitive screening has been proposed for older adults diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, we examined the change over time in cognitive function and the risk of incident dementia in older adults after COPD diagnosis. A sample of 3,982 participants from the population-based cohort study Good Aging in Skåne was followed for 19 years, and 317 incident COPD cases w

Increasing Risk of Lymphoma Over Time in Crohn's Disease but Not in Ulcerative Colitis : A Scandinavian Cohort Study

Background & Aims: Earlier studies have provided varying risk estimates for lymphoma in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but often have been limited by detection biases (especially during the first year of follow-up evaluation), misclassification, and small sample size; and rarely reflect modern-day management of IBD. Methods: We performed a binational register-based cohort stud

Multiproxy Reconstructions of Integral Energy Spectra for Extreme Solar Particle Events of 7176 BCE, 660 BCE, 775 CE, and 994 CE

Extreme solar particle events (ESPEs) are rare and the most potent known processes of solar eruptive activity. During ESPEs, a vast amount of cosmogenic isotopes (CIs) 10Be, 36Cl, and 14C can be produced in the Earth's atmosphere and deposited in natural stratified archives. Accordingly, CI measurements in these archives allow us to evaluate particle fluxes during ESPEs. In this work, we present a

Women and youth in Sarajevo entrepreneurship ecosystem : promoting inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystems for women and youth

It is evident that Sarajevo has major challenges to create a dynamic culture around entrepreneurship. The reports also outline major constraints entrepreneurs face when hiring and retaining qualified labour. By applying the ILO’s Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework, this report presentsthe root causes behind these challenges, and proposes ways forward to better include women and young p

Fastighetsbranschens cirkulära framtid är avgörande för vår planet

Med en fastighetssektor som står för 21 procent av nationella utsläpp i Sverige samt 35 procent av allt avfall inom EU finns det inget tvivel om saken, att branschen blir mer cirkulär är avgörande för planetens framtid. Det skriver Rebecka Lundgren, medlem i YSP samt doktorand och ledare för forskningsprojektet Shore vid Lunds universitet.

The Limits to Cognitive Social Capital as a Protective Factor: Examining the Buffering Effects between Intimate Partner Violence and Depression among Congolese Refugee Women

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common form of violence against women globally, with high prevalence rates among refugee communities. Previous literature indicates its relation to negative mental health outcomes such as depression and the potential help of social protective factors. The current study investigated the protective role of perceived social support (PSS) and cognitive socia

U-Pb datering av zirkon i metasediment tillhörande Stora Le-Marstrand, SV Sverige

Under den cirka en miljard år gamla Svekonorvegiska orogenesen deformerades den västra randzonen av Fennoskandiska urbergsskölden. Denna händelse ligger till grund för hur sydvästra Skandinaviens berggrund ser ut idag, men det är ännu omdiskuterat hur orogenesen skedde i detalj. Idefjordenterrängen som avgränsas till Östra Segmentet av Mylonitzonen, innehåller sekvenser av metasediment tillhörandeThe approximately 1 Ga old Sveconorwegian orogen occupies the western margin of the Fennoscandian shield and comprise tectonically reworked and metamorphosed rocks. This event accounts for the characteristics of the bedrock in southwest Scandinavia today, but it is still debated how this development took place in detail, and especially if it was a collisional or non-collisional orogeny. The Idefjo

Lipid-associated macrophages transition to an inflammatory state in human atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of cerebrovascular complications

The immune system is integral to cardiovascular health and disease. Targeting inflammation ameliorates adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Atherosclerosis, a major underlying cause of cardiovascular disease, is conceptualized as lipid-driven inflammation in which macrophages play a nonredundant role. However, evidence emerging so far from single-cell atlases suggests a dichotomy between lipid-associa

Godstransporter i den bilfria staden

Godstransporter är livsviktiga för att en stad och stadslivet ska fungera, men sättet som godstransporter genomförs idag är inte hållbart. Det finns få riktlinjer på hur transporterna ska ske och riskfyllda situationer uppstod. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka problem i bilfria områden i centrumnära stadsmiljö, samt att komma med rekommendationer på hur det kan utvecklas utifrån dagens Urban freight transportation is crucial for the functioning of a city and city life. However, the way urban freight transportation is occurring is unsustainable since there are few regulations and dangerous situations easily arise. The purpose of the thesis was to examine transportation in car-free areas and identify the associated problems, guidelines and explore potential solutions to the identi

Improved identification of Streptococcus bovis-Streptococcus equinus-complex species and subspecies by MALDI-TOF MS using a novel library

ObjectivesTo develop an in-house matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) library for improved identification of species and subspecies of the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus-complex (SBSEC).Methods236 SBSEC isolates from blood stream infections and culture collections, determined by whole genome sequencing to subspecies level, were grow

Translational opportunities of single-cell biology in atherosclerosis

The advent of single-cell biology opens a new chapter for understanding human biological processes and for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. This revolution now reaches the field of cardiovascular disease (CVD). New technologies to interrogate CVD samples at single-cell resolution are allowing the identification of novel cell communities that are important in shaping disease developmen

Moisture prediction of timber for durability applications using data-driven modelling

Durability and service life assessment is a major challenge for the design and use of timber in outdoor weather exposed environments. Rate of deterioration by fungal decay is closely linked to variations in wood moisture content. The objective of the present paper is to test and evaluate different data-driven models based on the multilinear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) appr

Statistical Assessment of Core Loss Measurement Techniques for Laminated Steel

In this paper, a comparative study of core losses in laminated steel samples by means of inferential statistics is presented. In particular, core loss measurements taken upon Epstein Frame, Single-Strip tester, and Ring Core specimens at several frequencies and induction levels are compared via Analysis of Variance and two-sample t-tests. The hypothesis of a statistically significant difference am