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Your search for "*" yielded 532302 hits

Role of gambling in payback failure in consumer credit—data from a large body of material regarding consumer loan recipients in Sweden

Indebtedness is associated with poor health outcomes, and problem gambling may contribute to indebtedness through consumer credits related to gambling expenses. The assessment of consumers’ applications for loans may be an opportunity to detect and prevent further problem gambling. The present study analyzed a number of variables including gambling-related transactions and their association with p

Oviposition pattern and behaviour of the pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera Diprionidae)

The potential role of oviposition deterrents in the egglaying behaviour of Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) females was studied by investigation of natural egg distribution, and by a laboratory study of potential oviposition deterrents. Pine shoots were sampled from different whorls on the sun-exposed and the shaded side of trees. More shoots with eggs from two or more females were found than would

GaN nanowires as probes for high resolution atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopy

GaN nanowires are potential candidates for use in scanning probe microscopy due to their well-defined, reproducible, geometric shapes, their hardness, and their light guiding properties. We have developed and investigated probes for high resolution atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy utilizing GaN nanowires as probes. The nanowires are n-doped and the morphology of the nanowi

Infections Related to the Use of Medical Devices and Changes in the Oropharyngeal Flora

Background: Humans exist in mutualistic balance with a large range of microbiota. Illness and hospitalization can disturb this balance and contribute to hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), which occur most often in critically ill patients. The use of medical devices such as central venous catheters (CVCs) and endotracheal tubes (ETTs) is essential in the care of critically ill patients. At the sa

Control of FtsZ-ring formation and cell division in Streptomyces venezuelae

Cell division is essential for all life forms. In bacteria, this fundamental process is precisely orchestrated by a protein, FtsZ, the ancestral homolog of eukaroytic tubulin. On the onset of division, at the division site, FtsZ assembles into a cytoskeleton structure - the Z ring - that recruits other division proteins and constricts the membrane together with cell wall synthesizing machinery, ev

Den svenska modellen i en oviss tid : Fack, arbetsgivare och kollektivavtal på en föränderlig arbetsmarknad

Den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen bygger på att en hög andel löntagare är med i facket. Därför är facklig organisering inte bara viktig för fackförbunden och för de enskilda medlemmarna, utan också för samhället i stort. Denna skrift är tänkt att utgöra ett referensverk med en stor mängd statistik om facklig organisering på svensk arbetsmarknad och analyser av utvecklingen över tid. Bland annat r

Permeability of the blood-brain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation, continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50 and 200 Hz

The biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) can be studied in sensitive and specific models. In a previous investigation of the permeability of the BBB after exposure to the various EMF -components of proton magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we found that exposure to MRI induced leakage of Evans-blue-labelled proteins which do not normally pass the BBB

Photocatalytic Degradation of Bacteriophages Evidenced by Atomic Force Microscopy

Methods to supply fresh water are becoming increasingly critical as the world population continues to grow. Small-diameter hazardous microbes such as viruses (20-100 nm diameter) can be filtered by size exclusion, but in this approach the filters are fouled. Thus, in our research, we are investigating an approach in which filters will be reusable. When exposed to ultraviolet (UV) illumination, tit

Numerical modeling of ship wave generation using Green’s functions based on linear dispersive wave theory

In this study, an efficient numerical model for predicting ship waves was developed using Green’s functions. Avoiding detailed description of the complex boundary conditions around a ship, this model simply used an inversion technique for estimating the wave source induced by a ship as a function of the navigation route and adjacent measured water level fluctuations. The Green’s functions were det

Linking war, natural resources and public revenues: the case of the War of the Pacific (1879-1883)

We argue that wars over natural resources, even if they are limited in their military scope, can have long-term consequences on the level and composition of public revenues. Military success in a resource war may lead to the annexation of natural resource-rich areas from enemy combatants, which provides the winning coalition with valuable and easy-to-tax sources of income. This, however, might dis

Perfusion weighted MR imaging may differentiate primary CNS-lymphoma from other homogeneously enhancing brain tumors.

Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and metastases may be difficult to differentiate based on conventional imaging alone. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) in differentiating homogeneously enhancing PCNSL from homogeneously enhancing GBM and metastases. Seven consecutive patients presenting with homogen

Ambipolar transport in narrow bandgap semiconductor InSb nanowires

We report on a transport measurement study of top-gated field effect transistors made out of InSb nanowires grown by chemical vapor deposition. The transistors exhibit ambipolar transport characteristics revealed by three distinguished gate-voltage regions: In the middle region where the Fermi level resides within the bandgap, the electrical resistance shows an exponential dependence on temperatur

Intensive Care Unit Delirium, Clinical Observations, and Patients' Statements : A Case Study

BACKGROUND: In clinical practice, nurses use their clinical gaze and make observations in order to assess patients' medical conditions and care needs. However, signs of developing intensive care unit delirium (ICUD) are often difficult to determine, as communication with patients is usually limited because of intubation and the seriousness of their medical condition(s). Usually, ICUD is screened a

Universiteten och de juridiska fakulteterna som remissinstanser

Kraven på beredning av lagstiftning är en central del i det svenska konstitutionella systemet. I ett större perspektiv kan man se dessa krav som ett uttryck för en mer allmän offentligrättslig princip om beredning av beslut. Mot denna bakgrund behandlar artikeln universitetens och de juridiska fakulteternas roll i lagberedningen som remissinstanser. Utifrån författarens erfarenheter lämnas några s

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In recent years, parenting support has gained traction in the Swedish welfare state in both policy and practice. Parenting is seen as determining child outcomes and are thus in need of knowledge and expertise. Yet, at the same time, parents are conceptualised as experts of their own child. The intriguing paradox between parents being experts while at the same time being in need of parenting suppor

CSF levels of synaptosomal-associated protein 25 and synaptotagmin-1 in first-episode psychosis subjects

Post-mortem studies consistently show evidence of reduced synaptic protein levels in patients with schizophrenia. Clinically high-risk subjects show a steeper decrease in grey matter thickness and in vitro modeling using patient-derived cells implicate excessive synaptic pruning during neurodevelopment as a part of the schizophrenia pathophysiology. However, it is unclear to what extent synapse el

Effect of high voltage pulses on survival of Chinese hamster V79 lung fibroblast cells

The objective is to study the effect of high voltage pulses on living cells to find the most effective combination of physical parameters to be used in tumour therapy. Four parameters that affect the cell survival are the pulse shape, electric field strength, pulse length and the number of pulses and their cell killing effect were investigated in this work. High voltage square wave or exponentiall