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Fuktegenskaper och kemisk sammansättning för nedbrutet Accoya-trä

Accoya: virket som motstår rötsvamparna Att använda trä som byggnadsmaterial har en lång tradition i Sverige, då tillgången är god. Nu har det återigen fått ett större fokus i hopp om att minska byggsektorns klimatpåverkan. För att utöka träets användning måste dess problem med fukt begränsas, där det största problemet är rötsvampar som bryter ned träet och gör det svagare. En vanlig metod är attWood is one of the oldest building materials, which have recently gained more focus in aneffort to reach net zero emissions. The mechanical properties of wood are dependent on the moisture content, and a high moisture content can also lead to biological attacks from decay fungi. To avoid biological attacks the wood must be protected from moisture, and a traditional method is to pressure impregnate

Effective concentration time for design storms in complex urban basins

Analytical solutions for runoff caused by a moving rain storm of time-varying rain intensity from a complex drainage basin are derived assuming constant concentration times for the different systems within the basin. It is found that the runoff caused by a peaked rain intensity distribution is higher than that from a uniform distribution of the same mean intensity. It is also shown that the storm

Solid-state fermentation of the microalgae Scenedesmus sp. for improved conservation and protein digestibility

As part of a research grant aimed at producing chicken feed from the novel microalgae Scenedesmus sp., called the ReMAPP project, this thesis investigates opportunities to increase the conservation potential and protein digestibility utilizing solid-state lactic acid fermentation and commercial enzyme additives. The lactic acid fermentation mimics the traditional agricultural ensiling process, whe

Låt den rätte komma in - En komparativ studie av australisk och svensk rätt avseende tredje mäns möjlighet att träda in i skiljeförfarande

Internationella skiljeförfaranden blir allt vanligare i den globala ekonomin. De sker ofta i neutral jurisdiktion där ingen av parterna, till synes, gynnas av vald jurisdiktions lagar. Skiljeförfaranden anses ofta som en av de bättre tvistelösningsformerna då de är effektiva, förutsebara och parterna får själva utforma förfarandena. Det är speciellt fördelaktigt om de rättsliga relationerna mellanInternational commercial arbitrations are increasing by the numbers in the global economy. The arbitrations are often set on neutral ground in a neutral jurisdiction. Arbitrations are often held as one of the best methods of dispute resolution as they are effective, predictable and the parties can tailor the proceedings to their liking. This is especially advantageous when the legal relationship b

Exploring the modification of a heteroleptic Iron(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complex

In recent decades problem of using the finite resource, fossil fuels, as an energy source have caught more and more public attention. The usage of it produces side-products which in long term harms our environment. To combat the usage of such destructive resources, a more sustainable way of creation of energy needs to be implemented, to which scientist have set their eyes on solar cells. Currently

En fallstudie om upplevelsen av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning på en stor gymnasieskola i Skåne

Forskningsfrågor: Hur har tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning tillämpats i praktiken i en svensk gymnasieskola? Vilka upplevelser har de anställda på skolan av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning och vad det har medfört i verksamheten? Syfte: Undersöka hur tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning kan tillämpas i praktiken i en svensk gymnasieskola och vilka upplevelser de anställda på skolan har av anResearch questions: How has trust-based governance been applied in practice in a Swedish upper secondary school? What kind of experiences does the employees at the school have of trust based governance and what it has entailed for the school activities. Purpose: Study how trust-based governance can be applied in practice in a Swedish upper secondary school and what kind of experiences the employe

Renewables and electrification in Europe, A critical analysis

Electrification of processes has become the cornerstone of the strategy to decarbonise energy supply, especially in recent years. This study aims to define the main issues underlying the electrification of the European energy mix, especially those caused by an increasing share of intermittent energies. To this end, through a mix of qualitative and quantitative analysis and personal contributions v

Reinforced notched cross-laminated timber plates : Load-bearing capacity and methodology for predicting the force in reinforcement

This paper deals with the estimation of the design force in self-tapping screws used as a reinforcement ofnotched cross laminated timber plates (CLT). With the reinforcement, apart from an increased load-carrying capacity, amore ductile behaviour of this detail can be achieved. An analytical model based on the Timoshenko Beam Theory wasdeveloped, enabling the estimation of the axial force in the r

Modelling the full-scale N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants for identifying mitigation strategies

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, which primarily originate from the biological nitrogen removal process, dominate the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). N2O production occurs through dynamic microbial pathways that have a significant impact on the environment compared with other GHG emissions. Reducing these substantial emissions aligns with the objectives of

The importance of refreezing on the diurnal snowmelt cycle

A method for including night-time refreezing of the top layer of a snowpack in the degree-day method for computing daily snowmelt rates is presented. It is found that during days of large diurnal temperature variations the daily melt is more determined by the day-time conditions than by the daily mean conditions. Applications are made to an open area and a forested area. The refreezing-degree-day

Percolation of meltwater through a snowpack

The hydraulics of meltwater percolation through a snowpack is analyzed in some detail. An implicit numerical model is used for determining the meltwater movement. The effect of freezing fronts of the free liquid water in the snowpack is evaluated. It is shown that even after a moderately cold night, it takes several hours of snowmelt before the snowpack again reaches its irreducible liquid content

Redistribution of sediments in three Swedish lakes

Sedimentation and redistribution of fine sediments in three Swedish lakes of different character have been investigated using settling sediment traps. The bottom shear stress from wind generated waves are calculated and the extension of erodable bottom area is related to wind conditions. Wave induced erosion and deposition during and after cessation of storms in different parts of a lake are discu

Lokalt självstyre i Blekinge : Participation och representation i Mörrum och Backaryd ca 1770-1800: en undersökning av den politiska kulturen i två Blekingesocknar.

Uppsatsens huvudsyfte har varit att utröna om det fanns några skillnader ipolitisk kultur mellan de socknar som låg i Blekinge och de socknar som låg ide gammalsvenska delarna av Sverige. Frågan tar sin utgångspunkt i K.H. Johanssons klassiska avhandling om de svenska sockenstämmorna. Han drar slutsatsen att stämmorna var demokratiska institutioner, där alla församlingens medlemmar fick delta och The main aim of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in political culture between the parishes of Blekinge and parishes in the older parts of Sweden. The question has its point of departure in K. H. Johansson's now classic dissertation on the Swedish parish assernbles. He reaches the conclusion that the assemblies were democratic institutions, in which all the members of

Användning av krävande ballastmaterial vid betongtillverkning - En laborativ utvärdering av absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användning av glimmerrik bergkross och återvunnen betong som ballast

Detta examensarbete utvärderar ett absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användningen av krävande ballast vid betongtillverkning. Den huvudsakliga anledningen till att ballasten benämns som krävande är att den har ovanligt hög absorptionsförmåga. Studien undersöker hur betongens egenskaper påverkas av olika halter absorptionshämmare. Dels studerades glimmerrikt bergkrossmaterial, soThis master thesis evaluates an absorption-inhibiting admixture to enable the use of demanding aggregate materials in concrete production. This was achieved by investigating how the properties of concrete were affected by different levels of absorption inhibitor. Firstly, mica-rich aggre-gate material was studied, which, due to its high mica mineral content, has a high water absorption rate that i

Empowering the Taxpayer - How the Charter of Fundamental Rights Helps to Shape an Equitable European VAT System

C-617/10 Åkerberg Fransson is the landmark case of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that dealt with the interpretation and application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Charter). In brief, the case concerned a Swedish national who was accused of tax evasion and faced criminal charges for failing to pay value added tax (VAT) on certain business transaction