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Polarisering : Idéhistoriska perspektiv på ett samtida fenomen

Mycket har sagts och skrivits om polarisering men sällan med några historiska tillbakablickar. Ibland kan det nästan framstå som att polarisering är ett helt nytt fenomen.I den här boken vänder åtta idéhistoriker på perspektivet och argumenterar för att företeelsen är lätt att finna även i det förgångna. Skribenterna ger oss inblickar i polariserade situationer och konflikter som

Long-Term Outcome Following Coronary Artery Stenting by History of Preterm Delivery

BackgroundWomen are at a greater risk of a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) after percutaneous coronary intervention than men. A history of preterm delivery is a female-specific risk factor for coronary artery disease, but its relevance in the treatment of coronary artery disease is unknown.ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to analyze the association between a history of preterm del

Physical Demands of Tennis Across the Different Court Surfaces, Performance Levels and Sexes: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis

BackgroundTennis is a multidirectional high-intensity intermittent sport for male and female individuals played across multiple surfaces. Although several studies have attempted to characterise the physical demands of tennis, a meta-analysis is still lacking.ObjectiveWe aimed to describe and synthesise the physical demands of tennis across the different court surfaces, performance levels and sexes

Soft Power

This chapter examines the National Security Strategy and the repositioning of public diplomacy as a tool of national security and prosperity. This includes William Hague’s plans to make the FCO the best diplomatic institution in the world, as well as the series of structural reforms that positioned GREAT as the new oversight board for public diplomacy. It includes a case study of the soft power st

Targeted National Promotion

This chapter examines the change of government in 2010 and the impact of austerity savings. It demonstrates the ways in which limited funding and the opportunities afforded by high-profile events such as the Pope’s visit to the UK, the Royal Wedding and the 2012 Olympics shaped an environment conducive to the creation of the GREAT branding campaign. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the w

Barn i migrationsprocessen

I den här rapporten beskriver vi hur rättstillämpningen, såsom de n framkommer i 100 av Migrationsverkets beslut, 17 av myndighetens akter samt 20 tjänstemäns intervjusvar, stämmer överens med de rättigheter asylsökande barn har enligt barnkonventionen och de tilläggsprotokoll till konventionen som Sverige har ratificerat. Frågeställning en utgår från det uppdrag vi fick av barnrättighetsutredningI den här rapporten beskriver vi hur rättstillämpningen, såsom de n framkommer i 100 av Migrationsverkets beslut, 17 av myndighetens akter samt 20 tjänstemäns intervjusvar, stämmer överens med de rättigheter asylsökande barn har enligt barnkonventionen och de tilläggsprotokoll till konventionen som Sverige har ratificerat. Frågeställning en utgår från det uppdrag vi fick av barnrättighetsutredning

Charge and zeta-potential distribution in starch modified with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) determined using electrical asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (EAF4)

Starch modified with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) is extensively used due to its emulsifying capacity. Modification with OSA renders the starch surface active but also anionic at intermediate pH. The amount of OSA that is grafted to the starch polymer backbone will influence the functionality. Likewise, it can be expected that the distribution of the substituents over the molar mass distributi

Intrång i och reglering av äganderätten till mark : En metod och en studie av markåtkomstregler i Sverige

När bör det vara möjligt att genomföra markåtkomst och hur bör ett sådant system regleras rättsligt? Det är en av de frågor som avhandlingen besvarar.Markåtkomst handlar om vilka möjligheter en aktör har för att inskränka äganderätten till mark. Äganderätt generellt är viktig i samhället, den är nödvändig för att individer ska kunna handla med varandra och en fungerande marknadsekonomi. Mark har sPrivate property rights are a central and important institution in the society. These rights are a prerequisite for individuals to have incentives to invest in their properties, be able to trade with each other, economic growth and more. In some situations, private land ownership may have to be put aside for society to function adequately; since society needs to build housing, infrastructure and o

A Kinetic Map of the Influence of Biomimetic Lipid Model Membranes on Aβ42 Aggregation

The aggregation of the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide is one of the molecular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although Aβ deposits have mostly been observed extracellularly, various studies have also reported the presence of intracellular Aβ assemblies. Because these intracellular Aβ aggregates might play a role in the onset and progression of AD, it is important to investigate their possible origi

European Stabilisation Policy After the COVID-19 Pandemic: More Flexible Integration or More Federalism?

Crises are a major driving force behind cooperation in the European Union. During severe crises, cooperation has been enlarged and intensified. The Ukrainian war and the covid-19 pandemic are two examples of this pattern, not least when it comes to the conduct of stabilization policies in the EU. In this chapter, we discuss the implications for the EU of a move towards increased fiscal federalism.

Experimental test on the performance of a −80 °C cascade refrigeration unit using refrigerants R290-R170 for COVID-19 vaccines storage

With the urgent demand for ultralow-temperature refrigerators worldwide, the operation reliability and stability of the refrigeration system becomes greatly crucial. In this study, a -80 oC ultralow-temperature cascade refrigeration system (CRS) is developed. From aspects of global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP), the environmentally friendly refrigerants R290 and R170

Influences of Predator Cues on the Incidence of Ungulates, Mesopredators and Top Predators in the Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeastern China

Top predators can affect the behaviour of prey species via lethal (direct kill) or non-lethal effects (i.e., through predation risk). For example, prey species may move from areas perceived as risky to safer spaces where predation risk is lower, which can have important consequences for investment in foraging, movement, and mating, and for the behaviour and habitat use of other species, such as me

Nytt prejudikat om tidpunkten för uppkomsten av en förpliktelse att ersätta rättegångskostnader vid tillämpning av medansvarsreglerna i 25 kap. ABL

De senaste åren har det kommit många prejudikat rörande medansvar vid kritisk kapitalbrist i 25 kap. aktiebolagslagen (ABL). I ett nytt prejudikat klargör Högsta domstolen när ett aktiebolags förpliktelse att lämna ersättning för rättegångskostnader ska anses ha uppkommit vid tillämpning av 25 kap. 18 § ABL. Trots den ofta upprepade utgångspunkten att reglernas ändamål är att verka handlingsdirige

Study of the Interfacial Oxidation of InP Quantum Dots Synthesized from Tris(dimethylamino)phosphine

InP quantum dots (QDs) are the most competitive in terms of environmentally friendly QDs. However, the synthesis of InP QDs requires breakthroughs in low-cost and safe phosphorus precursors such as tri(dimethylamino)phosphine [(DMA)3P]. It is found that even if the oxygen is completely avoided, there are still oxidation state defects at the core/shell interface of InP QDs. Herein, the record-break

Long-term residential exposure to source-specific particulate matter and incidence of diabetes mellitus — A cohort study in northern Sweden

Diabetes mellitus (DM) incidence have been assessed in connection with air pollution exposure in several studies; however, few have investigated associations with source-specific local emissions. This study aims to estimate the risk of DM incidence associated with source-specific air pollution in a Swedish cohort with relatively low exposure. Individuals in the Västerbotten intervention programme

Unilateral Choanal Atresia : Indications of Long-Term Olfactory Deficits and Volumetric Brain Changes Postsurgically

BACKGROUND: Very few studies have investigated whether unilateral choanal atresia is associated with permanent olfactory deficits.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the olfactory performance of patients with unilateral choanal atresia postsurgically.METHODS: Three patients with unilateral atresia were examined in terms of olfactory performance with the Sniffin' Sticks test (odor identificatio